Al Ashari, Fatchul Ilmi and Dr. Asus Maizar Suryanto Hertika,, S.Pi, MP and Septi Anitasari,, S.Pi., MP (2023) Profil Darah Dan Mikronuklei Pada Ikan Wader Pari (Rasbora lateristriata) Dari Kawasan Ekowisata Boon Pring, Kecamatan Turen, Kabupaten Malang. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Ekowisata Boon Pring merupakan suatu kawasan ekowisata yang terletak di Desa Sanankerto, Kecamatan Turen, Kabupaten Malang, Jawa Timur. Ekowista Boon Pring dikenal sebagai destinasi wisata alam dengan objek wisata bambu. Selain itu, terdapat beberapa wahana air dan beberapa sumber mata air. Ekosiata Boon Pring juga terdapat kawasan khusus untuk konservasi biota perairan seperti beberapa jenis ikan seperti ikan Wader Pari. Ikan merupakan bioindikator lingkungan yang hidupnya bergantung pada kualitas air di perairan tempat hidupnya. Salah satu cara ikan bekerja sebagai bioindikator lingkungan dan mendeteksi perubahan pada kualitas air adalah dengan menunjukkan perubahan pada profil darahnya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis kualitas air, menganalisis profil darah dan mikronuklei ikan Wader Pari, serta menganalisis hubungan antar keduanya dengan menggunakan uji Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA). Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif dengan teknik survei. Penelitian ini dilakukan di kawasan ekowisata Boon Pring dengan dua titik lokasi yaitu wilayah ekowisata dan wilayah konservasi. Sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Ikan Wader Pari (Rasbora lateristriata). Sampel yang diambil di kedua lokasi adalah tiga ekor Ikan Wader Pari (Rasbora lateristriata). Sampling dilakukan sebanyak dua kali dengan rentang waktu empat minggu dan penangkapan dilakukan menggunakan jaring. Lokasi pengambilan sampel kualitas air sama dengan pengambilan atau sampling ikan. Kualitas air yang diambil dalam penelitian ini antara lain suhu, pH, DO, ammonia, BOD, TSS, dan TDS. Sedangkan profil darah ikan yang diambil yaitu eritrosit, leukosit, diferensiasi leukosit, haemoglobin, dan mikronuklei. Hasil yang didapatkan dari pengukuran kualitas air selama dua kali sampling di kedua lokasi adalah suhu berkisar antara 21.7–27°C, pH yaitu 6–6.7, DO yaitu 8–10.1 mg/L, ammonia yaitu 0.25–0.51 ppm, BOD berkisar antara 6.2–8.6 mg/L, TSS yaitu 2–4 ppm, dan TDS yaitu 111-145 ppm. Kondisi seluruh parameter kualitas air di kedua lokasi masih tergolong baik karena nilainya sesuai dengan baku mutu air kelas II PP No. 82 Tahun 2001 tentang Penyelenggaraan Perlindungan dan Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup. Hasil darah yang didapatkan yaitu jumlah eritrosit berkisar antara 2.510.000–2.680.000 sel/mm3, jumlah leukosit berkisar antara 88.100–90.200 sel/ mm3, sel limfosit berkisar 71–85 %, sel monosit berkisar 3-7 %, sel neutrofil berkisar 4–12 %, konsentrasi haemoglobin berkisar antara 7,2–8,6 gram% dan jumlah mikronuklei berkisar antara 8–20 sel/1000. Hasil pengamatan darah yang didapatkan yaitu jumlah eritrosit cenderung di pengaruhi oleh kualitas air dengan keseluruhan yang tinggi, dikarenakan titik eritrosit dapat di proyeksikan ke seluruh parameter kualitas air dengan jarak yang dekat. Jumlah leukosit cenderung dipengaruhi oleh kondisi suhu, pH, TSS, ammonia, dan DO yang tinggi, BOD sedang, TDS sedang ke rendah. Jumlah haemoglobin cenderung dipengaruhi oleh kondisi TDS yang tinggi, BOD sedang, suhu, pH, ammonia, DO, TSS sedang ke rendah. Jumlah sel limfosit, sel monosit, sel neutrofil, dan mikronuklei cenderung dipengaruhi oleh kondisi TDS yang tinggi, BOD sedang, suhu, pH, TSS, ammonia, dan DO sedang ke rendah. Saran yang dapat diberikan adalah agar tetap mempertahankan keseimbangan lingkungan antara aspek wisata dan aspek konservasi agar lingkungan ekosiata Boon Pring tetap terjaga keseimbangannya.
English Abstract
Boon Pring Ecotourism is an ecotourism area located in Sanankerto Village, Turen District, Malang Regency, East Java. Ecotourism Boon Pring is known as a natural tourist destination with bamboo attractions. In addition, there are several water rides and several springs. In Boon Pring eco-tourism, there is also a special area for the conservation of aquatic biota, such as several endemic fish species, such as the Wader Pari fish. Fish are environmental bio-indicators whose lives depend on the quality of the water in the waters where they live. One way fish work as environmental bioindicators and detect changes in water quality is by showing changes in their blood profile. The purpose of this study was to analyze water quality, analyze the blood profile and micronuclei of the Wader Pari fish, and analyze the relationship between the two using the Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) test. The research method used is descriptive method with survey techniques. This research was conducted in the Boon Pring ecotourism area with two location points, namely the ecotourism area and the conservation area. The sample used in this study was the Pari Wader Fish (Rasbora lateristriata). The samples taken at both locations were three Wader Pari Fish (Rasbora lateristriata). Sampling was carried out twice with a span of four weeks and fishing was carried out using nets. The location for taking water quality samples is the same as for taking or sampling fish. The quality of the water taken in this study included temperature, pH, DO, ammonia, BOD, TSS, and TDS. While the fish blood profiles were taken, namely erythrocytes, leukocytes, leukocyte differentiation, hemoglobin, and micronuclei. The results obtained from measuring water quality during two samplings at both locations are temperatures ranging from 21.7 – 27°C, pH are 6 – 6.7, DO are 8 – 10.1 mg/L, ammonia is 0.25 – 0.51 ppm, BOD is ranging from 6.2 – 8.6 mg/L, TSS is 2 – 4 ppm, and TDS is 111 – 145 ppm. The condition of all water quality parameters at both locations is still relatively good because their values are in accordance with the class II water quality standard PP No. 82 of 2001 concerning Implementation of Environmental Protection and Management. The blood results obtained were the number of erythrocytes ranging from 2,510,000 – 2,680,000 cells/mm3, the number of leukocytes ranging from 88,100 – 90,200 cells/mm3, lymphocyte cells ranging from 71 – 85%, monocyte cells ranging from 3 to 7%, neutrophil cells ranging from 4 – 12%, hemoglobin concentration ranged from 7.2 – 8.6 gram/% and the number of micronuclei ranged from 8 – 20 cells/1000. The results of blood observations obtained were that the number of erythrocytes tended to be influenced by water quality with a high overall, because the erythrocyte point could be projected to all water quality parameters at a short distance. The leukocyte count tends to be affected by high temperature conditions, pH, TSS, ammonia, and DO, moderate BOD, moderate to low TDS. The amount of hemoglobin tends to be affected by conditions of high TDS, moderate BOD, moderate to low temperature, pH, ammonia, DO, TSS. The number of lymphocyte cells, monocyte cells, neutrophil cells, and micronuclei tends to be affected by conditions of high TDS, moderate BOD, temperature, pH, TSS, ammonia, and moderate to low DO. The advice that can be given is to maintain an environmental balance between the tourism aspect and the conservation aspect so that the Boon Pring eco-tourism environment is maintained in balance.
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Identification Number: | 0523080422 |
Subjects: | 300 Social sciences > 333 Economics of land and energy > 333.9 Other natural resources > 333.95 Biological resources > 333.956 Fishes |
Divisions: | Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan > Manajemen Sumberdaya Perairan |
Depositing User: | soegeng Moelyono |
Date Deposited: | 07 Dec 2023 05:30 |
Last Modified: | 07 Dec 2023 05:30 |
URI: | |
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