Implementasi Marketing Automation Menggunakan Metode Search Engine Optimization (SEO) On Page Dan Off Page Pada Website Berbasis Content Management System (CMS) Pada Pt. Eltama Prima Indo

Ivandi, Reyhan and Yusi Tyroni Mursityo,, S.Kom., M.AB. and Widhy Hayuhardhika Nugraha Putra,, S.Kom., M.Kom. (2021) Implementasi Marketing Automation Menggunakan Metode Search Engine Optimization (SEO) On Page Dan Off Page Pada Website Berbasis Content Management System (CMS) Pada Pt. Eltama Prima Indo. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


PT Eltama Prima Indo adalah perusahaan yang bergerak pada sektor chemicals yang menyediakan layanan berupa produk cat epoxy, jasa epoxy, coating, dan sandblasting yang melayani pelanggan dengan model bisnis baik business to business (B2B) maupun business to consumer (B2C). Seiring dengan pesatnya perkembangan teknologi, PT Eltama Prima Indo hendak memaksimalkan teknologi sebagai media pemasaran mereka terutama mesin pencari (search engine). Saat ini, PT Eltama Prima Indo telah menerapkan pemasaran melalui teknologi dengan implementasi marketing automation metode internet marketing melalui website company profile dan Instagram. Hanya saja, PT Eltama Prima Indo belum memiliki halaman atau website yang ditujukan untuk optimasi pada mesin pencari. Oleh karena itu, pada penelitian ini dimulai dengan pengembangan website dengan alamat menggunakan Content Management System (CMS) Wordpress. Kemudian dilanjutkan dengan optimasi website pada mesin pencari Google menggunakan metode Search Engine Optimization (SEO) on page dan off page. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode research & development atau implementatif untuk pengujian efektivitas implementasi SEO on page dan off page terhadap peringkat kata kunci, performance, dan jumlah visitor pada search engine Google. Berdasarkan analisis SEO dan kompetitor, diketahui membutuhkan implementasi SEO on page maupun SEO off page untuk menyesuaikan website dengan kaidah dari algoritma Google untuk bersaing dengan kompetitor. Setelah dilakukan analisis, penulis melanjutkan pada implementasi SEO on page dan off page. Kemudian dilakukan pengujian hasil implementasi menggunakan beberapa tools untuk mengetahui perubahan pada peringkat kata kunci, performance, dan visitor yang didapatkan. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian tersebut, terdapat peningkatan pada peringkat kata kunci, performance, dan visitors. Selain itu, peningkatan pada skor authority SEO versi domain authority Moz meningkat 14 poin dari 0 hingga 14. Sedangkan, domain rating versi Ahrefs meningkat 31 poin dari 0 hingga 31.

English Abstract

PT Eltama Prima Indo is a company engaged in the chemicals sector which provides services in the form of epoxy paint products, epoxy, coating and sandblasting services that serve customers with business models, both business to business (B2B) and business to consumer (B2C). Along with the rapid development of technology, PT Eltama Prima Indo wants to maximize technology as their marketing medium, especially search engines. Currently, PT Eltama Prima Indo has implemented marketing through technology by implementing marketing automation internet marketing methods through the company profile website and Instagram. However, PT Eltama Prima Indo does not yet have a page or website that is intended for search engine optimization. Therefore, this study begins with the development of a website with the address using the Wordpress Content Management System (CMS). Then proceed with website optimization on the Google search engine using the on page and off page Search Engine Optimization (SEO) method. This study uses research & development or implementative methods to test the effectiveness of on-page and off-page SEO implementation on keyword rankings, performance, and the number of visitors on Google search engines. Based on the analysis of SEO and competitors, is known to require the implementation of on page SEO and off page SEO to adjust the website to the rules of the Google algorithm to compete with competitors. After the analysis is carried out, the authors continue to implement on-page and off-page SEO. Then, the implementation results are tested using several tools to determine the changes in the ranking of keywords, performance, and visitors that are obtained. Based on the results of these tests, there was an increase in keyword rankings, performance, and visitors. In addition, the increase in the SEO authority score for the domain authority version of Moz increased by 14 points from 0 to 14. Meanwhile, the Ahrefs version of the domain rating increased by 31 points from 0 to 31.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 052115
Uncontrolled Keywords: Marketing automation, SEO, SEO on page, SEO off page, search engine, Google.
Subjects: 000 Computer science, information and general works > 004 Computer science
Divisions: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer > Sistem Informasi
Depositing User: PKN 03 UB
Date Deposited: 09 Jun 2023 06:30
Last Modified: 09 Jun 2023 06:30
Restricted to Registered users only until 31 December 2023.

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