Lestari, R. A. Widyanti Diah and Prof. Drs. Gugus Irianto, M.Com., Ph.D., Ak. and Assoc. Prof. Drs. Ali Djamhuri, M.Com., Ph.D., Ak. and Dr. Drs. Roekhudin, M.Si., Ak. (2023) Restorasi Good University Governance Berdasarkan Perspektif Pancasila. Doktor thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merumuskan konsep Good University Governance (GUG) Berdasarkan Perspektif Pancasila. Metodologi penelitian yang digunakan adalah Paradigma Kritis, dengan Pancasila sebagai pisau analisis kritis. Pancasila sebagai ideologi asli Indonesia digunakan sebagai upaya meng-counter hegemony atas konsensus ideologi akibat kesadaran semu yang diciptakan dan disebarkan melalui perangkat pendidikan. Metode pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi, wawancara mendalam dengan pihak-pihak yang berkepentingan dan memahami isu penelitian, serta studi dokumentasi. Analisis data dilakukan dengan menafsirkan ungkapan informan kemudian dibandingkan dengan realitas sosial. Analisis berdasarkan rasionalitas ideal untuk melihat peranan kuasa dalam sistem hegemoni dan dominasi atas uang, power, dan ideologi yang dilakukan oleh pihak penguasa (elit politik berkepentingan dan pemerintah) terhadap GUG secara praksis. Penelitian ini menemukan beberapa kelemahan pelaksanaan GUG praksis pada situs penelitian sebagai PTN BLU saat berproses menuju PTNBH. Kelemahan GUG Praksis di bidang akademik yaitu penyeragaman kurikulum pendidikan melalui ideologi standardisasi dan kompetisi. Di bidang non akademik (pendanaan dan sumber daya manusia), terjadi akibat adanya austerity anggaran sehingga dilakukan governmental budget cut berupa penurunan subsidi di bidang pendidikan. Ini menyebabkan PTN mencari pendanaan alternatif untuk keberlanjutan pengembangannya. Dibutuhkan upaya meng-counter hegemony untuk merestorasi GUG praksis menjadi GUG ideal berdasarkan Pancasila. Prinsip GUG Pancasila meliputi GUG Berketuhanan, Kemanusiaan dan Beradab, Nasionalisme, Kerakyatan, dan Berkeadilan. Prinsip GUG Pancasila menggunakan empat ranah yaitu Karakteristik Umum, Pendanaan, Penelitian, Kepemimpinan dan Staf Akademik. Diharapkan temuan penelitian menjadi konsep ideal untuk menumbuhkan kesadaran kolektif masyarakat, sehingga negara mengutamakan keadilan, kesejahteraan dan kedaulatan rakyat agar tercapai tujuan fundamental untuk mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa.
English Abstract
The purpose of this study is to formulate a Good University Governance (GUG) concept based on the perspective of Pancasila. Here critical paradigm was used as the research method, while Pancasila served as the critical analysis instrument. Pancasila as Indonesia’s original ideology was used in order to counter the hegemony of ideological consensus caused by pseudo-awareness created and proliferated through educational devices. The data of this research was harvested via observations, document studies, and in-depth interviews with interested parties and people who are knowledgeable in the research issues. The analysis was conducted by interpreting the informants’ expressions followed by comparing them with the social reality. The analysis was conducted based on the ideal reality in order to identify the role of powers in the hegemonic and domination system over money, power, and ideology applied in a praxic way by the authority (political elites with interest and the government) on Good University Governance. This research discovers some weaknesses in the praxic implementation of Good University Governance in the research site when the State Higher Education Institution of Public Service Agency was transforming into State Higher Education Institution of Incorporated Legal Entity. The weakness in the academic area is the uniformization of educational curriculum through standardization and competition ideologies. In non-academic area (i.e., funding and human resource), the weakness was caused by budget austerity leading to governmental budget cut. This has made state higher education institutions look for alternate funding sources to restore the praxic Good University Governance into ideal Good University Governance based on Pancasila. The principles of Pancasila-based Good University Governance are faith in God, humanitarianism and civilized humanity, nationalism, democracy, and justice. These principles use four domains: general characteristics, funding, research, and leadership and academic staff. These findings are expected to be used as an ideal concept to foster people’s collective awareness so the state will prioritize justice, wellbeing, and people’s sovereignty for the attainment of the fundamental goals of educating the life of the nation.
Item Type: | Thesis (Doktor) |
Identification Number: | 0623020037 |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | GUG, ideologi Pancasila, austerity, governmental budget cut, New Public Management. |
Subjects: | 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 657 Accounting |
Divisions: | Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis > Akuntansi |
Depositing User: | Unnamed user with username nova |
Date Deposited: | 28 Dec 2023 03:02 |
Last Modified: | 28 Dec 2023 03:02 |
URI: | http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/205815 |
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