Pengaruh Pemberian Bakteri Pelarut Fosfat Dan Pupuk P Terhadap Hasil Tanaman Kedelai (Glycine max L) Di Alfisol.

Mutiara Annisa, Mifta and Dr. Ir. Yulia Nuraini, MS. and Nurul Istiqomah, SP., MP. (2023) Pengaruh Pemberian Bakteri Pelarut Fosfat Dan Pupuk P Terhadap Hasil Tanaman Kedelai (Glycine max L) Di Alfisol. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Kedelai merupakan salah satu komoditas utama tanaman pangan di Indonesia. Konsumsi rata-rata kedelai Indonesia pada tahun 2015-2020 sebesar 2.9 juta ton. Namun produksi kedelai rata-rata pada tahun 2015-2020 hanya mampu memperoleh hasil produksi di kisaran rata-rata 674,843 ton. Tanah Alfisol merupakan salah satu ordo tanah yang banyak digunakan sebagai tanah pertanian di Indonesia. Ketersediaan unsur P pada tanah alfisol merupakan kendala bagi pertumbuhan tanaman. Unsur hara P di tanah tersedia cukup besar, namun tidak dalam bentuk p tersedia sehingga tidak bisa dimanfaatkan tanaman. Salah satu upaya untuk meningkatkan ketersediaan P dalam tanah adalah efisiensi pemupukan P dengan penambahan bakteri pelarut fosfat (BPF) Pseudomonas sp. yang dapat melarutkan P yang ada dalam bentuk tidak tersedia menjadi tersedia bagi tanaman melalui proses pelarutan dan mineralisasi. Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian bakteri pelarut fosfat dan pupuk SP-36 dalam meningkatkan P tersedia dalam tanah dan hasil tanaman kedelai. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Agustus 2020 - Maret 2021. Penelitian dilakukan di dua tempat, yaitu greenhouse Balai Pengkajian Teknologi Pertanian (BPTP) Jawa Timur, Laboratorium Kimia dan Biologi Tanah Jurusan Tanah, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Brawijaya – Malang. Penelitian menggunakan tanah Alfisol yang diberi 9 perlakuan dan 3 ulangan, perlakuan yang digunakan M0 (Kontrol), M1 (bakteri pelarut fosfat), M2 (pupuk SP-36), M3 (BPF+25% pupuk SP36), M4 (BPF+50% pupuk SP36, M5 (BPF+ 75% pupuk SP-36), M6 (BPF+100% pupuk SP-36), M7 (BPF+125% pupuk SP-36), dan M8 (BPF+150% pupuk SP-36). Dosis BPF yang di berikan pada tiap perlakuan sebanyak 15 ml/tanaman dengan kepadatan 106 CFU ml-1. Parameter pengamatan pada penelitian ini adalah pH, C-organik, P total, P tersedia, populasi bakteri pelarut fosfat, tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun, serapan P tanaman, waktu pembungaan, jumlah polong, berat polong, bobot 100 biji, dan berat kering. Data yang didapat akan diuji menggunakan ANOVA (Analysis of Variance). Apabila berpengaruh nyata maka akan dilakukan uji lanjut dengan menggunakan Duncan’s Multiple Range Test (DMRT 5%). Kemudian dilanjutkan dengan uji korelasi untuk mengetahui hubungan antar parameter pengamatan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pengaruh pemberian bakteri fosfat dan pupuk P memberikan pengaruh nyata terhadap jumlah P tersedia dalam tanah. Hasil perlakuan M8 (BPF+150% pupuk SP-36) memiliki nilai P tersedia tertinggi sebesar 10,03 ppm. Sedangkan pengaruh pemberian BPF dan pupuk SP-36 tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap populasi bakteri pelarut tanah. Untuk pengaruh pemberian bakteri pelarut fosfat dan pupuk SP-36 terhadap hasil tanaman kedelai berpengaruh nyata pada parameter jumlah polong, bobot polong, bobot 100 biji dan berat kering tanaman. Hasil jumlah polong tertinggi terdapat pada perlakuan M6 (BPF+100% pupuk SP-36) dengan rata-rata sebesar 102,67 dan M8 (BPF+150% pupuk SP-36) dengan rata-rata sebesar 102,67. Hasil bobot polong tertinggi terdapat pada perlakuan M6 (BPF+100% pupuk SP-36) dengan rata-rata sebesar 77.77g. Hasil bobot 100 biji tertinggi terdapat pada perlakuan M3 (BPF+25% pupuk SP36) dengan rata-rata sebesar 50,27g. Hasil berat kering tanaman tertinggi M6 (BPF+100% pupuk SP-36) dengan rata-rata sebesar 17,53g. Data hasil analisis hubungan perlakuan penambahan bakteri pelarut fosfat dan pupuk SP-36 terhadap analisis biologi kimia dan hasil tanaman didapat korelasi hubungan sangat kuat pada serapan P tanaman dengan P tersedia yaitu r=0,99, Corganik dengan serapan P tanaman (r=0,98) dan P total dengan serapan P tanaman (r=0,97)

English Abstract

Soybean is one of the main food crop commodities in Indonesia. The average consumption of Indonesian soybeans in 2015-2020 is 2.9 million tons. While the average soybean production in 2015-2020 was only able to obtain production results in the average range of 674,843 tons. Alfisol is one of the soil orders that is widely used as agricultural land in Indonesia. However, the availability of P elements in alfisol soil is an obstacle to plant growth. P nutrients in the soil are available quite large, but not in the form of availability so it cannot be utilized by plants. One of the efforts to increase the availability of P in the soil is the efficiency of P fertilization with addition of phosphate solubilizing bacteria (PSB) Pseudomonas sp. that can dissolve P that exists in an unavailable form to become available to plants through the process of dissolution and mineralization. This study aimed to determine the effect of phosphate solubilizing bacteria and SP-36 fertilizer in increasing available P in soil and soybean yield. The research was conducted in August 2020 - March 2021, and take in two places, the greenhouse of the East Java Agricultural Technology Assessment Center (BPTP), Soil Chemistry and Biology Laboratory, Department of Soil, Faculty of Agriculture, Brawijaya University - Malang. The study used Alfisol soil which was given 9 treatments and 3 replications, the following treatments were M0 (Control), M1 (phosphate solubilizing bacteria), M2 (SP-36 fertilizer), M3 (PSB + 25% SP36 fertilizer), M4 (PSB + 50% SP36 fertilizer, M5 (PSB + 75% SP-36 fertilizer), M6 (PSB + 100% SP-36 fertilizer), M7 (PSB + 125% SP- 36 fertilizer), and M8 (PSB + 150% SP-36 fertilizer). The dose of PSB given in each treatment was 15 ml/plant with a density of 106 CFU/ml. The observation parameters in this study were pH, C-organic, total P, available P, phosphate solubilizing bacteria population, plant height, number of leaves, P plant uptake, flowering time, number of pods, pods weight, 100 seed weight, and dry weight. The data obtained will be tested using ANOVA (Analysis of Variance). If there is a significant effect, further tests will be carried out using Duncan's Multiple Range Test (DMRT 5%). Then proceed with the correlation test to determine the relationship between observation parameters. The results showed that the effect of phosphate bacteria and P fertilizer gave a significant effect on the amount of P availability in the soil. The results of treatment M8, the addition of PSB and 150% SP-36 fertilizer, had the highest available P value of 10.03 ppm. While the effect of PSB and SP-36 fertilizer did not significantly affect the population of soil solubilizing bacteria. For the effect of phosphate solubilizing bacteria and SP-36 fertilizer on soybean yield, the effect was significant on the parameters of number of pods, pod weight, 100 seed weight and plant dry weight. The highest pod number results were found in the M6 treatment (PSB + 100% SP-36 fertilizer) with an average of 102.67 and M8 (PSB + 150% SP-36 fertilizer) with an average of 102.67. The highest pods weight results were found in the M6 treatment (PSB + 100% SP-36 fertilizer) with an average of 77.77g. The highest 100 seed weight results were found in the M3 treatment (PSB + 25% SP36 fertilizer) with an average of 50.27g. The highest plant dry weight result was M6 (PSB + 100% SP-36 fertilizer) with an average of 17.53g. Data from the analysis of the relationship between the treatment of the addition of phosphate solubilizing bacteria and SP-36 fertilizer on chemical biological analysis and plant yields obtained a very strong correlation relationship on P plant uptake and available P, r = 1.00. There is a very strong correlation relationship on c-organic and P plant uptake r=0.98.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 052304
Uncontrolled Keywords: Bakteri Pelarut Fosfat, Pupuk P, Tanaman Kedelai, Alfisol
Divisions: Fakultas Pertanian > Ilmu Tanah
Depositing User: Unnamed user with username ismiatun
Date Deposited: 10 Jan 2024 01:03
Last Modified: 10 Jan 2024 01:03
Restricted to Registered users only until 31 December 2025.

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