Heratiana, Yesika Yolanda and Dr. Asus Maizar Suryanto Hertika,, S.Pi, MP (2023) Profil Darah dan Mikronuklei Pada Ikan Wader Cakul (Puntius binotatus) dari Wilayah Ekowisata Boon Pring, Kecamatan Turen, Kabupaten Malang, Jawa Timur. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Boon Pring merupakan wilayah ekowisata konservasi yang terletak di Desa Sanankerto, Kecamatan Turen, Kabupaten Malang, Jawa Timur. Ikan wader cakul (Puntius binotatus) merupakan salah satu jenis ikan wader yang ada pada Waduk Boon Pring. Penelitian ini bertujuan analisis profil darah ikan wader cakul dan kualitas air di Ekowisata Boon Pring dan mengetahui hubungan antara kualitas air dengan kesehatan ikan melalui profil darahnya mengunakan metode Canocal Correspondence Analysis (CCA). Manfaat dari penelitian ini yaitu dapat dijadikan penetapan dasar-dasar kegiatan manajemen. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif dengan teknik survei atau investigasi. Penelitian ini dilakukan di 2 lokasi yaitu Waduk Ekowisata dan Waduk Konservasi. Sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Ikan Wader Cakul. Sampel yang diambil dikedua lokasi adalah tiga ekor ikan wader cakul yang dilakukan dua kali sampling dengan jarak waktu 2 minggu yang ditangkap menggunakan pancing. Profil darah ikan yang diambil ada eritrosit, leukosit, diferensial leukosit, haemoglobin, hematokrit dan mikronuklei. Kualitas air yang diukur dalam penelitian ini antara lain parameter suhu, TSS, TDS, pH, DO, BOD, dan Amoniak. Pengukuran kualitas air dilakukan pada pagi hari yang diukur dua kali sampling dengan jarak waktu 2 minggu bersamaan dengan pengamatan profil darah. Hasil pengamatan Profil darah Ikan Wader Cakul dalam kondisi sehat dan normal. Rata-rata jumlah eritrosit 2.701.500 sel/mm3, leukosit 64.308 sel/mm3, limfosit 75%, monosit 1%, neutrofil 3%, hemaglobin 9 g/dL, hematokrit 23%, dan mikronuklei 9 sel/1000. Hasil yang diperoleh setelah melakukan pengukuran kualitas air selama dua kali sampling di kedua Lokasi adalah suhu didapatkan hasil berkisar antara 21,7–27oC, TDS 111-145 mg/l, TSS 2-4 mg/l, pH 6-6,7, DO 8–10,1 mg/l, BOD 0,44-0,98 mg/l, Amoniak 0,026-0,075 mg/l. Kedua lokasi tergolong kodisi baik atau normal berdasarkan PP Nomor 22 Tahun 2021 baku mutu kelas II. Hasil uji CCA yang semua kualitas air dengan kondisi tinggi mempengaruhi eritrosit. Leukosit di pengaruhi oleh DO yang rendah, suhu, TDS, TSS, BOD, pH, dan amoniak yang tinggi. Limfosit dipengaruhi oleh DO yang tinggi, TSS, amoniak, pH, suhu, BOD dan TDS sedang ke rendah. Jumlah monosit, neutrofil, hemaglobin dan hematokrit ikan dipengaruhi oleh TDS, BOD, suhu, ph dan amoniak yang tinggi, DO dan TSS yang sedang ke rendah. Jumlah mikronuklei di pengaruhi TSS, DO, amoniak, pH, suhu, BOD yang tinggi dan TDS yang sedang ke rendah. Kesimpulan profil darah Ikan Wader Cakul dalam kondisi sehat dan normal dan kondisi kualitas air dikedua lokasi tergolong kondisi air baik. Kualitas air sangat mempengaruhi keadaan profil darah ikan. Saran yang dapat penulis sampaikan: karena kualitas air sangat baik dan kondisi ikan sangat sehat, maka perlu dilakukan pengelolaan yang baik dengan memperhatikan dasar-dasar manajemen yaitu Planning, Organizing, Action, Controlling.
English Abstract
Boon Pring is a conservation ecotourism area located in Sanankerto Village, Turen District, Malang Regency, East Java. Cakul wader fish (Puntius binotatus) is a type of wader fish native to the Boon Pring Reservoir. This study aims to analyze the blood profile of the cakul wader and water quality in Boon Pring Ecotourism and determine the relationship between water quality and fish health through their blood profile using the Canocal Correspondence Analysis (CCA) method. The benefit of this research is that it can be used to determine the basics of management activities. The research method used is a descriptive method with survey or investigative techniques. This research was conducted in two locations, namely the Ecotourism Reservoir and the Conservation Reservoir. The sample used in this study was a Cakul Wader Fish. The samples taken at both locations were three cakul wader fish, which were sampled twice with an interval of 2 weeks and were caught using fishing rods. The fish blood profile taken included erythrocytes, leukocytes, leukocyte differential, hemoglobin, hematocrit, and micronuclei. The water quality measured in this study included parameters of temperature, TSS, TDS, pH, DO, BOD, and Ammonia. Water quality measurements were carried out in the morning, which were measured twice by sampling two weeks apart along with observing blood profiles. The results of observing the blood profile of Cakul Wader Fish are healthy and normal. The average number of erythrocytes was 2,701,500 cells/mm3, leukocytes 64,308 cells/mm3, lymphocytes 75%, monocytes 1%, neutrophils 3%, hemaglobin 9 g/dL, hematocrit 23%, and micronuclei 9 cells/1000. The results obtained after measuring the water quality during two samplings at both locations were that the temperature ranged from 21.7–27 oC, TDS 111–145 mg/l, TSS 2-4 mg/l, pH 6-6.7, DO 8–10.1 mg/l, BOD 0.44-0.98 mg/l, and ammonia 0.026–0.075 mg/l. Both locations are classified as having good or normal conditions based on Government Regulation Number 22 of 2021's class II quality standards. The results of the CCA test showed that all high-quality water affected erythrocytes. Leukocytes are affected by low DO, high temperatures, TDS, TSS, BOD, pH, and ammonia. Lymphocytes are affected by high DO, TSS, ammonia, pH, temperature, moderate to low BOD, and TDS. The number of monocytes, neutrophils, hemoglobin, and hematocrit of fish is affected by TDS, BOD, temperature, high pH and ammonia, moderate to low DO, and TSS. The number of micronuclei is affected by TSS, DO, ammonia, pH, temperature, high BOD, and moderate to low TDS. In conclusion, the blood profile of Cakul Wader Fish is healthy and normal, and the water quality conditions in both locations are classified as good. Water quality greatly affects the blood profile of fish. Suggestions that the author can convey: Because the water quality is very good and the condition of the fish is very healthy, it is necessary to carry out good management by paying attention to the basics of management, namely Planning, Organizing, taking action, and controlling.
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Identification Number: | 0523080755 |
Subjects: | 300 Social sciences > 333 Economics of land and energy > 333.9 Other natural resources > 333.95 Biological resources > 333.956 Fishes |
Divisions: | Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan > Manajemen Sumberdaya Perairan |
Depositing User: | soegeng sugeng |
Date Deposited: | 12 Jan 2024 02:23 |
Last Modified: | 12 Jan 2024 02:23 |
URI: | http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/206141 |
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