Maheswara Rasendriya Prabawa. 195100300111028. Mitigasi Risiko Kehalalan dan Keamanan Produksi Keju Mozzarella menggunakan Metode House of Risk (HOR) (Studi Kasus di CV. NFC, Kota Batu).

Prabawa, Maheswara Rasendriya (2023) Maheswara Rasendriya Prabawa. 195100300111028. Mitigasi Risiko Kehalalan dan Keamanan Produksi Keju Mozzarella menggunakan Metode House of Risk (HOR) (Studi Kasus di CV. NFC, Kota Batu). Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Susu merupakan produk hasil ternak yang sangat penting bagi kehidupan karena terdapat banyak manfaat serta gizi yang dibutuhkan manusia. Salah satu produk turunan susu yang digemari dan digunakan sebagai bahan tambahan pangan yaitu keju. Keju mengandung banyak kalsium dan protein penting yang baik bagi kesehatan tubuh. Salah satu perusahaan pengolah susu menjadi keju Mozzarella yaitu CV. NFC. Beberapa risiko dapat mengganggu status kehalalan dan keamanan produk diantaranya meliputi bahaya fisik, kimia, dan biologi serta risiko kehalalan berupa haram dan najis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kejadian risiko dan sumber risiko, menganalisis korelasi kejadian dan sumber risiko, dan memberikan usulan mitigasi risiko kehalalan dan keamanan produksi. Metode House of Risk (HOR) digunakan dalam penelitian ini berfokus pada tindakan preventif untuk mengurangi kemungkinan terjadi agen risiko dengan mengidentifikasi kejadian risiko. Satu agen risiko berpotensi menyebabkan beberapa kejadian risiko. Model ini hanya dapat menetapkan probabilitas kepada agen risiko dan tingkat keparahan risiko. Penerapan metode HOR dilakukan berdasar dua fase, yaitu fase 1 dan fase 2. HOR fase 1 berguna dalam mengidentifikasi dan menganalisis risiko, sedang HOR fase 2 berfokus pada pemberian aksi mitigasi risiko. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat 29 risk event, 24 risk agent, dan 8 preventive action. Diperoleh tiga risk agent prioritas, yaitu supplier tidak menerapkan sanitasi dan higieni yang baik (A3), adonan keju yang telah jatuh ke lantai kemudian diambil kembali (A16), dan tidak ada proses pasteurisasi susu (A20). Ditetapkan 3 prioritas usulan strategi mitigasi, yaitu membuat SOP proses produksi yang mempertimbangkan keamanan produk (PA4), menanamkan komitmen karyawan dengan melaksanakan pelatihan keamanan pangan (PA5), dan supervisor produksi melakukan pengawasan pada proses mixing (PA6). Ketiga usulan tersebut diberikan untuk mencegah risk agent adonan keju yang jatuh ke lantai diambil kembali (A16).

English Abstract

Milk is a livestock product that is very important for life because there are many benefits and nutrients that humans need. One of the popular dairy products used as a food additive is cheese. Cheese contains lots of important calcium and protein which are good for the health of the body. One company that processes milk into Mozzarella cheese, namely CV. NFC. CV. NFC is committed to prioritizing product quality that is oriented towards fulfilling consumer needs, one of which is halal food assurance. The main activity that determines the product remains halal and safe is the production process. Production activities in this business start from material procurement, preparation, cooking, packaging, and storage. Several risks can interfere with the halal status and product safety, including the production facilities that are not standardized, the unclear status of halal raw materials, the potential for unclean contamination, and the use of food additives. These risks generally include physical, chemical and biological hazards as well as halal risks in the form of unclean and unclean. This study aims to analyze risk events and risk sources, analyze the correlation of risk events and sources, and provide recommendations for mitigating halal and production safety risks. The House of Risk (HOR) method is used in this study which focuses on preventive actions to reduce the possibility of risk agents occurring by identifying risk events. One risk agent has the potential to cause several risk events. This model can only assign probabilities to risk agents and risk severity levels. The application of the HOR method is carried out based on two phases, namely phase 1 and phase 2. HOR phase 1 is useful in identifying and analyzing risks, while HOR phase 2 focuses on providing risk mitigation actions. The results showed that there were 29 risk events, 24 risk agents, and 8 preventive actions. Three priority risk agents were obtained, namely the supplier did not apply good sanitation and hygiene (A3), the cheese mixture that had fallen to the floor was then taken back (A16), and there was no pasteurization of milk (A20). 3 priority mitigation strategy proposals were determined, namely making production process SOPs that consider product safety (PA4), instilling employee commitment by carrying out food safety training (PA5), and production supervisors supervising the mixing process (PA6). These three suggestions are given to prevent the risk agent of the cheese mixture that has fallen to the floor from being retrieved (A16).

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 052310
Uncontrolled Keywords: Halal, House of Risk, keamanan pangan, keju Mozzarella, manajemen risiko, mitigasi risiko, proses produksi Halal, House of Risk, food safety, Mozzarella cheese, risk management, risk mitigation, production proces
Divisions: Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian > Teknologi Industri Pertanian
Depositing User: Unnamed user with username verry
Date Deposited: 09 Jan 2024 07:30
Last Modified: 09 Jan 2024 07:30
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