Analisis Pertumbuhan dan Mortalitas Cumi-cumi (Loligo sp.) Hasil Tangkapan Bagan Tancap di Desa Gejugan Kecamatan Pajarakan Kabupaten Probolinggo

Cahyani, Risky Dwi and Dr. Ir. Daduk Setyohadi,, MP and Dr. Ir. Dewa Gede Raka Wiadnya,, M.Sc (2023) Analisis Pertumbuhan dan Mortalitas Cumi-cumi (Loligo sp.) Hasil Tangkapan Bagan Tancap di Desa Gejugan Kecamatan Pajarakan Kabupaten Probolinggo. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Cumi-cumi (Loligo sp.) merupakan komoditas perikanan Indonesia dari kelas cheplopoda yang bernilai ekonomis. Selain cumi-cumi (squid), komoditas penting dari kelas chepalopoda adalah sotong (cuttlefish), dan gurita (octopus). Cumi-cumi banyak diminati oleh masyarakat karena gizinya dan hampir seluruh bagian tubuhnya edible (dapat dimakan). Minat yang tinggi dalam mengkonsumsi cumi-cumi dapat membuat permintaan pasar meningkat dan nelayan terdesak untuk melakukan kegiatan penangkapan secara intensif. Desa Gejugan merupakan salah satu desa di Kabupaten Probolinggo yang melakukan aktivitas perikanan dengan alat tangkap bagan tancap dan menjadikan cumi-cumi sebagai hasil tangkapan utama. Untuk menjaga sumber daya cumi-cumi tetap lestari diperlukan adanya penelitian mengenai aspek pertumbuhan dan mortalitas cumi-cumi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu mengidentifikasi cumi-cumi yang tertangkap pada bagan tancap; menganalisis hubungan panjang-berat cumi-cumi dominan serta menganalisis aspek dinamika populasi cumi-cumi dominan yang meliputi kelompok umur, parameter pertumbuhan, mortalitas, laju eksploitasi, pola rekrutmen, Yield per Recruit (Y/R), dan Biomass per Recruit (B/R). Metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kuantitatif untuk mendeskripsikan subjek atau objek yang diteliti berdasarkan hasil analisis dari data yang diperoleh selama penelitian. Metode pengambilan data menggunakan metode simple random sampling, observasi, dokumentasi dan wawancara tidak terstruktur. Berdasarkan hasil identifikasi, ditemukan bahwa terdapat dua jenis cumi-cumi yaitu Photololigo duvaucelli dan Sepioteuthis lessonia serta dua jenis sotong yaitu Sepiella inermis dan Euprymna morsei. Berdasarkan hasil analisis hubungan panjang berat, hubungan panjang berat cumi-cumi (Photololigo duvaucelli) adalah alometrik negatif dengan persamaan adalah W = 0.1609*L2.35. Berdasarkan hasil analisis aspek dinamika populasi, didapatkan bahwa terdapat dua kohort selama periode pengambilan data Januari hingga April 2023. Cumi-cumi (Photololigo duvaucelli) memiliki panjang asimtotik (L ) sebesar 301,5 mm, koefisien pertumbuhan (K) sebesar 0,1 pertahun, dan t0 sebesar -0,92 tahun. Mortalitas total (Z) = 1,92/tahun, mortalitas alami (M) = 0,41/tahun, mortalitas penangkapan (F) = 1,51/tahun, dan laju eksploitasi (E) = 0,78/tahun yang menandakan bahwa tingkat pemanfaatan cumi-cumi Photololigo duvaucelli di perairan Probolinggo telah melebihi batas (over exploited). Rekrutmen terjadi sepanjang tahun dengan puncaknya pada bulan September. Nilai Y/R = 0,2% menunjukkan bahwa status perikanan di lokasi penelitian memasuki kondisi overfishing, sedangkan nilai B/R = 1,7% menunjukkan bahwa biomassa dari cumi-cumi di lokasi penelitian semakin sedikit.

English Abstract

Squid (Loligo sp.) is an Indonesian fishery commodity from cheplopods which has high economic value. Besides squid, important commodities from the cephalopod class are cuttlefish and octopus. Squid is in great demand by the public because of its nutrition and almost all parts of its body are edible. High interest in consuming squid can increase market demand and pressure fishermen to carry out intensive fishing activities. Gejugan Village is one of the villages in Probolinggo Regency which carries out fishing activities using fixed net fishing gear and makes squid the main catch. To maintain sustainable squid resources, research is needed on aspects of growth and mortality of squid. The aim of this research is to identify squid caught on the fixed lift net; analyzed the length-weight relationship of the dominant squid and analyzed aspects of dynamics population of the dominant squid which included age group, growth parameters, mortality, exploitation rate, recruitment pattern, Yield per Recruit (Y/R), and Biomass per Recruit (B/ R). The method used is descriptive quantitative to describe the subject or object under study based on the results of the analysis of the data obtained during the study. Methods of data collection using simple random sampling, observation, documentation, and unstructured interviews. Based on the identification results, it was found that there were two types of squid, namely Photololigo duvaucelli and Sepioteuthis lessonia and two types of cuttlefish, namely Sepiella inermis and Euprymna morsei. Based on the analysis of the length-weight relationship, the length-weight relationship of squid (Photololigo duvaucelli) is negative allometric with the equation W = 0.1609*L2.35. Based on the results of the analysis of the population dynamics aspect, it was found that there were two cohorts during the data collection period from January to April 2023. The squid (Photololigo duvaucelli) has an asymptotic length (L) of 301,5 mm, a growth coefficient (K) of 0.1/year, and t0 is -0.92. Total mortality (Z) = 1.92/year, natural mortality (M) = 0.41/year, fishing mortality (F) = 1.51/year, and exploitation rate (E) = 0.78/year which indicates that the level of utilization of the squid Photololigo duvaucelli in Probolinggo waters has exceeded the limit (over-exploited). Recruitment occurs throughout the year with a peak in September. The Y/R value = 0.2% indicates that the fishery status at the research location is entering a state of overfishing, while the B/R value = 1.7% indicates that the biomass of squid at the study location is decreasing.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 0523080213
Subjects: 300 Social sciences > 333 Economics of land and energy > 333.9 Other natural resources > 333.95 Biological resources > 333.956 Fishes
Divisions: Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan > Pemanfaatan Sumberdaya Perikanan dan Kelautan
Depositing User: soegeng sugeng
Date Deposited: 18 Sep 2023 03:19
Last Modified: 18 Sep 2023 03:19
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