Pengaruh Insektisida Berbahan Aktif Metomil Terhadap Degradasi Jaringan Insang Ikan Nila (Oreochromis niloticus).

Nurhalisa, - and Prof. Dr. Ir. Diana Arfiati,, M.S and Prof. Dr. Ir. Sri Andayani,, M.S (2023) Pengaruh Insektisida Berbahan Aktif Metomil Terhadap Degradasi Jaringan Insang Ikan Nila (Oreochromis niloticus). Magister thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Metomil digunakan untuk mengendalikan dan menghilangkan hama (serangga) di bidang pertanian. Residu metomil telah terdeteksi pada produk pertanian dan perairan alami. Tujuan penelitian ini menganalisis pengaruh paparan insektisida berbahan aktif metomil dengan konsentrasi berbeda terhadap histologi insang, hematologi (eritrosit, hemoglobin, hematokrit, leukosit) dan biokimia darah (hormon kortisol dan glukosa darah) pada ikan Nila Jatimbulan. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada November 2022 sampai Januari 2023, disusun dalam rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) dengan 1 kontrol (tanpa paparan) dan 3 perlakuan paparan insektisida yaitu konsentrasi 1,8 mg/L (Perlakuan A), 4,015 mg/L (Perlakuan B), 6,2 mg/L (Perlakuan C), dengan masing-masing 3 ulangan. Enam ekor ikan nila ukuran 9-12 cm dan berat rata-rata 30,54 ± 1,17 g dimasukkan ke dalam akuarium (30 L) yang telah berisi air tawar dan insektisida dengan konsentrasi sesuai perlakuan. Empat hari setelah paparan pertama diambil satu ekor ikan tiap akuarium untuk dianalisa sesuai parameter yang diamati, termasuk gejala klinis, kelangsungan hidup (Survival Rate/SR), waktu kematian dan pertumbuhan mutlak. Selanjutnya ikan dipindah sementara (±30 menit) ke akuarium lain, akuarium perlakuan dibersihkan dan diisi insektisida kembali dengan konsentrasi sesuai perlakuan kemudian ikan kembali dimasukkan untuk mendapat paparan (kedua) selama 4 hari. Perlakuan tersebut diulang setiap 4 hari sampai paparan ke-7 (hari ke 28). Selama penelitian ikan nila diberi pakan buatan secara adlibitum. Pengamatan histologi insang, hematologi dan biokimia darah yaitu hari ke-4 setelah dilakukannya paparan pertama dan hari ke-4 setelah dilakukannya paparan ke-7 (akhir penelitian hari ke-28). Selanjutnya diambil satu ekor ikan secara acak dari setiap perlakuan untuk di amati seperti sampel ikan pengamatan pertama. Kualitas air (suhu, pH dan DO) diamati 2 kali sehari yaitu pukul 08.00 dan 16.00 WIB selama penelitian. Data hasil pengamatan dianalisis dengan ANOVA dan uji Duncan serta pengamatan secara deskriptif. Insektisida Lannate® 25 WP yang digunakan di deteksi dengan FTIR dan GCMS dan diketahui mengandung kadar metomil 32,55 %. Tidak terjadi nekrosis jaringan insang ikan nila pada kontrol. Setelah paparan pertama (hari ke-4) terjadi nekrosis 51-75 %. Kerusakan jaringan insang sudah mulai terjadi pada perlakuan A tetapi tidak sampai nekrosis. Semakin tinggi konsentrasi insektisida, persentase nekrosis jaringan insang makin banyak. Tidak terjadi pertambahan persentase nekrosis setelah 7 kali paparan dikarenakan terjadi regenerasi sel insang. Ikan nila mengalami stres akibat hipoksia, setelah paparan pertama (hari ke-4), ditandai dengan hematologi dan biokimia darah yang meningkat sesuai pertambahan konsentrasi insektisida. Setelah 7 kali paparan masih terjadi stres hipoksia pada perlakuan 6,2 mg/L, ditandai dengan kenaikan hematologi dan kadar biokimia darah tinggi. Semakin tinggi konsentrasi insektisida gejala klinis kondisi tubuh dan pertumbuhan berat ikan nila menurun. Perlakuan 6,2 mg/L menyebabkan kematian (SR 44,4 %). Kualitas air selama penelitian sesuai untuk proses perubahan metomil menjadi asetonitril juga untuk kelangsungan hidup, pertumbuhan ikan nila. Dengan demikian konsentrasi metomil 1,8 mg/L (Perlakuan A) dan 4,015 mg/L (Perlakuan B) dapat ditolerir oleh ikan Nila. Insektisida berbahan aktif metomil dapat digunakan dengan konsentrasi maksimal 4,015 mg/L.

English Abstract

Methomyl is used to control and eliminate pests (insects) in agriculture. Methomyl residues have been detected in agricultural products and natural waters. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of exposure to the insecticide with the active ingredient methomyl with different concentrations on gill histology, hematology (erythrocytes, hemoglobin, hematocrit, leukocytes) and blood biochemistry (cortisol hormone and blood glucose) in Jatimbulan Tilapia. The study was conducted from November 2022 to January 2023, arranged in a completely randomized design (CRD) with 1 control (no exposure) and 3 treatments of insecticide exposure, namely concentrations of 1.8 mg/L (Treatment A), 4.015 mg/L (Treatment B), 6.2 mg/L (Treatment C), with 3 replicates each. Six tilapia fish measuring 9-12 cm and weighing an average of 30.54 ± 1.17 g were put into an aquarium (30 L) containing fresh water and insecticide with the appropriate concentration of treatment. Four days after the first exposure, one fish was taken from each aquarium to be analyzed according to the observed parameters, including clinical symptoms, survival rate (SR), time of death and absolute growth. Then the fish were moved temporarily (± 30 minutes) to another aquarium, the treatment aquarium was cleaned and filled with insecticide again with the concentration according to the treatment then the fish were put back in for (second) exposure for 4 days. The treatment was repeated every 4 days until the 7th exposure (28th day). During the study tilapia were fed ad libitum artificial feed. Observations of gill histology, hematology and blood biochemistry were 4th day after the first exposure and 4th day after the 7th exposure (end of study 28th day). Then one fish was taken randomly from each treatment to be observed like the first observation fish sample. Water quality (temperature, pH and DO) was observed twice a day at 08.00 and 16.00 WIB during the study. Observational data were analyzed using ANOVA and Duncan's test as well as descriptive observations. The Lannate® 25 WP insecticide used was detected by FTIR and GCMS and was found to contain 32.55 % methomyl content. Tilapia gill tissue necrosis did not occur in the control. After the first exposure (day 4) 51-75% necrosis occurred. Damage to gill tissue had started to occur in treatment A but not to necrosis. The higher the insecticide concentration, the greater the percentage of gill tissue necrosis. There was no increase in the percentage of necrosis after 7th exposures due to gill cell regeneration. Tilapia experienced stress due to hypoxia, after the first exposure (day 4), marked by increased hematology and blood biochemistry according to the increase in insecticide concentration. After 7th exposures, stress hypoxia still occurred in treatment 6.2 mg/L, marked by an increase in hematology and high blood biochemical levels. The higher the insecticide concentration, the clinical symptoms of body condition and fish weight growth decreased. Treatment 6.2 mg/L caused death (SR 44.4%). The quality of the water during the study was suitable for the process of changing methomyl to acetonitrile as well as for the survival and growth of tilapia. Thus the concentration of 1.8 mg/L (Treatment A) and 4.015 mg/L (Treatment B) methomyl could be tolerated by tilapia. Insecticides with the active ingredient methomyl can be used with a maximum concentration of 4.015 mg/L.

Item Type: Thesis (Magister)
Identification Number: 0423080010
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 639 Hunting, fishing & conservation > 639.3 Culture of cold-blooded vertebrates
Divisions: S2/S3 > Magister Budidaya Perairan, Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan
Depositing User: soegeng sugeng
Date Deposited: 14 Sep 2023 02:52
Last Modified: 14 Sep 2023 02:52
Restricted to Registered users only until 31 December 2025.

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