Nigmah, Retno Hasanatun and Mariyana Sari, S.Pi., MP (2023) Analisis Kelayakan Usaha Budidaya Ikan Koi (Cyprinus carpio) Pada Kedai Koi Fish di Kecamatan Panceng Kabupaten Gresik. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Indonesia merupakan negara yang berpeluang dalam pangsa pasar ikan hias. Salah satu jenis ikan hias yang digemari masyarakat adalah ikan koi. Ikan koi membutuhkan teknik pemeliharaan yang intensif dengan parameter kondisi air kolam yang sesuai standar baku mutu. Alasan pemilihan lokasi penelitian di Kedai Koi Fish adalah belum pernah dilakukan analisis kelayakan usaha dan untuk mengetahui proses produksi budidaya ikan koi yang harus memiliki kualitas air terjaga, sedangkan lokasi budidaya berada di Kabupaten Gresik dengan kondisi air berkapur. Adapun tujuan penelitian yang ingin dicapai yaitu menganalisa kondisi kelayakan usaha dari aspek non-finansial; menganalisa kondisi kelayakan usaha dari aspek finansial; serta menganalisa faktor penghambat dan pendukung usaha budidaya. Penelitian dilakukan pada usaha budidaya ikan koi di Kedai Koi Fish yang berlokasi di Jalan Raya Deandles No. 103, Desa Prupuh, Kecamatan Panceng, Kabupaten Gresik. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Desember 2022 – Februari 2023. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan yaitu penelitian deskriptif. Pada penelitian menggunakan data primer dan data sekunder. Teknik pengambilan sampel pada penelitian ini adalah non probability sampling menggunakan metode purposive sampling. Kriteria sampel yang digunakan yaitu orang yang mengetahui secara teknis hingga finansial pada budidaya ikan koi. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Analisis data pada penelitian ini yaitu analisis data kualitatif serta analsisi data kuantitatif. Kondisi kelayakan usaha dari aspek non-finansial meliputi aspek teknis pada budidaya ikan koi di Kedai Koi Fish meliputi sarana, prasarana, dan proses produksi. Sarana yang digunakan yaitu saringan, bak, bak meteran, plastik pengemasan, oksigen, solasi, pompa, batu filter, aerator, tong filter, heater, akuarium kecil, akuarium besar, dan ganggang. Prasarana yang ada yaitu kolam budidaya, instalasi air, instalasi listrik, alat komunikasi, dan akses jalan. Proses produksi terdiri dari persiapan kolam, pemijahan, pemeliharaan, dan panen. Pada budidaya ikan koi memiliki sarana dan prasarana yang layak digunakan serta proses produksi berjalan dengan efektif dan efisien. Aspek manajemen yang terdapat pada budidaya ikan koi di Kedai Koi Fish terdiri dari perencanaan, pengorganisasian, penggerakan, dan pengawasan. Semua hal tersebut dijalankan dengan baik dan teratur. Aspek manajemen berjalan sesuai perencanaan dengan memperbaiki kesalahan saat pengawasan. Aspek pemasaran yang terdapat pada usaha budidaya di Kedai Koi Fish meliputi bauran pemasaran 4P yaitu produk berupa ikan koi , harga yang ditetapkan yaitu tergantung motif tubuh ikan, tempat produksi yaitu di Kecamatan Panceng, Kabupaten Gresik, dan promosi yang dilakukan dengan digital marketing satu serta terdapat saluran pemasaran. Aspek pemasaran yang dilakukan pada budidaya ikan koi efektif; Aspek lingkungan yang ada pada usaha budidaya yaitu terdapat limbah air yang bercampur feses ikan. Limbah air dibuang ketanah dan tidak berdampak negatif pada organisme tanah dan lingkungan. Aspek sosial ekonomi yang ada pada usaha budidaya di Kedai Koi Fish yaitu dampak sosial dengan semakin banyak usaha budidaya ikan koi yang sejenis serta dampak ekonomi yaitu Kedai Koi Fish membantu menjual ikan koi hasil budidaya masyarakat sekitar. Aspek hukum yang ada pada usaha budidaya di Kedai Koi Fish belum memiliki surat izin usaha budidaya. Kedai Koi Fish belum memenuhi aspek hukum pada usaha budidaya ikan koi. Kondisi kelayakan usaha dari aspek finansial meliputi aspek finansial jangka pendek yang ada pada usaha budidaya di Kedai Koi Fish dalam satu siklus budidaya ikan koi yaitu 6 bulan. Meliputi modal tetap yaitu Rp. 22.080.000; modal lancar yaitu Rp. 9.170.000; dan modal kerja yaitu Rp. 11.446.167. Biaya tetap produksi yaitu Rp 2.876.167 dan biaya variabel yaitu Rp. 8.570.000. Biaya total yang digunakan yaitu sebesar Rp. 11.446.167. Total penerimaan yang didapatkan yaitu Rp.68.250.000. Keuntungan yang didapat sebesar Rp. 56.803.833. Hasil R/C ratio sebesar 6 dimana hasil R/C Ratio > 1 dan dapat dikatakan menguntungkan. Rentabilitas didapatkan sebesar 496,3%. BEP Sales yaitu sebesar Rp. 3.289.182 dan BEP unit ukuran 10-13 cm sebanyak 390 ekor, ukuran 14-17 cm sebanyak 165 ekor, ukuran 18-21 cm sebanyak 129 ekor, ukuran 22-25 cm sebanyak 68 ekor, ukuran 26-29 cm sebanyak 20 ekor, dan ukuran 30-33 cm sebanyak 8 ekor. Aspek finansial jangka panjang yang ada pada usaha budidaya di Kedai Koi Fish dihitung dari kegiatan produksi dalam satu siklus budidaya ikan koi yaitu 6 bulan. Hasil NPV sebesar Rp. 295.124.366, menunjukkan usaha layak dijalankan. IRR didapatkan sebesar 257%, menunjukkan usaha layak. Hasil Net B/C sebesar 14,37 usaha dapat dikatakan layak. Nilai payback period sebesar 0,44 tahun. Usaha budidaya ikan koi di Kedai Koi Fish dapat dikatakan menguntungkan dan layak dilanjutkan. Analisis sensitivitas pada usaha budidaya di Kedai Koi Fish dilakukan menggunakan empat skenario keadaan, diantaranya yaitu skenario I menggunakan asumsi biaya naik sebesar 457%, nilai NPV sebesar -Rp. 433.047; Nilai Net B/C sebesar 0,98; IRR sebesar 11,6% dalam keadaan tersebut dapat dikatakan tidak layak; dan PP selama 5,5 tahun. Skenario II menggunakan asumsi benefit turun sebesar 77%, nilai NPV sebesar -Rp. 1.808.980; Net B/C sebesar 0,92; IRR sebesar 10,18%; dan PP selama 5,82 tahun. Skenario III menggunakan asumsi biaya naik sebesar 70% dan benefit turun sebesar 65%, nilai NPV -Rp. 805.029; nilai Net B/C sebesar 0,96; IRR sebesar 11,2 %; dan PP selama 5,6 tahun. Skenario IV menggunakan asumsi biaya naik sebesar 11% dan benefit turun sebesar 75%, nilai NPV -Rp. 1.210.498; nilai Net B/C sebesar 0,95; IRR sebesar 10,8%; dan PP selama 5,7 tahun. Faktor pendukung dan penghambat pada usaha budidaya di Kedai Koi Fish meliputi faktor pendukung yaitu dekat sumber air dan akses jalan yang strategis. Sedangkan faktor penghambat yaitu kolam budidaya di outdoor, cuaca hujan ekstrem, lokasi budidaya jauh dari pusat kota, tidak memiliki surat izin usaha, dan tidak memiliki IPAL. Solusi yang dapat diberikan yaitu membangun atap kolam budidaya, memberi heater pada saat musim hujan, mengikuti pameran, mendaftarkan surat izin usaha budidaya, dan membangun IPAL. Saran bagi perguruan tinggi perlu adanya studi lanjutan untuk mengetahui kekurangan untuk diperbaiki sehingga produktivitas usaha budidaya. Saran bagi Dinas Perikanan diharapkan dapat membuat kebijakan maupun keputusan agar mendukung usaha budidaya ikan koi di Kabupaten Gresik. Saran kepada pemilik usaha untuk mengikuti pameran agar lebih dikenal masyarakat Kabupaten Gresik, mendaftarkan surat izin usaha budidaya, dan membangun IPAL.
English Abstract
Indonesia is a country that has an opportunity in the ornamental fish market share. One type of ornamental fish that is popular with the public is koi fish. Koi fish require intensive maintenance techniques with pond water condition parameters that match quality standards. The reason for the selection of research sites in the Koi Fish Shop is that business feasibility analysis has never been done and to determine the production process of koi fish farming that must have maintained water quality, while the cultivation location is in Gresik Regency with calcareous water conditions. The purpose of the study to be achieved is to analyze the condition of business feasibility from non-financial aspects; analyze the condition of business feasibility from financial aspects; and analyze the factors inhibiting and supporting cultivation. The study was conducted on koi fish farming business in Koi Fish Shop located on Jalan Raya Deandles No. 103, Prupuh Village, Panceng District, Gresik Regency. The research was carried out in December 2022 – February 2023. The type of research used is descriptive research. In the study using primary data and secondary data. Sampling technique in this study is non probability sampling using purposive sampling method. The sample criteria used are people who know technically to financially on koi fish farming. Data collection technique is done by observation, interview, and documentation. Data analysis in this study is qualitative data analysis and quantitative data analysis. The condition of business feasibility from non-financial aspects include technical aspects of koi fish farming in Koi Fish shops including facilities, infrastructure, and production processes. The facilities used are filters, tubs, meter tubs, plastic packaging, oxygen, solation, pumps, filter stones, aerators, filter barrels, heaters, small aquariums, large aquariums, and algae. The existing infrastructure is aquaculture ponds, water installations, electrical installations, communications equipment, and access roads. The production process consists of pond preparation, spawning, maintenance and harvesting. Koi fish farming has facilities and infrastructure that are feasible to use and the production process runs effectively and efficiently. Management aspects of koi fish farming in Koi Fish shops consist of planning, organizing, mobilizing, and monitoring. All of these things are executed properly and regularly. The management aspect goes according to plan by correcting errors during supervision. Marketing aspects contained in the cultivation business at the Koi Fish Shop include 4p marketing mix , namely products in the form of koi fish, the price set is dependent on the motive of the fish body, the place of production is in Panceng District, Gresik Regency, and promotions carried out with digital marketing one and there are marketing channels. The marketing aspect of koi fish farming is effective; the environmental aspect of aquaculture is that there is waste water mixed with fish feces. Waste water is discharged into the soil and does not negatively affect soil organisms and the environment. Socio-economic aspects that exist in the cultivation of koi fish shops are the social impact with more and more similar koi fish farming businesses and the economic impact of koi Fish shops helping to sell koi fish cultivated by the surrounding community. The existing legal aspects of cultivation in Koi Fish shops do not yet have a cultivation business license. Kedai Koi Fish has not met the legal aspects of koi fish farming. The condition of business feasibility from the financial aspect includes the short-term financial aspects that exist in the cultivation of koi fish in a koi fish farming cycle of 6 months. Includes fixed capital of Rp. 22,080,000; current capital of Rp. 9,170,000; and working capital of Rp. 11.446.167. Fixed cost of production is Rp 2,876,167 and variable costs of Rp. 8.570.000. The total cost used is Rp. 11.446.167. Total revenue obtained is Rp.68.250.000. The profit obtained is Rp. 56.803.833. The result of R/C ratio is 6 where the result of R / C Ratio > 1 and can be said to be profitable. Profitability was obtained at 496.3%. BEP Sales is Rp. 3,289,182 and BEP units of size 10-13 cm as many as 390, size 14-17 cm as many as 165, size 18-21 cm as many as 129, size 22-25 cm as many as 68, size 26-29 cm as many as 20, and size 30-33 cm as many as 8. The long-term financial aspects of koi Fish farming are calculated from the production activities in one koi fish farming cycle, which is 6 months. NPV results of Rp. 295,124,366, indicating feasible efforts. IRR was obtained at 257%, indicating a feasible effort. Net result B / C of 14.37 effort can be said to be feasible. The payback period is 0.44 years. Koi fish farming business in the Koi Fish Shop can be said to be profitable and worth continuing. Sensitivity analysis on aquaculture business in Koi Fish Shop was conducted using four scenarios, including scenario I using the assumption of increased costs by 457%, NPV value of-Rp. 433,047; B/C Net value of 0.98; An IRR of 11.6% under the circumstances can be said to be unfeasible; and PP for 5.5 years. Scenario II using the assumption of benefit decreased by 77%, NPV value of-Rp. 1,808,980; Net B / C of 0.92; IRR of 10.18%; and PP for 5.82 years. Scenario III uses the assumption that costs increase by 70% and benefits decrease by 65%, NPV value-Rp. 805,029; Net B / C value of 0.96; IRR of 11.2%; and PP for 5.6 years. Scenario IV uses the assumption that costs increase by 11% and benefits decrease by 75%, NPV value-Rp. 1,210,498; Net B / C value of 0.95; IRR of 10.8%; and PP for 5.7 years. Supporting and inhibiting factors in the cultivation of koi fish shops include supporting factors that are near water sources and strategic access roads. While the inhibiting factors are outdoor cultivation ponds, extreme rainy weather, cultivation locations far from the city center, do not have a business license, and do not have IPAL. Solutions that can be provided are to build a roof of a cultivation pond, provide a heater during the rainy season, participate in exhibitions, register a cultivation business license, and build IPAL. Suggestion for higher education is the need for further study to find out the shortcomings to be corrected so that the productivity of cultivation. Suggestions for the Fisheries Office are expected to make policies and decisions to support koi farming in Gresik Regency. Suggestions to business owners to participate in the exhibition to be better known to the people of Gresik Regency, register a cultivation business license, and build IPAL.
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Identification Number: | 0523080644 |
Subjects: | 300 Social sciences > 338 Production > 338.3 Other extractive industries > 338.37 Products > 338.372 Products of fishing, whaling, hunting, trapping > 338.372 7 Products of fishing, whaling, hunting, trapping (Fishing) |
Divisions: | Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan > Agrobisnis Perikanan |
Depositing User: | Sugeng Moelyono |
Date Deposited: | 02 Jan 2024 08:25 |
Last Modified: | 02 Jan 2024 08:25 |
URI: | |
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