AWALIYAH, LITA (2023) engaruh Pemberian Pupuk Organik Spirulina pIatensis Dan Pupuk NPK terhadap Pertumbuhan Dan HasiI Produksi Kangkung Darat (Ipomea reptans Poir). Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Kangkung menjadi salah satu jenis sayuran yang digemari oleh masyarakat di Indonesia, terjadi peningkatan produksi tanaman kangkung. Penggunaan pupuk anorganik memiliki dampak negatif bagi lingkungan sehingga perlu dipadukan dengan penggunaan pupuk organik. Mikroalga S. pIatensis memiliki potensi untuk dijadikan sebagai pupuk organik. PeneIitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui potensi S. pIatensis sebagai pupuk organik, interaksi antara pupuk organik S. pIatensis dan pupuk NPK Mutiara 16:16:16 terhadap tumbuhan kangkung darat, dan respon tumbuhan kangkung terhadap pemberian jenis pupuk yang berbeda. PeneIitian ini dilakukan dengan metode RAL. Pemupukan dilakukan sebanyak 3 g/kg tanah pada setiap perIakuan. PerIakuan tersebut diantaranya benih kangkung tanpa pemberian pupuk, pemberian pupuk NPK Mutiara 16:16:16, pemberian pupuk organik S. pIatensis, pemberian pupuk organik S. pIatensis dan pupuk NPK Mutiara 16:16:16 dengan perbandingan 1,5 g per jenis pupuk. Didapatkan keempat perIakuan memiliki beda nyata (p-value≤0,05) dan pemberian pupuk organik S. pIatensis dan pupuk NPK Mutiara 16:16:16 merupakan perIakuan terbaik. Pada pengamatan ke- 30 HST menghasiIkan rata-rata tinggi tanaman 32,33 cm, jumlah daun 42,5 helai, diameter batang 0,86 cm, berat basah 30,33 g, berat kering 3,06 g, kadar air 89,95%. Dapat diambil kesimpulan bahwa S. pIatensis powder berpotensi dijadikan sebagai pupuk organik dan terdapat interaksi antara penggunaan pupuk organik dan pupuk organik sehingga dapat meningkatkan produktivitas pertumbuhan tanaman kangkung.
English Abstract
Kangkung is one of the most kind favorite vegetable for an Indonesian people, there has been an increase in the production of kale plants. The use of inorganic fertilizers has a negative impact on the environment, so it needs to be combined with the use of organic fertilizers. Microalgae S. platensis has the potential to be used as organic fertilizer. This study aims to determine the potential of S. pIatensis as organic fertilizer, the interaction between S. pIatensis organic fertilizer and NPK Mutiara 16:16:16 fertilizer on land kale plants, and the response of kale plants to the application of different types of fertilizers. This research was conducted using the RAL method. Fertilization was done as much as 3 g/kg of soil in each treatment. These treatments included water spinach seeds without applying fertilizer, applying NPK Mutiara fertilizer 16:16:16, applying organic fertilizer S. pIatensis, applying organic fertilizer S. pIatensis and NPK Mutiara fertilizer 16:16:16 with a ratio of 1.5 g per type of fertilizer. It was found that the four treatments had significant differences (pvalue≤0.05) and the application of organic fertilizer S. pIatensis and NPK Mutiara 16:16:16 was the best treatment. At the 30th HST observation, the average plant height was 32.33 cm, the number of leaves was 42.5, the stem diameter was 0.86 cm, the wet weight was 30.33 g, the dry weight was 3.06 g, the moisture content was 89.95 %. It can be concluded that S. pIatensis powder has the potential to be used as organic fertilizer and there is an interaction between the use of organic fertilizer and organic fertilizer so that it can increase the productivity of kale plant growth.
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Identification Number: | 052310 |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Kangkung, NPK Mutiara, Pupuk, S. pIatensis |
Divisions: | Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian > Teknologi Hasil Pertanian |
Depositing User: | Unnamed user with username verry |
Date Deposited: | 08 Jan 2024 07:53 |
Last Modified: | 08 Jan 2024 07:53 |
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