Fachrudin, Felix Hadyan and Fredy Nugroho Setiawan, S.S., M.Hum. (2023) Social Class Stereotypes Portrayed In “Murder On The Orient Express. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Isu sosial berupa stereotip kelas sosial digambarkan secara implisit dalam film berjudul Murder on the Orient Express (2017). Penggambaran isu tersebut tersirat dari kemunculan tokoh-tokoh yang memiliki porsi dialog dan berperan dalam plot film. Penggambaran stereotip masing-masing kelas sosial dalam film ini didasarkan pada penampilan tokoh seperti kostum, aksesoris, dan penampilan fisik serta tindakan tokoh yang tergambar dalam dialog. Setiap karakter mewakili kelas sosial yang berbeda, yaitu kelas yang diistimewakan secara positif, kelas yang diistimewakan secara negatif, dan kelas menengah. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori kelas sosial dari Max Weber dan kajian film dalam buku berjudul The Art of Watching Films karya Petrie dan Boggs untuk menganalisis isu kelas sosial dan stereotip di masing-masing kelas dalam film Murder on the Orient Express (2017). Temuan dari film ini adalah karakter-karakter yang terbagi dalam tiga kategori kelas yaitu kelas yang diistimewakan secara positif, kelas yang diistimewakan secara negatif, dan middle class di mana klasifikasi tersebut didasarkan pada penampilan karakter dan tindakan karakter yang digambarkan dalam penokohan melalui dialog dan penampilan. Setiap karakter yang termasuk dalam kelompok tertentu menunjukkan kesamaan yang menjadi dasar stereotip dalam kelas tersebut. Stereotip yang muncul pada kelas yang diistimewakan secara positif adalah pakaian dan aksesoris mewah yang sering dikenakan oleh para tokoh dan juga kepribadian mereka yang pemarah, sombong, dan suka memerintah. Di sisi lain, kelas yang diistimewakan secara negatif distereotipkan sebagai karakter yang sering terlihat sederhana dengan pakaian sederhana dan pakaian seragam serta penurut dalam perihal kepribadian.
English Abstract
Social issues in the form of social class stereotypes are implicitly portrayed in the movie entitled Murder on the Orient Express (2017). The portrayal of the issue is implied by the appearance of characters that have portions of dialogue and play a role in the movie's plot. The portrayal of the stereotypes of each social class in this movie is based on the characters' appearances such as costumes, accessories, and physical appearance, and also the character’s acts pictured in the dialogue. Each character represents different social classes including positively privileged class, negatively privileged class, and middle class. This study uses the theory of social class by Max Weber and movie studies in the book entitled The Art of Watching Films by Petrie and Boggs to analyze the issue of social class and stereotypes between each class in the movie Murder on the Orient Express (2017). The findings of this movie are the characters that are divided into three class categories namely positively privileged, negatively privileged, and middle class in which the classification is based on the characters’ appearances and the characters’ acts pictured in their characterization through dialogue and appearance. Every character belonging to a particular group shows similarities that are the basis of stereotyping within that class. The stereotype emerging in the positively privileged class is the fancy clothes and accessories often worn by the characters and also their personality which is grumpy, arrogant, and bossy. On the other hand, the negatively privileged class are stereotyped as characters who often look modest and obligatory with their simple and uniform clothing and also submissive in terms of their personality.
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Identification Number: | 0523120122 |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Social class, stereotypes, Murder on the Orient Express, characterization |
Subjects: | 400 Language > 420 English and Old English (Anglo-Saxon) |
Divisions: | Fakultas Ilmu Budaya > Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris |
Depositing User: | Sugeng Moelyono |
Date Deposited: | 09 Oct 2023 06:55 |
Last Modified: | 09 Oct 2023 06:55 |
URI: | http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/203571 |
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