Perbedaan Efek Valsartan dan Irbesartan terhadap Kadar Asymetric Dimethylarginin dan Nitric Oxide pada Tikus Model Nefropati Diabtik dengan Pemberian Asam Rosmarinat.

Tidel, Caesar Ahmad and Dr. dr."Nursamsu, SpPD-KGH; and dr. Achmad-Rifai, SpPD-KGH (2023) Perbedaan Efek Valsartan dan Irbesartan terhadap Kadar Asymetric Dimethylarginin dan Nitric Oxide pada Tikus Model Nefropati Diabtik dengan Pemberian Asam Rosmarinat. Magister thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Disfungsi endotel terjadi pada komplikasi ginjal karena hiperglikemia kronisyang ditandai dengan peningkatan kadar Asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA). . . . Penelitian ini menggunakan desain menggunakan 16 tikus Sprague Dawley (Rattus norvegicus) jantan yang diberi injeksi streptozotocin dan mengalami nefropati dibetik. Intervensi diberikan pada tikus umur 7-9 minggu selama 21 hari yang dibagi menjadi kelompok 4 tikus dengan diet normal, 4 tikus diabetes tanpa terapi, 4 tikus nefropati diabetes dengan terapi kombinasi asam rosmarinat 75mg/kgBB/hari dengan Irbesartan 1,5 mg/kg BB/hari, dan 4 tikus nefropati diabetes dengan terapi kombinasi asam rosmarinat 75mg/kgBB/hari dengan Valsartan 1 mg/kg BB/hari. Pengukuran ADMA dan NO menggunakan ELISA. Uji statistik dilakukan dengan One-way ANOVA dan Spearman/Pearson menggunakan software SPSS 24.0. Nilai p signifikan jika <0,05. emberian kombinasi asam rosmarinat dengan valsartan ataupun irbesartan meningkatkan kadar NO dibadingkan dengan kontrol positif dengan nilai signifikasi masing - masing p=0,035 dan p=0,012. emberian kombinasi asam rosmarinat dengan valsartan ataupun irbesartan tidak menurunkan secara signifikan kadar ADMA dibadingkan dengan kontrol positifnilai signifikasi masing - masing p=0,416 dan p=0,149. Pemberian valsartan dan irbesartan meningkatkan kadar NO pada tikus nefropati diabetes yang terpapar asam rosmarinat. Pemberian valsartan dan irbesartan tidak mempengaruhi kadar ADMA pada tikus nefropati diabetik yang terpapar asam rosmarinat.

English Abstract

Introduction: |Endothelial - dysfunction -occurs- in- renal .complications; -due -to, chronic hyperglycemia, characterized- by an.increase .in, levels - of; Asymmetric -dimethylarginine (ADMA)._Elevated levels of ADMA can inhibit the formation of NO. as an_endothelial vasodilator. The decrease in NO ‘production will worsen the condition of endothelial dysfunction: Valsartan can inhibit the ‘binding of angiotensin II to its receptors, thereby inhibiting-proteinuria production. Irbesartan provides renoprotective effects’ in hypertensive patients with type 2 diabetes-in the ‘early and‘late stages of diabetic nephropathy. New therapeutic /interventions ithat 'focus-on' antioxidant-based' therapy:- are” crucial' for/ the prevention and treatment of diabetic nephropathy:inithe future. Method: This study utilized -a. laboratory experimental design with. a_true- experimental laboratory design and a randomized posttest-only controlled, group design. Sixteen male Sprague Dawley rats (Rattus norvegicus) were used, which were injected with streptozotocin to induce diabetic nephropathy. The intervention was given to rats aged 7-9 weeks for 21 days, divided into four groups: 4 rats on a normal diet, 4 rats with diabetes without therapy, 4 rats ‘with"diabetic' nephropathy treated with a combination: of 75mg/kg body-weight/day’ of rosmarinic’ acid and ' 1.5mg/kg” body weight/day “of “Irbesartan; ‘and-4 ‘rats with. diabetic nephropathy treated with a:.combination of 75mg/kg body weight/day,of rosmarinic acid and 1mg/kg body weight/day, of Valsartan., ADMArand NO levels| were measured-using ELISA. Statistical . analysis . was . performed. using One-way. ANOVA and . Spearman/Pearson correlation tests using SPSS-24.0 software. A p-value of less than 0.05 was considered statistically significant.. Results: The-administration of a' combination ‘of 'rosmarinic -acid with either valsartan-or irbesartan increased’NO levels compared to the positive control; with ‘significance values: of p=0:035and ' p=0.012; respectively.-;However;: the- administration: of -a: combination: of rosmarinic,-acid - with -valsartan -or .irbesartan 'did, not ;significantly decrease “ADMA -levels compared to: the positive. control, :with. significance; values .of p=0.416 rand .p=0.149, respectively. Conclusion: The administration of valsartan and irbesartan increased NO levels in diabetic nephropathy rats ‘exposed to rosmarinic acid. However, the administration of valsartan'and irbesartan did not affect ADMA levels in diabetic nephropathy rats exposed to rosmarinic acid.

Item Type: Thesis (Magister)
Identification Number: 0423060028
Uncontrolled Keywords: diabetic nephropathy, ADMA; nitric oxide, asamrosmarinate
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 616 Diseases
Divisions: Profesi Kedokteran > Spesialis Ilmu Penyakit Dalam, Fakultas Kedokteran
Depositing User: Endang Susworini
Date Deposited: 06 Nov 2023 07:10
Last Modified: 06 Nov 2023 07:10
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