Peran Ekosistem Mangrove dalam “Green Aquaculture System” pada Usaha Budidaya Udang yang Berkelanjutan

Pratiwi, Rizky Kusma and Prof. Dr. Ir. Mohammad Mahmudi,, MS and Dr. Ir. Abdul Rahem Faqih,, M.Si (2023) Peran Ekosistem Mangrove dalam “Green Aquaculture System” pada Usaha Budidaya Udang yang Berkelanjutan. Magister thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Mangrove berpotensi untuk mendukung kegiatan budidaya tambak udang terutama sebagai penyerap limbah sisa budidaya udang vaname. Kerapatan dan tutupan kanopi mangrove dapat mempengaruhi kualitas air. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis dinamika fisika, kimia, biologi air pada setiap proses aliran air budidaya dan membandingkannya dengan tambak non-mangrove serta menganalisis hubungan komunitas mangrove terhadap kualitas air. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di tambak udang di Ujungpangkah (Gresik) dengan aliran air tanpa melalui komunitas mangrove dan tambak di Probolinggo dengan air baku melalui komunitas mangrove. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Januari sampai Maret 2023 dengan metode survey dengan mengamati kerapatan mangrove, tutupan kanopi dan kualitas air. Mangrove di Probolinggo ditemukan jenis Avicennia alba, Avicennia marina, Avicennia officinalis, Rhizophora mucronata dan Rhizhopora apiculata. Kerapatan mangrove ditentukan dalam 4 pengamatan dari inlet ke outlet, pertama 800 ind/Ha dengan tutupan kanopi (TK) 48,77%, kedua 600 ind/Ha (TK 60,33%), ketiga 525 ind/Ha (TK 57,83%) dan keempat 1150 ind/Ha (TK 71,45%). Cahaya air (C1) terendah berada di kawasan mangrove berkisar 28 – 468 lux dan tertinggi di sekitar tambak 1720 – 12800 lux akibat adanya tutupan kanopi mangrove, sedangkan cahaya lingkungan (C2) pada tambak 17300 – 111.100 lux dan di mangrove 662 – 5870 lux. Fitoplankton pada stasiun Probolinggo memiliki kelimpahan dan juga keanekaragaman lebih tinggi dari stasiun Ujungpangkah. Kawasan mangrove memiliki keanekaragaman plankton yang lebih tinggi, tetapi kelimpahannya rendah, dibandingkan tandon dan tambak. Mutu air baku tambak Ujungpangkah relatif lebih baik dari Probolinggo karena diambil dari sumur bor yang berjarak hanya 200 m dari pantai, sedangkan air baku tambak probolinggo diperoleh dari sungai sehingga mutu airnya relatif lebih rendah dari Ujungpangkah, tetapi air baku sebelum masuk ke tambak mendapat perlakuan di tandon sehingga memenuhi syarat untuk budidaya udang vaname. Limbah hasil budidaya ditambak Ujungpangkah mengandung bahan organik, nitrat dan fosfat yang lebih tinggi dari tambak Probolinggo sehingga memerlukan penanganan terlebih dahulu sebelum masuk ke perairan umum. Air limbah tambak Probolinggo dikeluarkan melewati komunitas mangrove dan memenuhi baku mutu sehingga dapat langsung masuk ke perairan umum. Pada penelitian ini diketahui kerapatan mangrove hanya menurunkan karbondioksida terlarut. Secara regresi linier sederhana cahaya air berpengaruh signifikan terhadap oksigen terlarut, pH, karbondioksida, orthofosfat, ammonia, BOD, kelimpahan fitoplankton dan zooplankton. Cahaya lingkungan berpengaruh signifikan terhadap oksigen terlarut, pH, karbondioksida, orthofosfat, BOD dan kelimpahan fitoplankton. Dinamika kualitas aliran air budidaya mengalami fluktuasi yang signifikan disetiap prosesnya. Air input budidaya yang melewati mangrove perlu dilakukan treatment terlebih dahulu sebelum digunakan untuk budidaya. Air pada pembuangan limbah tambak non-mangrove perlu dilakukan treatment agar air kembali aman untuk dibuang ke perairan umum.

English Abstract

Mangroves have the potential to support shrimp pond cultivation, especially as an absorbent for aquaculture wastewater. Density and mangrove canopy can affect water quality. The purpose of this study was to analyze the dynamics of physics, chemistry, and water biology in each process of aquaculture water flow and compare it with non-mangrove ponds and analyze the relationship of mangrove communities to water quality. This research was conducted in shrimp ponds in Ujungpangkah (Gresik) with water flowing through the mangrove community and ponds in Probolinggo with input water through the mangrove community. The research was conducted from January to March 2023 using a survey method by observing mangrove density, canopy cover and water quality. Mangrove species in Probolinggo found Avicennia alba, Avicennia marina, Avicennia officinalis, Rhizophora mucronata and Rhizhopora apiculata. Mangrove density was determined in 4 observations from inlet to outlet, first 800 ind/Ha with canopy cover (TK) 48.77%, second 600 ind/Ha (TK 60.33%), third 525 ind/Ha (TK 57.83 %) and the fourth 1150 ind/Ha (TK 71.45%). The lowest water light (C1) is in the mangrove area ranging from 28 – 468 lux and the highest around the pond is 1720 – 12800 lux due to the mangrove canopy cover, while the sunlight (C2) is in the pond 17300 – 111,100 lux and in the mangrove is 662 – 5870 lux. Phytoplankton at the Probolinggo station has a higher abundance and diversity than the Ujungpangkah station. Mangrove areas have higher plankton diversity, but low abundance, compared to reservoirs and ponds. The quality of the input water for Ujungpangkah ponds is relatively better than Probolinggo because it is taken from a drilled well which is only 200 m from the coast, while the raw water for Probolinggo ponds is obtained from the river so that the water quality is relatively lower than Ujungpangkah, but the input water before entering the pond is treated in reservoir so that it is suitable for vannamei shrimp cultivation. Aquaculture waste in Ujungpangkah ponds contains higher organic matter, nitrate and phosphate than Probolinggo ponds, so it requires treatment before entering open waters. Probolinggo pond wastewater is released through the mangrove community and meets quality standards so that it can directly enter open waters. In this study it was found that the density of mangroves only reduced dissolved carbon dioxide. In simple linear regression, water light has a significant effect on dissolved oxygen, pH, carbon dioxide, orthophosphate, ammonia, BOD, abundance of phytoplankton and zooplankton, while sunlight has a significant effect on dissolved oxygen, pH, carbon dioxide, orthophosphate, BOD and abundance of phytoplankton. The dynamics of the quality of the aquaculture water flow experienced significant fluctuations. Aquaculture input water that passes through mangroves needs to be treated before being used for cultivation. Water in non-mangrove pond waste disposal needs to be treated so that the water is safe for open waters

Item Type: Thesis (Magister)
Identification Number: 0423080022
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 639 Hunting, fishing & conservation
Divisions: S2/S3 > Magister Budidaya Perairan, Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan
Depositing User: Sugeng Moelyono
Date Deposited: 22 Dec 2023 02:45
Last Modified: 22 Dec 2023 02:45
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