Struktur Komunitas Gastropoda Pada Ekosistem Mangrove di Pulau Harapan, Kepulauan seribu

Rinjani, Adinda Kartika and Dhira Khurniawan S., S.Kel., M.Sc and Ade Yamindago,, S.Kel.,Mp., M.Sc., Ph.D (2023) Struktur Komunitas Gastropoda Pada Ekosistem Mangrove di Pulau Harapan, Kepulauan seribu. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Ekosistem mangrove memiliki peran sebagai feeding ground, nursery ground, dan spawning ground bagi biota yang tinggal pada ekosistem tersebut salah satunya adalah gastropoda. Keberadaan gastropoda pada ekosistem mangrove ditemukan sangat melimpah karena kemampuannya dalam beradaptasi pada lingkungan ekstrim dan seringkali dijadikan sebagai bioindikator pada ekosistem mangrove. Pulau Harapan merupakan Pulau Penghuni yang memiliki tingkat kepadatan aktivitas antropogenik yang tinggi sehingga berdampak kepada ekosistem mangrove. Maka dari itu, diperlukan adanya penelitian mengenai struktur komunitas gastropoda untuk mengetahui diversitas gastropoda pada ekosistem mangrove di Pulau Harapan. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Maret Tahun 2023 di Pulau Harapan, Kepulauan Seribu, DKI Jakarta. Metode yang digunakan dalam penentuan stasiun adalah purposive sampling yaitu melihat letak dimana ditanamnya mangrove pada Pulau Harapan dengan total 4 stasium. Selanjutnya dibentuk transek kuadran berjumlah 3 transek pada setiap stasiun dan plot pada setiap transek sebagai area pengamatan gastropoda. Berdasarkan Hasil struktur komunitas gastropoda terbagi kedalam 3 indeks yaitu indeks keanekaragaman, keseragaman, dominansi dan kelimpahan. Indeks keanekaragaman diperoleh nilai kisaran 1.8 – 1.4 yang termasuk kedalam kategori keanekaragaman sedang. Indeks keseragaman gastropoda diperoleh nilai kisaran 0.9 – 0.8 yang termasuk kedalam kategori keseragaman tinggi, komunitas stabil. Indeks dominansi gastropoda diperoleh nilai sebesar 0.2, dimana nilai tersebut termasuk kategori dominansi rendah yang berarti tidak ditemukan adanya spesies yang mendominasi. Hasil kelimpahan relatif gastropoda pada seluruh stasiun didapatkan nilai persentase tertinggi untuk spesies Littoraria scabra sebesar 28.83 - 32.23% dan persentase terendah untuk spesies Reishia clavigera sebesar 0.47 – 0.71%. Parameter perairan suhu, salinitas, pH, dan DO, memiliki kisaran nilai yang normal dan sesuai dengan baku mutu. Jenis substrat sand, silt, and clay memiliki persentase bahan organik yang lebih tinggi sebesar 7.66 – 15.33% dibandingkan gravelly sediment sebesar 5.33 – 8.33%. Bahan organik menjadi parameter yang mempunyai hubungan kuat dengan kelimpahan gastropoda, ditunjukkan oleh hasil uji regresi sebesar 0.615 (61.5%) dengan derajat korelasi sebesar 0.784 yang berkategori derajat hubungan sangat kuat dan berkorelasi positif yaitu semakin tinggi kandungan bahan organik maka kelimpahan gastropoda akan semakin tinggi

English Abstract

The mangrove ecosystem plays a role as a feeding ground, nursery ground, and spawning ground for organisms that reside in that ecosystem, including gastropods. The presence of gastropods in the mangrove ecosystem is found to be abundant due to their ability to adapt to extreme environments, and they are often used as bioindicators in the mangrove ecosystem. Pulau Harapan is an inhabited island with a high level of anthropogenic activities, which have an impact on the mangrove ecosystem. Therefore, research is needed to study the gastropod community structure in order to understand the diversity of gastropods in the mangrove ecosystem of Pulau Harapan. The research was conducted in March 2023 on Pulau Harapan, the Thousand Islands, DKI Jakarta. The method used to determine the stations was purposive sampling, which involved identifying the locations where mangroves were planted on Pulau Harapan, resulting in a total of 4 stations. Subsequently, three quadrant transects were established at each station, and plots were designated within each transect as the observation areas for gastropods.Based on the results of the gastropod community structure in the mangrove ecosystem of Pulau Harapan, the diversity index ranged from 1.8 to 1.4, indicating a moderate level of diversity. The evenness index ranged from 0.9 to 0.8, indicating a high level of evenness and a stable community. The gastropod dominance index had a value of 0.2, which falls into the low dominance category, indicating the absence of any dominant species. The relative abundance of gastropods across all stations showed the highest percentage for the species Littoraria scabra, ranging from 28.83% to 32.23%, while the lowest percentage was for the species Reishia clavigera, ranging from 0.47% to 0.71%. Environmental parameters such as temperature, salinity, pH, and dissolved oxygen (DO) fell within normal ranges and met the quality standards. The substrate types, including sand, silt, clay, and gravelly sediment, had varying percentages of organic matter. Sand, silt, and clay had higher percentages ranging from 7.66% to 15.33% compared to gravelly sediment, which ranged from 5.33% to 8.33%. Organic matter was found to be a parameter strongly associated with gastropod abundance, as indicated by a regression test result of 0.615 (61.5%) with a correlation coefficient of 0.784, indicating a very strong positive correlation. This means that as the organic matter content increases, the abundance of gastropods also increases.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 0523080258
Subjects: 500 Natural sciences and mathematics > 551 Geology, hydrology, meteorology > 551.4 Geomorphology and hydrosphere > 551.46 Oceanography and submarine geology
Divisions: Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan > Ilmu Kelautan
Depositing User: Sugeng Moelyono
Date Deposited: 16 Nov 2023 04:41
Last Modified: 16 Nov 2023 04:41
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