Model Kinerja Operasional Industri Kecil Menengah (IKM) Makanan dan Minuman Di Surabaya.

HARIPUTRA, AKBAR and Prof. Dr. Ir. Djoko Koestiono,, MS and Prof. Dr. Ir. Abdul Wahib Muhaimim,, MS and Prof. Dr. Ir. Syafrial,, MS (2023) Model Kinerja Operasional Industri Kecil Menengah (IKM) Makanan dan Minuman Di Surabaya. Doktor thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Tujuan penelitian ini adalah (1) Mendeskripsikan variabel kepemimpinan transformational, kompensasi, pembelajaran organisasi, teknologi informasi, kepercayaan, berbagi pengetahuan, komitmen, dan kinerja operasional. (2) Merumuskan model kinerja operasional IKM makanan dan minuman di Surabaya. (3) Menganalisis pengaruh tidak langsung kepemimpinan transformasional, kompensasi, pembelajaran organisasi, teknologi informasi, dan kepercayaan terhadap kinerja operasional IKM makanan dan minuman melalui berbagi pengetahuan dan komitmen. Penelitian dilakukan di Kota Surabaya Provinsi Jawa Timur. Penentuan lokasi penelitian dilakukan secara purposive, dengan dasar data dari Dinas Perindustrian dan Perdagangan Pemerintahan Provinsi Jawa Timur, 2021, yang menunjukkan bahwa IKM di Surabaya berkontrubisi terbesar dalam perekonomian di Jawa Timur sebesar 283,43 triliun Rupiah. Kriteria IKM menurut kementrian perindustrian adalah yang memiliki omzet pertahun minimal Rp 300 Juta sampai lebih dari 2,5 Miliar dan memilik jumlah karyawan 5 sampai lebih dari 20 Orang. Populasi IKM yang memenuhi kriteria tersebut menurut data dinas perindustrian dan perdagangan di Surabaya tahun 2021 berjumlah 267. Metode penentuan sampling menggunakan purposive sampling. Sampel penelitian ini diambil dari 267 populasi IKM makanan dan minuman di Surabaya adalah yang mempunyai minimal 10 karyawan di tingkat manajerial dan mempunyai omzet pertahun minimal Rp 300 Juta sampai lebih dari 2,5 Miliar. Dari 267 populasi tersebut yang mempunyai ciri-ciri tersebut berjumlah 160 IKM makanan dan minuman. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data primer dengan menyebarkan koesioner kepada pemilik IKM makanan dan minuman di Surabaya. Tujuan Penelitian yang pertama menggunakan analisis deskriptif dan jenis pengukuran yang digunakan adalah skala likert dengan skor 1-5. Tujuan penelitian kedua dan ketiga menggunakan analisa multivariate khususnya Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), dengan membuat model persamaan struktural yang digunakan untuk menjelaskan pengaruh antar variabel, serta menggunakan metode perhitungan sobel test. Uji Sobel digunakan untuk menguji kekuatan dari pengaruh tidak langsung variabel independen ke variabel dependen melalui variabel mediasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan semua variabel (kepemimpinan transformational, kompensasi, pembelajaran organisasi, teknologi informasi, kepercayaan, berbagi pengetahuan, komitmen, dan kinerja operasional) dipersepsi baik oleh responden dengan nilai rata-rata setiap indikator diatas 3. Dari hasil tersebut dinyatakan bahwa semua variabel harus diperhatikan oleh IKM untuk meningkatkan kinerja operasional IKM makanan dan minuman. Berdasarkan Uji Sobel dari hasil Analisis SEM dapat dinyatakan bahwa berbagi pengetahuan dan komitmen memediasi dalam hubungan kepemimpinan transformational terhadap kinerja operasional IKM makanan dan minuman. Berbagi pengetahuan memediasi dalam hubungan kompensasi terhadap kinerja` viii operasional IKM makanan dan minuman. Namun komitmen tidak memediasi hubungan antara kompensasi terhadap kinerja operasional IKM makanan dan minuman. Berbagi pengetahuan dan komitmen memediasi dalam hubungan pembelajaran organisasi terhadap kinerja operasional IKM makanan dan minuman. Berbagi pengetahuan dan komitmen memediasi dalam hubungan teknologi informasi terhadap kinerja operasional IKM makanan dan minuman. Berbagi pengetahuan dan komitmen memediasi dalam hubungan kepercayaan terhadap kinerja operasional IKM makanan dan minuman.

English Abstract

The objectives of this research are as follows: (1) Describe the variables of transformational leadership, compensation, organizational learning, information technology, trust, knowledge sharing, commitment, and operational performance. (2) Formulate the operational performance model of food and beverage SMEs in Surabaya. (3) Analyze the indirect effects of transformational leadership, compensation, organizational learning, information technology, and trust on the operational performance of food and beverage SMEs through knowledge sharing and commitment. This research is conducted in Surabaya City, East Java Province. The determination of the research location is carried out purposively on the basis of data from the East Java Provincial Government Industry and Trade Office, 2021, which stated that SMEs in Surabaya had the largest contribution to the economy in East Java, amounting to IDR 283.43 trillion. The criteria for SMEs according to the Ministry of Industry are have a minimum annual turnover of IDR 300 million to more than 2.5 billion and have a number of employees from 5 to more than 20 people. In 2021, based on data by the Ministry of Industry, there are 267 population of SME’s that have those criteria. The sampling method of this research is purposive sampling which is taken from 267 population of food and beverage SME in Surabaya, those have at least 10 employees at the managerial level and have an annual turnover of at least IDR 300 million to more than 2.5 billion. Out of 267, only 160 Food and Beverage SME’s have these criteria. The data used in this research is primary data by distributing questionnaires to food and beverage SME’s owners in Surabaya. The first objective of this research is descriptive analysis and the type of measurement is used Likert scale with a score of 1-5. The second and third objective of this research use multivariate analysis, especially Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), by creating a structural equation model that is used to explain the influence between variables, and using the sobel test calculation method. The Sobel test is used to test the strength of the independent variable's indirect influence on the dependent variable through mediating variables. The results shows that all variables (transformational leadership, compensation, organizational learning, information technology, trust, knowledge sharing, commitment, and operational performance) are well perceived by respondents with an average value of each indicator above 3. From these results it’s stated that all variables must be considered by SMEs to increase the operational performance of its. Based on the Sobel test from the results of the SEM analysis, it can be stated that knowledge sharing and commitment mediate the relationship between transformational leadership and the operational performance of food and beverage SMEs. Knowledge sharing mediates the relationship of compensation to the operational performance of food and beverage SMEs. However, commitment does` x not mediate the relationship between compensation and the operational performance of food and beverage SMEs Knowledge sharing and commitment to mediate in the relationship between organizational learning and the operational performance of food and beverage SMEs. Knowledge sharing and commitment to mediate in the relationship between information technology and the operational performance of food and beverage SMEs. Knowledge sharing and commitment to mediate in the relationship of trust in the operational performance of food and beverage SMEs

Item Type: Thesis (Doktor)
Identification Number: 062304
Divisions: S2/S3 > Doktor Teknik Industri Pertanian, Fakultas Pertanian
Depositing User: Unnamed user with username chikyta
Date Deposited: 10 Jan 2024 01:43
Last Modified: 10 Jan 2024 01:43
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