Analisis Pengaruh Perbedaan Ketinggian Air Kolam Terhadap Pertumbuhan Tukik Penyu Lekang (Lepidochelys Olivacea) Di Turtle Conservation and Education Center, Serangan, Bali

Umami, Nadya Sabrina Dwi and Dr. Eng. Abu Bakar Sambah,, S.Pi., MT and Almira Syawli,., S.Kom., M.Kom (2023) Analisis Pengaruh Perbedaan Ketinggian Air Kolam Terhadap Pertumbuhan Tukik Penyu Lekang (Lepidochelys Olivacea) Di Turtle Conservation and Education Center, Serangan, Bali. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Turtle Conservation and Education Center (TCEC) merupakan salah satu tempat konservasi dan edukasi penyu yang berada di Serangan, Bali. Dalam pengelolaannya, terdapat beberapa kolam penangkaran yang diletakkan dalam ketinggian yang berbeda. Kolam – kolam tersebut dikelompokkan lagi sesuai dengan spesies yang sama, ukuran maupun bobot penyu yang sama serta kondisi kesehatan yang sama. Kolam tersebut umumnya diisi dengan penyu yang berukuran besar dan memiliki perhatian khusus. Namun berbeda dengan tukik, tukik diletakkan di kolam yang memiliki ketinggian air yang sama dengan penyu berukuran besar. Oleh karena itu dilakukan penelitian terkait pengaruh perbedaan ketinggian air terhadap pertumbuhan tukik dalam upaya pemeliharaan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dinamika kualitas air, menganalisis pengaruh nilai kualitas air terhadap pertumbuhan tukik dan menganalisis pengaruh perlakuan perbedaan ketinggian air terhadap pertumbuhan tukik di Turtle Conservation And Education Center, Serangan Bali. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah eksperimental menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan lima (5) taraf perlakuan. Dalam metode ini, analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis uji F dan uji T untuk mengetahui pengaruh kualitas air terhadap pertumbuhan. Analisis growth untuk laju pertumbuhan tukik. Serta analisis one way anova untuk mengetahui pengaruh perbedaan ketinggian air terhadap pertumbuhan tukik. Berdasarkan penelitian diketahui pengukuran kualitas air meliputi suhu, salinitas, ph dan amonia didapatkan hasil rata – rata selama 30 hari penelitian. Pada pukul 06.00 WITA suhu memiliki nilai rata – rata sebesar 27,84˚C. Salinitas memiliki nilai rata – rata sebesar 32,74 ppt. Derajat keasaman (pH) memiliki nilai rata – rata sebesar 7,33. Pada pukul 12.00 WITA suhu memiliki rata – rata sebesar 33,56˚C. Salinitas memiliki nilai rata – rata sebesar 33,15 ppt. Derajat keasaman (pH) memiliki nilai rata – rata sebesar 7,19. Pada pukul 18.00 WITA suhu memiliki nilai rata – rata sebesar 28,46˚C. Salinitas memiliki nilai rata – rata 34,14 ppt. Derajat keasaman (pH) memiliki nilai rata – rata sebesar 7,38. Pengukuran amonia dilakukan berdasarkan waktu pergantian air yaitu 1 hari dan 3 hari. Pergantian air 1 hari didapatkan hasil P0 sebesar 1,83 mg/l, P1 sebesar 2,03 mg/l, P2 sebesar 1,21 mg/l, P3 sebesar 0,87 mg/l, P4 sebesar 0.55 mg/l. Pergantian air 3 hari didapatkan hasil P0 sebesar 5,38 mg/l, P1 sebesar 6,52 mg/l, P2 sebesar 3,34 mg/l, P3 sebesar 2,55 mg/l, P4 sebesar 1,65 mg/l. Hasil analisis pengaruh nilai kualitas air terhadap pertumbuhan bobot tukik didapatkan hasil uji F bobot sebesar 0.283 dan uji T suhu pagi 0.646, suhu siang 0.123, suhu sore 0.339, salinitas pagi 0.219, salinitas siang 0.168, salinitas sore 0.240, pH pagi 0.699, Ph siang 0.474, pH sore 0.315. Hasil analisis pengaruh nilai kualitas air terhadap pertumbuhan panjang tukik didapatkan hasil uji F panjang sebesar 0.909 dan uji T suhu pagi 0.854, suhu siang 0.571, suhu sore 0.746, salinitas pagi 0.665, salinitas siang 0.600, salinitas sore 0.672, pH pagi 0.876, Ph siang 0.793, pH sore 0.712. Hasil analisis pengaruh nilai kualitas air terhadap pertumbuhan lebar tukik didapatkan hasil uji F lebar sebesar 0.879 dan uji T suhu pagi 0.847, suhu siang 0.547, suhu sore 0.756, salinitas pagi 0.661, salinitas siang 0.535, salinitas sore 0.664, pH pagi 0.811, Ph siang 0.741, pH sore 0.657. Berdasarkan nilai signifikansi uji F dan uji T variabel bobot, panjang, dan lebar terhadap pengukuran kualitas air yaitu suhu, salinitas dan ph > 0.05 (taraf signifikansi). Hal ini berarti tidak ada pengaruh secara signifikan kualitas air terhadap pertumbuhan bobot, panjang dan lebar karapas tukik. Hasil analisis uji anova yaitu perbedaan ketinggian terhadap pertumbuhan bobot, panjang dan lebar tukik menunjukkan bahwa nilai signifikansi lebih kecil dari taraf signifikansi yaitu 0.000 < 0.05 maka diambil keputusan tolak H0 yang artinya terdapat pengaruh secara signifikan perbedaan ketinggian air terhadap pertumbuhan bobot, panjang dan lebar.

English Abstract

TCEC (Turtle Conservation and Education Center) is a turtle conservation and education center located in Serangan, Bali. In its management, there are several breeding ponds that are placed at different heights. The ponds are again grouped according to the same species, size and weight of the turtles and the same health conditions. The pond is generally filled with turtles that are large and have special attention. However, different from hatchlings, hatchlings are placed in a pool that has the same water level as a large turtle. Therefore, research was carried out related to the effect of difference in water level on the growth of hatchlings in maintenance efforts. The purpose of this research was to determine the dynamics of water quality, to analyze the effect of water quality values on the growth of hatchlings and to analyze the effect of different water level treatments on the growth of hatchlings at the Turtle Conservation and Education Center, Serangan Bali. The method used in this research was experimental using a completely randomized design (CRD) with five (5) treatment levels. In this method, the analysis used is the analysis of the F test and T test for the effect of water quality on growth. Growth analysis for hatchling growth rate. As well as one way ANOVA analysis for the effect of differences in water level on the growth of hatchlings. Measurements of water quality including temperature, salinity, pH and ammonia obtained average results for 30 days of study. At 06.00 WITA the temperature has an average value of 27.84˚C. Salinity has an average value of 32.74 ppt. The degree of acidity (pH) has an average value of 7.33. At 12.00 WITA the average temperature is 33.56˚C. Salinity has an average value of 33.15 ppt. The degree of acidity (pH) has an average value of 7.19. At 18.00 WITA the temperature has an average value of 28.46˚C. Salinity has an average value of 34.14 ppt. The degree of acidity (pH) has an average value of 7.38. Ammonia measurement was carried out based on water change times, namely 1 day and 3 days. A 1 day water change resulted in P0 of 1.83 mg/l, P1 of 2.03 mg/l, P2 of 1.21 mg/l, P3 of 0.87 mg/l, P4 of 0.55 mg/l. Changing the water for 3 days resulted in P0 of 5.38 mg/l, P1 of 6.52 mg/l, P2 of 3.34 mg/l, P3 of 2.55 mg/l, P4 of 1.65 mg/l. The results of the analysis of the effect of water quality on the growth of hatchling weight obtained the results of the F test weight of 0.283 and the T test morning temperature 0.646, afternoon temperature 0.123, evening temperature 0.339, morning salinity 0.219, afternoon salinity 0.168, evening salinity 0.240, morning pH 0.699, afternoon Ph 0.474, evening pH 0.315. The results of the analysis of the effect of water quality on the growth of hatchling length obtained the results of the F test length of 0.909 and the T test morning temperature 0.854,afternoon temperature 0.571, evening temperature 0.746, morning salinity 0.665, afternoon salinity 0.600, evening salinity 0.672, morning pH 0.876, afternoon Ph 0.793, evening pH 0.712. The results of the analysis of the effect of water quality on the growth of hatchling width obtained the results of the F test width of 0.879 and the T test morning temperature 0.847, afternoon temperature 0.547, evening temperature 0.756, morning salinity 0.661, afternoon salinity 0.535, evening salinity 0.664, morning pH 0.811, afternoon Ph 0.741, evening pH 0.657. Based on the significance values of the F test and T test of the weight, length, and width variables for measuring water quality, namely temperature, salinity and pH > 0.05 (significance level). This means that there is no significant effect of water quality on the growth of weight, length and width of the hatchling carapace. The results of the Anova test analysis, namely the difference in height on the growth of hatchlings' weight, length and width, showed that the significance value was lower than the significance level, namely 0.000 <0.05, so the decision was taken to reject H0, which means that there was a significant effect of differences in water height on the growth of weight, length and width.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 0523080583
Subjects: 300 Social sciences > 333 Economics of land and energy > 333.9 Other natural resources > 333.95 Biological resources > 333.956 Fishes
Divisions: Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan > Pemanfaatan Sumberdaya Perikanan dan Kelautan
Depositing User: soegeng sugeng
Date Deposited: 21 Dec 2023 06:50
Last Modified: 21 Dec 2023 06:50
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