Perbedaan Manajemen Pemberian Pakan Konsentrat SG 801 Terhadap Respon Sapi Potong Di Desa Beji dan Desa Kucur Provinsi Jawa Timur

Fadilanda, Akmal and Prof. Ir. Hendrawan Soetanto, M. Rur. Sc.Ph.D, (2023) Perbedaan Manajemen Pemberian Pakan Konsentrat SG 801 Terhadap Respon Sapi Potong Di Desa Beji dan Desa Kucur Provinsi Jawa Timur. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji kualitas pakan konsentrat SG 801 yang diproduksi oleh PT. Sreeya Sewu untuk sapi potong dan dilakukan di dua desa yaitu Desa Kucur dan Desa Beji. Delapan belas ekor sapi potong persilangan campuran mempunyai bobot rata-rata 359,11 ± 82,48 di Desa Kucur dan 433,44 ± 113,6 di Desa Beji. Sapi potong dibagi rata di dua lokasi tersebut dan pengamatan berlangsung selama 90 hari. Sapi yang berlokasi di Desa Kucur diberikan konsentrat SG 801 sesuai anjuran PT. Sreeya Sewu. Konsumsi BK di kedua lokasi ini tidak sama, di Desa Kucur di uji dengan pemberian Konsumsi BK sebanyak 2,5% dari bobot badan. Sementara peternak di Desa Beji diberikan uji coba konsumsi BK sebanyak 2% dari bobot badan sesuai dengan kebiasaan peternak di Desa Beji memberikan pakan kepada ternaknya. Oleh karena itu, setiap lokasi penelitian menerima pakan yang berbeda, namun di beri konsentrat yang sama. Perbedaan performans di uji dengan uji-t, hasil menunjukkan bahwa Desa Kucur mempunyai hasil yang lebih baik dibandingkan Desa Beji. Berdasarkan rata-rata Pertambahan Bobot Badan Harian Desa Kucur menunjukkan angka 1,14kg sedangkan Desa Beji 0,71kg, untuk hasil Income Overfeed Cost sebesar 21,92 untuk Desa Kucur dan Desi Beji sebesar-12,43.

English Abstract

This research aimed at evaluating the quality of SG 801 Concentrate feed produced by PT. Sreeya Sewu for beef cattle and carried out at two villages, namely, Kucur and Beji. Eighteen bulls of mixed crossbred beef cattle weighing on average 359,11 ± 82,48 in Kucur and 433,44 ± 113,6 in Beji. The bulls were devided equally and the observation lasted for 90 days. Those at Kucur and Beji were given respectively, SG 801 concentrate according to the factory recommendation, that is 2,5%, and according to the common practise by the farmers, that is 2 % DMI of their body weight. The differences in performance were subjected to T-test analysis. The results showed that beef cattle at Kucur village grew more body weight, that is 1.14 kg/head/day as compared with those at Beji village, that is 0.71 kg/head/day. Additionally, the Income Over Feed Cost at Kucur village was 21.92 compared with -12.43 at Beji village indicating that the use of SG 801 concentrate for beef cattle reared by the smallholder beef cattle farmers was more profitable and it therefore is warranted to be implented for beef cattle feeding management.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 052305
Uncontrolled Keywords: Intake, Body Condition Score, Income over feed cost
Divisions: Fakultas Peternakan > Peternakan
Depositing User: Budi Wahyono Wahyono
Date Deposited: 09 Jan 2024 01:56
Last Modified: 09 Jan 2024 01:56
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