Vista Putri Rinady, Maydella and Cahyo Prayogo,, S.P., M.P., Ph.D., and Prof. I Made Sudiana,, M.Sc., (2020) Pengaruh Pemberian Kalsium (Ca) dan Inokulasi Mikoriza Pada Pertumbuhan Tanaman Sorgum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench). Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Tanah ultisol termasuk dalam kelompok tanah yang mudah mengalami degradasi lahan. Apabila tanah jenis ini tidak mendapatkan pengelolaan yang baik maka akan beralih fungsi menjadi lahan marginal atau kritis. Tanah ultisol mempunyai sifat antara lain rendahnya unsur hara makro maupun mikro, jumlah kation-kation yang dapat ditukar seperti Ca dan Mg serta bahan organik yang rendah. Tanaman sorgum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) memiliki potensi besar untuk dikembangkan di Indonesia karena tanaman ini mampu toleran dengan kekeringan, genangan air dan lahan marginal serta relatif dengan gangguan hama atau penyakit. Pengelolaan tanah ultisol dengan mengkombinasikan kapur sebagai penambah kalsium (Ca), penambahan mikoriza dengan kompos dan pupuk NPK. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengevaluasi pengaruh pemberian kapur sebagai penambah kalsium (Ca) dan inokulasi mikoriza terhadap pertumbuhan dan infeksi mikoriza akar tanaman sorgum. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Laboratorium Mikrobiologi Lingkungan dan Halaman Rumah Kaca Gedung InaCC Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI), Bogor pada bulan Desember 2019 hingga Maret 2020. Penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) dengan perlakuan pemberian kompos 300 gram/pot, propagul mikoriza 100 gram/pot, pupuk NPK sesuai dosis, kapur 100 gram/1L/pot sebanyak 3 ulangan. Kombinasi perlakuan antara lain K0P0M0L0 (kontrol); K0P0M0L1 (tanah + kapur); K1P0M0L0 (tanah + kompos + tanpa mikoriza); K1P0M0L1 (tanah + kompos + tanpa mikoriza + kapur); K0P1M0L0 (tanah + pupuk NPK + tanpa mikoriza); K0P1M0L1 (tanah + pupuk NPK + tanpa mikoriza + kapur); K1P1M0L0 ( tanah + kompos + pupuk NPK + tanpa mikoriza); K1P1M0L1 (tanah + kompos + pupuk NPK + tanpa mikoriza); K0P0M1L0 (tanah + mikoriza); K0P0M1L1 (tanah + mikoriza + kapur); K1P0M1L0 (tanah + kompos + mikoriza); K1P0M1L1 (tanah + kompos + mikoriza + kapur); K0P1M1L0 (tanah + pupuk NPK + mikoriza); K0P1M1L1 (tanah + pupuk NPK + mikoriza + kapur); K1P1M1L0 ( tanah + kompos + pupuk NPK + mikoriza) dan K1P1M1L1 (tanah + kompos + pupuk NPK + mikoriza + kapur). Parameter yang diamati meliputi tinggi dan jumlah daun tanaman, biomassa tanaman, kadar gula, kolonisasi infeksi mikoriza, uji fluorescein diacetate (FDA), enzim fosfatase, kandungan C-organik, ketersediaan P dan pH tanah. Analisa data menggunakan Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) dengan uji lanjut BNT 5%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kombinasi tanah + kompos + pupuk NPK + mikoriza + kapur (K1P1M1L1) memiliki rata-rata persentase pertumbuhan sorgum 1491,3% dan kolonisasi mikoriza 86,67% serta didukung dari segi aktivitas fluorescein diacetate (FDA), kandungan C-organik, ketersediaan P tanah dan enzim fosfatase yang mempunyai nilai tertinggi daripada kombinasi perlakuan lainnya. Adanya penambahan kompos, pupuk NPK, kapur dan bantuan dari mikoriza pertumbuhan sorgum lebih optimal karena unsur hara makro seperti N, P dan K lebih tersedia di dalam tanah dan dapat diserap oleh akar dengan baik.
English Abstract
Ultisol soil is included in the group of soils that are prone to land degradation. If this type of land does not get good management, it will switch to marginal or critical land. Ultisol soils have properties such as low macro and micro nutrients, low exchangeable cations such as Ca and Mg and low organic matter. Sorghum plant (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) has great potential to be developed in Indonesia because this plant is able to tolerate drought, waterlogging and marginal land as well as relative to pest or disease disorders. Ultisol soil management by combining lime as an calcium enhancer (Ca), adding mycorrhizae with compost and NPK fertilizer. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of lime as calcium enhancer (Ca) and mycorrhizal inoculation on the growth and infection of sorghum root mycorrhizae. The research was conducted at the Environmental Microbiology Laboratory and the Greenhouse Yard of the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) Building, Bogor in December 2019 to March 2020. The research used a Randomized Block Design (RBD) with the treatment of 300 gram/pot compost, mycorrhizal propagules 100 grams/pot, NPK fertilizer according to dosage, lime 100 gram/1L/pot for 3 replications. The combination of treatments include K0P0M0L0 (control); K0P0M0L1 (soil + lime); K1P0M0L0 (soil + compost + without mycorrhiza); K1P0M0L1 (soil + compost + without mycorrhiza + lime); K0P1M0L0 (soil + NPK fertilizer + without mycorrhizae); K0P1M0L1 (soil + NPK fertilizer + without mycorrhizae + lime); K1P1M0L0 (soil + compost + NPK fertilizer + without mycorrhizae); K1P1M0L1 (soil + compost + NPK fertilizer + without mycorrhiza + lime); K0P0M1L0 (soil + mycorrhizae); K0P0M1L1 (soil + mycorrhizae + lime); K1P0M1L0 (soil + compost + mycorrhizae); K1P0M1L1 (soil + compost + mycorrhiza + lime); K0P1M1L0 (soil + NPK fertilizer + mycorrhizal); K0P1M1L1 (soil + NPK fertilizer + mycorrhizal + lime); K1P1M1L0 (soil + compost + NPK fertilizer + mycorrhiza) and K1P1M1L1 (soil + compost + NPK fertilizer + mycorrhiza + lime). The parameters observed included height and number of plant leaves, plant biomass, sugar content, colonization of mycorrhizal infection, fluorescein diacetate (FDA) test, phosphatase enzyme, organic C content, P availability and soil pH. Data analysis uses Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) with a further test of BNT 5%. The results showed that the combination of soil + compost + NPK fertilizer + mycorrhizal + calcium (K1P1M1L1) had an average percentage of sorghum growth of 1491.3% and mycorrhizal colonization of 86.67% and supported in terms of fluorescein diacetate (FDA) activity, C- content organic, the availability of soil P and phosphatase enzymes which have the highest value compared to other treatment combinations. The addition of compost, NPK fertilizer, lime and help from mycorrhizae sorghum growth is more optimal because macro nutrients such as N, P and K are more available in the soil and can be absorbed by the roots properly.
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Identification Number: | 052304 |
Divisions: | Fakultas Pertanian > Ilmu Tanah |
Depositing User: | Unnamed user with username ismiatun |
Date Deposited: | 09 Jan 2024 07:18 |
Last Modified: | 11 Oct 2024 03:28 |
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