Rodliyah, Andriani and Prof. Ir. Kurniatun Hairiah, (2023) Pengukuran Laju Dekomposisi Berbagai Kualitas Seresah Di Kondisi Lingkungan Yang Berbeda Menurut Metode Litter Transfer. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Pada umumnya manajemen agroforestri yang dilakukan oleh petani berbeda- beda, seperti dalam pemilihan pohon penaung dan pengaturan cahaya yang masuk melalui pemangkasan cabang dan ranting sehingga kualitas masukan seresahnya beragam, maka lamanya masa tinggal di permukaan tanah juga beragam. Sering pula petani menggunakan hasil pangkasan di suatu lahan diaplikasikan di lahan lainnya yang berbeda komposisi dan kondisi lingkungannya. Hal tersebut secara teknis disebut dengan litter transfer. Laju dekomposisi dari seresah yang sama dapat berbeda antar lokasi yang berbeda kondisi lingkungannya, dekomposisi berlangsung lebih cepat di “rumah sendiri” (konsep HFA/Home-Field Advantages). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi laju dekomposisi berbagai kualitas seresah dalam kondisi lingkungan agroforestri kopi yang berbeda yang berbasis pada metode litter transfer. Penelitian dilakukan di lahan agroforestri kopi milik petani di Kecamatan Ngantang, pada bulan Juli sampai dengan September 2022. Evaluasi laju dekomposisi seresah ditetapkan dengan mengukur jumlah seresah yang tertinggal dalam litter bag dari berbagai waktu pengamatan. Seresah yang diuji dimasukan ke dalam litter bag berukuran 30 x 25 x 3 cm3 dengan kerapatan lubang 50 mm. Aplikasi perlakuan diatur menurut Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK). Perlakuan 1, jenis seresah ada 3 jenis: seresah sayuran (SK), pinus+kopi (PK), dan mahoni+kopi (MK); Perlakuan 2, lokasi pengukuran: lahan monokultur (LM), AF pinus+kopi (AF PK), dan AF mahoni+kopi (AF MK). Masing-masing litter bag berisi seresah yang diuji diletakan secara acak di tiga tempat yang dipilih. Pengamatan berat massa seresah yang tertinggal dalam litter bag dilakukan 5 kali waktu pengamatan (2, 4, 8, 10, dan 12 minggu setelah aplikasi) dengan 5 kali ulangan. Variabel pengamatan yang digunakan yaitu sifat fisiokimia tanah (pH, BI, tekstur, C-organik, dan N-total), iklim mikro (suhu udara dan suhu tanah), serta karakteristik kimia seresah (C-organik, N-total, lignin, dan polifenol). Guna mengetahui laju dekomposisi seresah dilakukan perhitungan konstanta laju dekomposisi (k-value) dan umur paruh seresah (t50). Hasil dari percobaan ini menunjukan bahwa home-field advantages tidak terjadi dalam studi dekomposisi berbagai kualitas seresah di agroforestri kopi Ngantang. Laju dekomposisi seresah paling cepat ditunjukan oleh seresah sayuran di luar “rumahnya sendiri”, yaitu di lahan AF pinus+kopi (k = 0,101 dengan t50 = 7 minggu), sedangkan seresah mahoni merupakan jenis seresah yang paling lambat lapuk pada berbagai kondisi lingkungan dengan rata-rata nilai k = 0,021 dan t50 = 33 minggu. Laju dekomposisi seresah di tiga penggunaan lahan yang berbeda di AF Kopi Ngantang digolongkan menjadi 3 kelompok. Laju dekomposisi tergolong cepat lapuk apabila k = 0,101 dengan t50 = ≤14 minggu; kategori lambat lapuk k = 0,021 dengan t50= ≥25 minggu; dan kategori medium k = 0,033 dengan t50 = 15-24 minggu. Peningkatan laju dekomposisi di AF Kopi Ngantang lebih berhubungan erat dengan faktor internal (karakteristik kimia seresah) daripada faktor eksternal (lingkungan). Laju dekomposisi (k value) di AF Kopi Ngantang dipengaruhi oleh faktor internal (kualitas seresah) yaitu nisbah (L+P)/N (R2 = 0,8165), lignin (R2 = 0,7812), dan nisbah C/N (R2 = 0,7681
English Abstract
In general, the agroforestry management carried out by farmers varies, such as in the selection of shade trees and the regulation of incoming light by pruning branches and twigs so that the quality of the litter input varies, the litter residence time on the soil surface also varies. Farmers often use biomass pruning in one field and apply it to other fields with different composition and environmental conditions; this is technically known as litter transfer. The rate of decomposition of the same litter can be different between locations with different environmental conditions, it can be faster in its own “home environtment” (Home Field Advantages/HFA concept). This study aims to evaluate the decomposition rate of various litter qualities under different coffee agroforestry environmental conditions based on the litter transfer method. The study was conducted on coffee-based agroforestry system owned by farmers in Ngantang District, from July to September 2022. Evaluation of the rate of litter decomposition was determined by measuring the amount of remaining litter in litter bags at various times of observation. The litter tested was put into litter bags size of 30 x 25 x 3 cm3, with mesh density of 50 mm. The treatments were arranged according to the Randomized Block Design (RBD). Treatment 1, there were 3 types of litter: vegetable litter (SK), pine+coffee (PK), and mahogany+coffee (MK); Treatment 2, measurement locations (environmental conditions): monoculture land (LM), pine+coffee AF (PK AF), and mahogany+coffee AF (MK AF). Each litter bag containing the tested litter was placed randomly in the three selected locations. Observation of the weight of remaining litter in the litter bag was carried out 5 times during the observation (2, 4, 8, 10, and 12 weeks after application) with 5 replications. The observed variables were soil physiochemical properties (pH, Bulk Density, texture, C-organic, and N-total), microclimate (air temperature and soil temperature), chemical characteristics of litter (C-organic, N-total, lignin, and polyphenols). In order to determine the rate of decomposition of the litter, the calculation of the decomposition rate constant (k-value) and the half-life of the litter (t50) is carried out. The results of this experiment show that home-field advantages did not occur in this decomposition study in coffee-based agroforestry in Ngantang. The fastest rate of litter decomposition was shown by vegetable litter outside its "own home", that is on AF pine+coffee land (k = 0.101 with half life time, t50 = 7 weeks), while mahogany litter was the slowest with the average value of k = 0.021 and t50 = 33 weeks. The rate of litter decomposition in the three different land uses at coffee- based Agroforestry system in Ngantang was divided into 3 groups: fast decomposed if k = 0.101 with t50 = ≤14 weeks; slow decomposed category k = 0.021 with t50 ≥25 weeks; and the medium category k = 0.033 with t50 = 15 to 24 weeks. The litter decomposition rate (k value) in coffee-based agroforestry in Ngantang is influenced by internal factors (litter quality), namely the ratio (L+P)/N (R2 = 0.8165), lignin (R2 = 0.7812), and the C/N ratio ( R2 = 0.7681)
Other obstract
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Identification Number: | 0523040187 |
Subjects: | 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 631 Specific techniques; apparatus, equipment materials > 631.4 Soil science |
Divisions: | Fakultas Pertanian > Ilmu Tanah |
Depositing User: | Nur Cholis |
Date Deposited: | 31 Jul 2023 06:46 |
Last Modified: | 31 Jul 2023 06:46 |
URI: | |
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