Ekologi Dan Faktor Infeksi Larva Trematoda Pada Siput Air Tawar Di Area Persawahan Dataran Tinggi Kabupaten Malang

Pratama, Jaka Mulya and drh. Widi Nugroho, (2023) Ekologi Dan Faktor Infeksi Larva Trematoda Pada Siput Air Tawar Di Area Persawahan Dataran Tinggi Kabupaten Malang. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Peternakan ruminansia merupakan segmen penting dari sektor perekonomian di Indonesia. Trematoda merupakan parasit pada hewan ternak ruminansia dan beberapa organ pada tubuh hewan ternak ruminansia dapat dijadikan predileksi oleh beberapa jenis trematoda. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui spesies siput air tawar yang ditemukan di area persawahan, stadium larva trematoda yang dapat ditemukan pada siput air tawar, dan mengetahui pengaruh faktor infeksi spesies terhadap status infeksi larva trematoda pada siput tawar. Jumlah total sampel sebanyak 240 sampel dengan rincian 30 sampel siput air tawar di 8 area persawahan dataran tinggi Kabupaten Malang. Metode pengumpulan sampel dilakukan secara langsung dengan pengkoleksian menggunakan tangan. Koleksi sampel siput dalam satu lokasi pengambilan ditempatkan pada satu kontainer boks plastik berukuran 8L. Pemeriksaan sampel siput air tawar menggunakan metode crushing dan dilakukan pengamatan sampel menggunakan Mikroskop Olympus CX 23 dengan perbesaran 400x. Analisis data dilakukan untuk mengetahui hubungan faktor infeksi terhadap status infeksi larva trematoda pada siput tawar menggunakan aplikasi SPSS versi 25 dengan uji Chi-square. Hasil penelitian ini diperoleh hasil sebanyak 72 sampel positif dengan presentase 30%. Hasil identifikasi siput air tawar yang ditemukan di area persawahan adalah Filopaludina javanica, Sulcospira testudinaria, Pomacea canaliculata, Radix rubiginosa, dan Mienoplotia scabra. Stadium larva trematoda yang ditemukan pada siput air tawar adalah sporokista sebesar (11,1%), redia sebesar (33,3%), serkaria tipe Gymnocephalous cercariae sebesar (26,3%), serkaria tipe Brevifurcate-apharyngeate distome sebesar (12,5%), dan metaserkaria sebesar (16,6%). Faktor infeksi larva trematoda terhadap siput air tawar dipengaruhi spesies siput air tawar (P= 0.000) menunjukkan pengaruh yang bersifat signifikan terhadap status infeksi larva trematoda pada siput tawar

English Abstract

Ruminant livestock is an important segment of the economic sector in Indonesia. Trematodes are parasites on ruminants and several organs in the body of ruminants can be predilected by several types of trematodes. This study aims to determine the species of freshwater snails found in rice fields, the stages of trematode larvae that can be found in freshwater snails, and to determine the effect of species infection factors on the infection status of trematode larvae in freshwater snails. The total number of samples was 240 samples with details of 30 samples of freshwater snails in 8 areas of highland rice fields in Malang Regency. The sample collection method is done directly by collecting by hand. The collection of snail samples in one collection location was placed in an 8L plastic box container. Examination of freshwater snail samples used the crushing method and observed samples using an Olympus CX 23 microscope with 400x magnification. Data analysis was performed to determine the relationship between infection factors and the infection status of trematode larvae in freshwater snails using the SPSS version 25 application with the Chi-square test. The results of this study obtained the results of 72 positive samples with a percentage of 30%. The results of the identification of freshwater snails found in the rice fields are Filopaludina javanica, Sulcospira testudinaria, Pomacea canaliculata, Radix rubiginosa, and Mienoplotia scabra. Trematode larval stages found in freshwater snails were sporocysts (11.1%), redia (33.3%), cercariae of the type Gymnocephalous (26.3%), cercariae of the type Brevifurcate-apharyngeate distome (12. 5%), and metacercaria (16.6%). The infection factor of trematode larvae on freshwater snails was influenced by freshwater snail species (P = 0.000) which showed a significant effect on the infection status of trematode larvae on freshwater snails

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 0523130018
Uncontrolled Keywords: Ekologi, Faktor infeksi, Larva trematoda, Siput air tawar, Freshwater snails, Trematoda larvae, Ecology, Infection factor
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 636 Animal husbandry > 636.08 Specific topics in animal husbandry > 636.089 Veterinary medicine
Divisions: Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan > Kedokteran Hewan
Depositing User: Nur Cholis
Date Deposited: 28 Aug 2023 01:36
Last Modified: 28 Aug 2023 01:36
URI: http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/202643
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