Pengaruh Influencer terhadap Intention to Visit Wisatawan Muslim ke Seoul ( Survey Pada Viewers Muslim Kanal Youtube Kimbab Family: Seharian Keliling Seoul, Korea! Seru Banget!! ).

Basma, Anisa Ilya and Dr. Sunarti, S.Sos, MAB and Sukmawati Nur S, S.S., M.Sc (2023) Pengaruh Influencer terhadap Intention to Visit Wisatawan Muslim ke Seoul ( Survey Pada Viewers Muslim Kanal Youtube Kimbab Family: Seharian Keliling Seoul, Korea! Seru Banget!! ). Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Influencer sebagai celebrity pada media sosial adalah sumber pesan yang dirasa memungkinkan secara strategis meningkatkan intention to visit. Wisatawan muslim adalah wisatawan yang pemilih dalam menentukan destinasi wisata karena membutuhkan tersedianya beberapa hal seperti tempat ibadah, makanan dan minuman halal. Penelitian ini akan bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh yang dapat diberikan influencer untuk menarik intention to visit wisatawan muslim. Rumusan masalah pada penelitian ini adalah bagaimana pengaruh influencer terhadap intention to visit wisatawan muslim. Influencer akan diukur melalui indikator kredibilitas sumber yaitu attractiveness, trustworthiness, dan expertise. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian pendekatan kuantitatif dengan menggunakan data primer berasal dari kuesioner melalui googleforms ( Kuesioner ini dibagikan melalui media sosial Instagram dan Twitter secara daring. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seseorang dengan usia minimal 17 tahun, viewers muslim video kanal Youtube Kimbab Family yang berjudul ‘Seharian Keliling Seoul, Korea! Seru Banget!!' dan belum pernah berkunjung ke destinasi halal di Seoul, Korea Selatan. Sampel dalam penelitian ini diambil menggunakan accidental sampling dengan 115 orang responden berdasarkan perhitungan Machin dan Campbell. Analisis data pada penelitian ini menggunakan metode regresi linear sederana degan bantuan SPSS26. Hasil persamaan dari regresi ini adalah Y= 4,799 + 0,468X + e. Berdasarkan persamaan tersebut dapat diartikan bahwa influencer (X) berpengaruh sebesar 46,8% terhadap variabel intention to visit wisatawan muslim. atau Berdasarkan uji t nilai t hitung sebesar 11,431dan H1 diterima. Penelitian ini menghasilkan bahwa influecer berpengaruh positif dan siginifikan terhadap intention to visit wisatawan muslim ke Seoul, Korea Selatan. Berdasarkan penelitian ini influencer diharapkan dapat lebih meningkatkan trustworthiness dan expertise supaya dapat meningakat pengaruh terhadap intention to visit wisatawan muslim.

English Abstract

Influencers, such as celebrities on social media, are sources of messages that are deemed strategically possible to increase intention to visit. Muslim tourists are tourists who are selective in choosing tourist destinations because they need to ensure the availability of several things, such as mosques, halal food, and beverages. This research will aim to determine the influence of influencers that can be exerted to attract the intention to visit of Muslim tourists. The problem in this study is how influencers can influence the intention to visit of Muslim tourists. Influencers will be measured through the indicators of source credibility, attractiveness, trustworthiness, and expertise. This research is a quantitative approach using primary data derived from questionnaires via Google Forms ( questionnaire was distributed via social media, including Instagram and Twitter. The population in this study is someone with a minimum age of 17 years, Muslim viewers of the video on the Kimbab Family Youtube channel entitled Seharian Keliling Seoul, Korea! Seru Banget!!' and have never been to a halal destination in Seoul, South Korea. The sample in this study was taken using incidental sampling with 115 people, based on calculations by Machin and Campbell. Data analysis in this study used a simple linear regression method with the help of SPSS26. The result of the equation of this regression is Y = 4.799 + 0.468X + e. Based on this equation, it can be interpreted that influencer (X) influencing intention to visit of Muslim tourists by 46.8%. Based on the t test, the calculated t value is 11.431, and H1 is accepted. This research identifies influencers who have a positive and significant influence on the intention to visit of Muslim tourists in Seoul, South Korea. Based on this research, influencers are expected to be able to further increase their trustworthiness and expertise so that they can increase their influence on the intention to visit of Muslim tourists.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 0523030342
Uncontrolled Keywords: Influencer, Intention to Visit, Wisatwan Muslim, Wisata Halal, Seoul, Korea Selatan
Subjects: 900 History, geography and auxiliary disciplines > 910 Geography and travel
Divisions: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi > Pariwisata
Depositing User: Endang Susworini
Date Deposited: 27 Dec 2023 04:27
Last Modified: 27 Dec 2023 04:27
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