Efek Infeksi Trichostrongylus Sp . Terhadap Body Condition Score Dan Kadar Lemak, Berat Jenis, Serta Organoleptik Susu Sapi Perah Di Dusun Busu, Kecamatan Jabung, Kabupaten Malang

Salsabila, Firda Aufa and drh. Reza Yesica (2023) Efek Infeksi Trichostrongylus Sp . Terhadap Body Condition Score Dan Kadar Lemak, Berat Jenis, Serta Organoleptik Susu Sapi Perah Di Dusun Busu, Kecamatan Jabung, Kabupaten Malang. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Dusun Busu, Kecamatan Jabung, Kabupaten Malang merupakan salah satu sentra peternakan sapi perah peranakan Friesian Holstein sehingga memiliki resiko infeksi terhadap Trichostrongylus sp. Infeksi Trichostrongylus sp. pada sapi perah menyebabkan penurunan bobot tubuh atau BCS, penurunan kualitas susu khususnya kadar lemak, berat jenis, dan organoleptik susu (warna, bau, rasa dan viskositas susu). Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif observasional yang bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan efek infeksi Trichostrongylus sp. terhadap bobot tubuh atau BCS, kadar lemak, berat jenis, dan organoleptik (warna, bau, rasa dan viskositas) pada susu sapi perah. Teknik sampling menggunakan teknik purposive sampling dengan jumlah sampel minimal adalah 100 sampel feses sapi perah yang kemudian diidentifikasi untuk didapatkan data sampel positif sehingga dilakukan analisis terhadap sampel susu. Data sampel susu dan bobot badan atau BCS berjumlah 14 sampel dari hasil sapi yang terinfeksi Trichostrongylus sp. dianalisis menggunakan metode statistik Mann-Whitney dan data organoleptik susu dianalisis secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian berdasarkan analisis Mann-Whitney, terdapat pengaruh yang jelas antara infeksi Trichostrongylus sp. dengan bobot badan dan Body BCS, kadar lemak, serta berat jenis susu (P < 0,05). Uji organoleptik (warna, bau, rasa, dan viskositas) susu sapi yang terinfeksi Trichostrongylus sp. tidak terdapat perubahan yang signifikan. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini, bahwa infeksi Trichostrongylus sp. pada sapi perah dapat menurunkan BCS atau bobot badan, kadar lemak, meningkatkan berat jenis susu sapi perah. Sedangkan, infeksi Trichostrongylus sp. tidak memberikan pengaruh jelas terhadap organoleptik susu sapi perah (warna, bau, rasa, dan viskositas) sehingga susu dalam kategori aman untuk dikonsumsi berdasarkan SNI

English Abstract

Jabung District, particulary Busu area, located at Malang Regency is one of the center of Friesian Holstein crossbreed dairy castle farm, this is mean that it has a risk of infection Trichostrongylus sp. Infection Trichostrongylus sp. in dairy cows causes a decrease of body weight or BCS, a decrease in milk quality, especially fat content, specific gravity, and milk organoleptic (color, smell, taste and viscosity of milk). This research is an observational descriptive which aims to describe the effects of infection Trichostrongylus sp. on body weight or BCS, fat content, specific gravity, and organoleptic (color, smell, taste and viscosity) in dairy cow's milk. The sampling technique uses a purposive sampling with a minimum sample size of 100 samples of dairy cow faeces which were then identified to obtain positive sample data and analysis of the milk samples was carried out. Data on milk samples and body weight or BCS totaled 14 samples from infected of Trichostrongylus sp. analyzed using statistical Mann-Whitney and organoleptic data of milk analyzed descriptively. The results of the research are based on analysis by Mann-Whitney, There is a clear influence between infections Trichostrongylus sp. with body weight and BCS, fat content, and specific gravity of milk (P<0.05). Organoleptic test (color, smell, taste, and viscosity) of infected cow's milk Trichostrongylus sp. there is no significant change. Infection of Trichostrongylus sp. in dairy cows can reduce BCS or body weight, fat content, increase the specific gravity of milk of dairy cows. Meanwhile, infection Trichostrongylus sp. does not have a significant effect on the organoleptic of dairy cow's milk (color, smell, taste, and viscosity) so that the milk is in the safe category for consumption based on SNI.

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 0523130012
Uncontrolled Keywords: Body Condition Score Sapi Perah, Kualitas Susu, Trichostrongylus sp, Body Condition Score, Dairy Cow, Milk Quality, Trichostrongylus sp
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 636 Animal husbandry > 636.08 Specific topics in animal husbandry > 636.089 Veterinary medicine
Divisions: Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan > Kedokteran Hewan
Depositing User: Nur Cholis
Date Deposited: 25 Aug 2023 07:28
Last Modified: 25 Aug 2023 07:28
URI: http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/202634
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