Pengaruh Perlakuan Pengukusan Sukun dan Konsentrasi Margarin terhadap Karakteristik Fisik, Kimia, Organoleptik Sponge Cake dengan Penambahan Sukun (Artocarpus altilis)

Putri, Felisa Dea Alma and Prof. Dr. Ir. Sudarminto Setyo Yuwono,, M. App. Sc (2023) Pengaruh Perlakuan Pengukusan Sukun dan Konsentrasi Margarin terhadap Karakteristik Fisik, Kimia, Organoleptik Sponge Cake dengan Penambahan Sukun (Artocarpus altilis). Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Sukun adalah tanaman tropis yang termasuk ke dalam buah klimaterik dengan puncak klimaterik yang singkat. Sukun yang terlalu matang jarang dimanfaatkan, padahal kaya gizi yang dapat diolah menjadi puree dan pasta sukun untuk ditambahkan ke dalam sponge cake. Penambahan sukun ke dalam sponge cake dapat memengaruhi karakteristik sponge cake sehingga perlu adanya perlakuan pengukusan pada sukun. Selain itu, dengan penambahan sukun ke dalam sponge cake maka perlu diketahui konsentrasi margarin yang sesuai untuk pembuatan sponge cake. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh dan interaksi pengukusan sukun dan konsentrasi margarin terhadap karakteristik kimia, fisik, dan organoleptik sponge cake dengan penambahan sukun serta menentukan perlakuan terbaik dari seluruh perlakuan yang dianalisis. Penelitian menggunakan metode rancangan acak kelompok faktorial (RAKF) dengan faktor I yaitu jenis perlakuan sukun (kukus, non-kukus) dan faktor II yaitu konsentrasi margarin (20,30,40%). Pengujian kimia meliputi pengujian kadar air, lemak dan gula pereduksi bahan baku (puree dan pasta sukun) dan produk sponge cake. Pengujian fisik meliputi warna (kecerahan (L*), kemerahan (a*), dan kekuningan (b*)), ukuran pori, volume pengembangan, dan tekstur sponge cake. Pengujian organoleptik menggunakan metode uji hedonik dengan atribut warna, aroma, rasa, tekstur, dan keseluruhan. Analisis data menggunakan analysis of variance (ANOVA), jika nilai P-value <0,05 (beda nyata) maka dilakukan uji Beda Nyata Jujur (BNJ) dengan selang kepercayaan 95% (α=0,05). Hasil uji hedonik kemudian akan dianalisis dengan Friedman Test. Pemilihan perlakuan terbaik sponge cake menggunakan metode indeks efektifitas de garmo. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa penambahan puree sukun kukus memberikan pengaruh berbeda nyata (p<0,05) terhadap kadar air, kadar gula pereduksi, warna, ukuran pori, volume pengembangan, tekstur dan parameter organoleptik sponge cake. Konsentrasi margarin memberikan pengaruh berbeda nyata terhadap kadar air, kadar lemak, kecerahan, kekuningan, ukuran pori, volume pengembangan, tekstur dan parameter organoleptik sponge cake. Interaksi antara kedua faktor terjadi pada parameter warna kekuningan (yellowness). Perlakuan terbaik sponge cake pada penambahan sukun kukus dengan penambahan konsentrasi margarin 20%. Sponge cake terbaik memiliki karakteristik yaitu kadar air 30,22%, kadar lemak 20,62%, kadar gula pereduksi 2,06%, kecerahan (L) 59,68, kemerahan (a*) 3,50, kekuningan (b*) 25,30, ukuran pori 0,95mm2, volume pengembangan 140,44%, tekstur 7,08N, dan memiliki karakteristik organoleptik sebagai berikut: aroma 4,28 (suka), warna 3,49 (agak suka), tekstur 4,21 (suka), rasa 4,31 (suka), dan keseluruhan 4,15 (suka).

English Abstract

Breadfruit is a tropical plant belonging to the climacteric fruit with a short climacteric peak. Overripe breadfruit is rarely used, even though it is rich nutrients which can be processed into puree and breadfruit paste to be added to sponge cake. The addition of breadfruit to the sponge cake can affect the characteristics of the sponge cake, so it is necessary to steam the breadfruit. In addition, by adding breadfruit to sponge cake, it is necessary to know the appropriate concentration of margarine for making sponge cake. This study aims to determine the effect and interaction of breadfruit steaming and margarine concentration on the chemical, physical and organoleptic characteristics of sponge cake with the addition of breadfruit and to determine the best treatment of all the treatments analysed. This study used a randomized complete block design (RCBD) method with factor I, namely the type of breadfruit treatment (steamed, non-steamed) and factor II, namely the proportion of margarine (20, 30, and 40%). Chemical testing includes testing the content of water, fat and reducing sugar of raw materials (puree and breadfruit paste) and sponge cake products. Physical testing included color (brightness (L*), redness (a*), and yellowness (b*)), pore size, swelling volume, and sponge cake texture. Organoleptic testing using the hedonic test method with the attributes of color, aroma, taste, texture, and overall. Data analysis used analysis of variance (ANOVA), if the P-value was <0.05 (significantly different) then a Honest Significant Difference (HSD) test was performed with a 95% confidence interval (α=0.05). The results of the hedonic test will then be analysed with the Friedman Test. Selection of the best sponge cake treatment using the de Garmo effectiveness index method The results showed that the addition of steamed breadfruit puree had a significantly different effect (p<0.05) on moisture content, reducing sugar content, color, pore size, swelling volume, texture, and cake organoleptic parameters. The proportion of margarine has a significantly different effect (p<0.05) on moisture content, fat content, brightness, yellowness, pore size, swelling volume, texture, and cake organoleptic parameters. The best treatment for cake is the addition of steamed breadfruit with the addition of 20% margarine. The characteristics of the best cake are as follows: water content 30.22%, fat content 20.62%, reducing sugar content 2.06%, brightness (L) 59.68, redness (a*) 3.50, yellowness (b*) 25.30, pore size 0.95mm2, expansion volume 140.44%, texture 7.08N, and several organoleptic properties such as aroma 4.28 (like), color 3.49 (like slightly), texture 4, 21 (like), taste 4.31 (like), and overall 4.15 (like).

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 0523100059
Uncontrolled Keywords: margarin, pengukusan, sukun, sponge cake,breadfruit, margarine, sponge cake, steaming
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 630 Agriculture and related technologies
Divisions: Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian > Keteknikan Pertanian
Depositing User: Sugeng Moelyono
Date Deposited: 16 Aug 2023 02:54
Last Modified: 16 Aug 2023 02:54
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