Analisis Kesesuaian Metode EMR (Ecological Mangrove Rehabilitation) untuk Pemulihan Ekosistem Mangrove di Banyuurip Mangrove Center, Gresik

Nurazizah, Fandra Wimaputri and Dhira Khurniawan S., S.Kel., M.Sc and M. Arif As`adi,, S.Kel, M.Sc (2023) Analisis Kesesuaian Metode EMR (Ecological Mangrove Rehabilitation) untuk Pemulihan Ekosistem Mangrove di Banyuurip Mangrove Center, Gresik. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Rehabilitasi merupakan salah satu urgensi negara Indonesia yang semakin digalakkan di semua daerah. Dalam hal ini rehabilitasi sangat bergantung pada metode yang tepat sehingga keberhasilan rehabilitasi dapat tercapai. Masyarakat Desa Banyuurip memiliki komitmen yang tinggi untuk melakukan kegiatan rehabilitasi. Namun metode rehabilitasi tanam murni kurang efisien melihat dari areanya yang sering terkena abrasi. Pihak desa meminta alternatif metode untuk mengefisienkan kegiatan rehabilitasi disesuaikan dengan kondisi ekologinya. Metode Ecological Mangrove Rehabilitation (EMR) atau Rehabilitasi Mangrove Ekologis, didefinisikan sebagai sebuah pendekatan untuk rehabilitasi atau restorasi lahan basah pesisir yang bertujuan memfasilitasi regenerasi alami untuk menghasilkan ekosistem lahan basah yang mandiri. Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk memberikan infromasi mengenai ekologi mangrove dan sosial masyarakatnya. Sehingga dapat digunakan sebagai perumusan strategi rehabilitasi dengan metode EMR. Penelitian dilakukan selama 4 bulan (Februari 2023 – Mei 2023) pada koordinat 6°54'21.09"S dan 112°31'13.07"E. Data terdiri dari 10 variabel, terdiri dari variabel biofisik (tipe pasang surut, elevasi permukaan, faktor gangguan, suksesi alami, hutan referensi, sumber bibit, dinamika pesisir, sejarah keberadaan mangrove, tipe substrat) dan variabel sosial-ekonomi. Data pasang surut didapatkan dari NaoTide dan diolah dengan Admiralty. Elevasi permukaan didapatkan dari citra google earth. Variabel faktor gangguan, suksesi alami, hutan referensi, didapatkan secara primer ke lokasi penelitian. Variabel dinamika pesisir dan sejarah keberadaan mangrove diolah secara sekunder dengan citra google earth dan digitasi peta pada ArcMap. Variabel tipe substrat diperoleh sampel sedimen secara primer dan dianalisis ukuran butirnya di laboratorium. Variabel sosial ekonomi diambil menggunakan metode wawancara dan studi literatur. Melakukan scoring dan pembobotan dengan tabel Penentuan Kelayakkan Lokasi Rehabilitasi Mangrove dari Hatfield. merumuskan strategi rehabilitasi sesuai dengan hasil analisis yang telah dilakukan. Didapatkan nilai total penilaian variabel faktor biofisik sebesar 2.31 (77%). Sedangkan untuk nilai total penilaian variabel faktor sosial-ekonomi sebesar 3.00 (100%). Sehingga dalam indeks penentuan kelayakan lokasi rehabilitasi mangrove faktor biofisik pada lokasi penelitian masuk dalam kategori S2 atau Sesuai Bersyarat. Sedangkan secara faktor sosial-ekonomi, lokasi penelitian masuk dalam kategori S1 atau Sangat Sesuai Bersyarat. Lokasi rekomendasi seluas 0.98 ha, mengalami abrasi yang besar. Sehingga sulit untuk dilaksanakannya metode EMR. Dibutuhkan technical engineering dengan rekomendasi geo-bag dan hybrid engineering. Dalam hal ini stakeholder dapat melaksanakan uji coba penanaman sebelum melanjutkan ke tahap rehabilitasi.

English Abstract

Rehabilitation is one of the urgency of the Indonesian government which is increasingly being promoted in all regions. In this case rehabilitation is very dependent on the right method so that the success of rehabilitation can be achieved. The people of Banyuurip Village have a high commitment to carrying out rehabilitation activities. However, the pure planting rehabilitation method is less efficient considering the areas that are often exposed to abrasion. The village side asked for alternative methods to make rehabilitation activities more efficient according to the ecological conditions. Method Ecological Mangrove Rehabilitation (EMR), is defined as an approach to rehabilitation or restoration of coastal wetlands that aims to facilitate natural regeneration to produce self-sustaining wetland ecosystems. This research is intended to provide information about the ecology of mangroves and the social community. Formulation of a rehabilitation strategy with the EMR method. The research was conducted for 4 months (February 2023 – May 2023) at coordinates 6°54'21.09"S and 112°31'13.07"E. The data consists of 10 variables, consisting of biophysical variables (tidal type, surface elevation, disturbance factors, natural succession, reference forest, seed sources, coastal dynamics, history of mangroves, substrate type) and socio-economic variables. Tidal data obtained from NaoTide and processed by Admiralty. The surface elevation is obtained from the images google earth. The disturbance factor variables, natural succession, reference forest, were obtained primarily from the study site. The variables of coastal dynamics and the history of mangroves are processed secondarily with imagery google earth and map digitization on ArcMap. The substrate type variable was obtained by primary sediment samples and analyzed for grain size in the laboratory. Socioeconomic variables were taken using interview methods and literature studies. Scoring and weighting with the Table of Determining Feasibility for Mangrove Rehabilitation Locations from Hatfield. A rehabilitation strategy is formulated according to the results of the analysis that has been carried out. The total value of the assessment of the biophysical factor variable was 2.31 (77%). Meanwhile, the total value of the assessment of socio-economic factor variables is 3.00 (100%). So that in the index for determining the feasibility of mangrove rehabilitation locations the biophysical factors at the research location fall into the S2 category or Conditional Compliant. Meanwhile, in terms of socio-economic factors, the research location is included in the S1 category or Conditional Very Suitable. The recommended area is 0.98 ha, experiencing major abrasion. So it is difficult to implement the EMR method. Needed technical engineering with recommendations geo-bag and hybrid engineering. In this case stakeholders can carry out planting trials before proceeding to the rehabilitation stage.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 0523080419
Subjects: 500 Natural sciences and mathematics > 551 Geology, hydrology, meteorology > 551.4 Geomorphology and hydrosphere > 551.46 Oceanography and submarine geology
Divisions: Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan > Ilmu Kelautan
Depositing User: Sugeng Moelyono
Date Deposited: 07 Dec 2023 05:29
Last Modified: 07 Dec 2023 05:29
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