Sistem Bagi Hasil pada Usahatani Padi Sawah di Desa Randuagung Kecamatan Singosari Kabupaten Malang

Rachma, Risa Febria and Prof. Dr. Ir. Kliwon Hidayat,, M.S. and Fitrotul Laili,, S.P., M.P. (2023) Sistem Bagi Hasil pada Usahatani Padi Sawah di Desa Randuagung Kecamatan Singosari Kabupaten Malang. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Tanaman padi menjadi tolok ukur ketersediaan pangan di Indonesia karena mayoritas penduduknya mengonsumsi makanan pokok berupa beras. Seiring berjalannya waktu, peningkatan jumlah penduduk di Indonesia mendorong kebutuhan pangan berupa beras juga meningkat sehingga produksi padi juga harus ditingkatkan. Namun, pengembangan sektor pertanian dewasa ini dihadapkan dengan berbagai macam kendala, salah satunya kesulitan tenaga kerja/kelangkaan tenaga kerja di sektor pertanian. Di balik kendala tersebut, muncul fenomena adanya sistem bagi hasil dalam usahatani padi sawah. Munculnya fenomena sistem bagi hasil sebagai upaya untuk mengatasi kelangkaan tenaga kerja di bidang pertanian terjadi di Desa Randuagung, Kecamatan Singosari, Kabupaten Malang. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu: 1) menganalisis karakteristik petani penyakap dan pemilik lahan padi sawah dengan sistem bagi hasil, 2) mengidentifikasi alasan pemilik lahan padi sawah menggarapkan lahannya kepada petani penyakap, 3) menganalisis hubungan yang terjadi antara pemilik lahan dan petani penyakap, 4) menganalisis rata-rata produksi, penerimaan, dan pendapatan riil usahatani yang diperoleh pemilik lahan dan petani penyakap lahan padi sawah dengan sistem bagi hasil. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan jenis penelitian deskriptif. Lokasi penelitian dilakukan di Desa Randuagung, Kecamatan Singosari, Kabupaten Malang pada musim tanam 1 bulan Januari-April Tahun 2023. Penentuan responden dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik sensus yakni menjadikan 38 petani yang menerapkan sistem bagi hasil usahatani padi sawah di Desa Randuagung, Kecamatan Singosari, Kabupaten Malang sebagai responden. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa: 1) Karakteristik petani penyakap dan pemilik lahan di Desa Randuagung ditinjau dari usia petani yakni rata-rata pemilik lahan berusia 41-50 tahun, sedangkan petani penyakap berusia 61-70 tahun. Berdasarkan tingkat pendidikan, pemilik lahan rata-rata tidak tamat/tamat SMA/sederajat, sedangkan petani penyakap tidak tamat/tamat SD/sederajat. Berdasarkan luas kepemilikan lahan, baik pemilik lahan maupun petani penyakap memiliki luas lahan terbanyak yakni seluas ≤0,5 ha dengan lama menyakapkan lahan terbanyak selama 1-5 tahun. 2) Alasan pemilik lahan tidak menggarap lahannya sendiri karena tidak mmepunyai waktu/kesempatan untuk pergi ke lahan karena bekerja di sektor non pertanian. 3) Hubungan antara pemilik lahan dan petani penyakap di Desa Randuagung mayoritas sebagai saudara karena perjanjian sistem bagi hasil dilakukan secara lisan saja sehingga mengutamakan kepercayaan.4) Dari sisi pemilik lahan di Desa Randuagung, rata-rata produksi yang diterima dengan sistem maro yakni 1.127 kg beras/ha, sedangkan dengan sistem mertelu yakni 832 kg beras/ha. Artinya, rata-rata produksi beras yang diterima pemilik lahan dengan sistem maro lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan sistem mertelu. Dari sisi petani penyakap di Desa Randuagung, rata-rata produksi yang diterima dengan sistem maro yakni 2.255 kg beras/ha, sedangkan sistem mertelu yakni 2.495 kg beras/ha. Artinya, rata-rata produksi beras yang diterima petani penyakap dengan sistem mertelu lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan sistem maro. Rata-rata penerimaan usahatani yang diterima pemilik lahan dengan sistem maro yakni Rp 12.401.400/ha, sedangkan dengan sistem mertelu yakni Rp 8.856.528/ha. Artinya, rata-rata penerimaan usahatani yang diterima pemilik lahan dengan sistem maro lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan sistem mertelu. Sedangkan rata-rata penerimaan usahatani yang diterima petani penyakap dengan sistem maro yakni Rp 24.802.800/ha dan jika sistem mertelu yakni Rp 26.569.584/ha. Artinya, rata-rata penerimaan usahatani yang diterima petani penyakap dengan sistem mertelu lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan sistem maro. Dari produksi dan penerimaan tersebut, rata-rata pendapatan usahatani yang diterima pemilik lahan dengan sistem maro yakni Rp 11.005.004/musim tanam, sedangkan sistem mertelu yakni Rp 8.555.882/musim tanam. Artinya, pendapatan usahatani yang diterima pemilik lahan dengan sistem maro lebih tinggi dibandingkan sistem mertelu. Sedangkan rata-rata pendapatan usahatani yang diterima petani penyakap dengan sistem maro yakni Rp 7.095.559/musim tanam, dan jika dengan sistem mertelu yakni Rp 10.193.487/musim tanam. Jika ditinjau dengan UMK Kab. Malang 2023, rata-rata pendapatan usahatani yang diterima pemilik lahan dalam sistem bagi hasil maro berada di atas UMK Kab. Malang 2023, sedangkan dengan sistem bagi hasil mertelu berada di bawah UMK Kab. Malang 2023. Dilihat dari sisi petani penyakap, rata-rata pendapatan usahatani yang diterima petani penyakap dengan sistem bagi hasil maro berada di bawah UMK Kab. Malang 2023, sedangkan dengan sistem bagi hasil mertelu berada di atas UMK Kab. Malang 2023.

English Abstract

Rice is the benchmark of food availability in Indonesia because the majority of the population consumes rice as their staple food. As time goes by, the increase in the number of people in Indonesia encourages the need for food in the form of rice to also increase so that rice production must also be increased. However, the development of the agricultural sector is currently faced with various obstacles, one of which is labor shortages in the agricultural sector. Behind these constraints, the phenomenon of a share-cropping system in paddy rice farming has emerged. The emergence of the share-cropping system as an effort to overcome labor scarcity in agriculture occurred in Randuagung Village, Singosari District, Malang Regency. The objectives of this study are: 1) to analyze the characteristics of landowners and sharecroppers of rice paddy fields with a share-cropping system, 2) to identify the reasons why owners of rice paddy fields expect their land to sharecroppers, 3) to analyze the relationship that occurs between landowners and sharecroppers, 4) analyzing the average production, revenue, and real farm income obtained by landowners and sharecroppers of paddy fields with a share-cropping system. This research used a quantitative approach with a descriptive research type. The research was conducted in Randuagung Village, Singosari District, Malang Regency during the first planting season of January-April 2023. Determination of respondents in this study using the census technique, namely making 38 farmers who apply the share-cropping system of paddy rice farming in Randuagung Village, Singosari District, Malang Regency as respondents. The results of this study indicate that: 1) The characteristics of landowners and sharecroppers in Randuagung Village in terms of the age of farmers, namely the average landowner is 41-50 years old, while sharecroppers are 61-70 years old. Based on the level of education, the average landowner did not finish high school, while the intercropping farmers did not finish elementary school. Based on the size of land holdings, both landowners and sharecroppers have the most land area of ≤0.5 ha with the most years of tapping land for 1-5 years. 2) The reason why landowners do not cultivate their own land is because they do not have the time/opportunity to go to the land because they work in the non-agricultural sector. 3) The relationship between landowners and sharecroppers in Randuagung Village is mostly as relatives because the share-cropping system agreement is done verbally only so that it prioritizes trust. 4) In terms of landowners in Randuagung Village, the average production received under the maro system is 1,127 kg of rice/ha, while under the mertelu system it is 832 kg of rice/ha. This means that the average rice production received by landowners under the maro system is higher than under the mertelu system. In terms of sharecroppers in Randuagung Village, the average production received under the maro system is 2,255 kg of rice/ha, while under the mertelu system it is 2,495 kg of rice/ha. This means that the average rice production received by sharecroppers under the mertelu system is higher than under the maro system. The average farm income received by landowners with the maro system is IDR 12,401,400/ha, while with the mertelu system is IDR 8,856,528/ha. This means that the average farm income received by landowners with the maro system is higher than the mertelu system. While the average farm income received by sharecroppers with the maro system is Rp 24,802,800/ha and if the mertelu system is Rp 26,569,584/ha. This means that the average farm income received by sharecroppers with the mertelu system is higher than the maro system. From the production and revenue, the average farm income received by landowners with the maro system is Rp 11,005,004/growing season, while the mertelu system is Rp 8,555,882/growing season. This means that the farm income received by landowners with the maro system is higher than the mertelu system. While the average farm income received by sharecroppers with the maro system is Rp 7,095,559/growing season, and if the mertelu system is Rp 10,193,487/growing season. When viewed against the 2023 Malang Regency minimum wage, the average farm income received by landowners in the maro share cropping system is above the 2023 Malang Regency minimum wage, while the mertelu share cropping system is below the 2023 Malang Regency minimum wage. In terms of sharecroppers, the average farm income received by sharecroppers under the maro share cropping system is below the minimum wage for Malang Regency 2023, while that under the mertelu share cropping system is above the minimum wage for Malang Regency 2023.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 0523040290
Subjects: 300 Social sciences > 338 Production > 338.1 Agriculture
Divisions: Fakultas Pertanian > Agribisnis
Depositing User: soegeng sugeng
Date Deposited: 27 Sep 2023 01:06
Last Modified: 27 Sep 2023 01:06
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