Analisis Karakteristik Habitat Karang Di Pantai Pasongsongan Kabupaten Sumenep, Pulau Madura

Hutomo, Wahyu Rinto and Prof. Dr. Rudianto,, MA and Dhira Kurniawan S., S.Kel, M.Sc (2022) Analisis Karakteristik Habitat Karang Di Pantai Pasongsongan Kabupaten Sumenep, Pulau Madura. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Terumbu karang merupakan ekosistem khas perairan tropik yang memilki keanekaragamannya yang tinggi, jumlah spesies yang banyak, biomassa yang besar, serta bentuk morfologi yang bervariasi. Ekosistem terumbu karang memiliki manfaat penting yang dapat menciptakan keseimbangan antara lautan dan daratan. Hal ini, dapat dilihat dari manfaat yang dimiliki ekosistem terumbu karang seperti manfaat fisik, biologi, dan kimia. Terumbu karang sangat rentan terhadap kerusakan baik diakibatkan oleh manusia maupun oleh alam, sehingga perlu dilakukan kegiatan penelitian untuk mengetahui kondisi habitat terumbu karangnya agar dapat dilakukan tindakan untuk kelestariannya. Penelitian dilakukan pada 3 stasiun di Pantai Pasongsongan pada bulan November 2022. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kualitas perairan (fisika dan kimia), menganalisis kondisi karang dan menghubungkan dengan kegiatan manusia (antropogenic causes) seperti penambangan pasir, kondisi sampah di perairan dan buangan akibat kondisi pelayaran dan tambat perahu. Disamping itu perlu di rumuskan strategi pengelolaan terumbu karang yang mengarah kepada pengelolaan yang berkelanjutan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dengan metode deskriptif kuantitatif. Metode penentuan lokasi stasiun penelitia menggunakan metode purposive sampling. Metode dengumpulan data kondisi terumbu karang menggunakan metode Line Intercept Transect (LIT) dan pengukuran data kualitas perairan (fisika dan kimia) dilakukan secara langsung dilapang (in situ). Analisis data dengan mengetahui persentase tutupan karang, mmengetahui indeks ekologi diantaranya indeks keanekaragaman hayati (H’), indeks keseragaman (E), indeks dominsnsi (C). Analisis statistik yang digunakan yaitu dengan mengunakan analisis ANOVA. Sedangkan perumusan strategi digunakan metode deskriptif berdasarkan pendekatan partisipasi masyarakat. Berdasarkan hasil pengukuran di lapang menunjukkan kualitas perairan di perairan Pantai Pasongsongan memiliki nilai yang baik, tetapi untuk kecerahan, salinitas, dan Do (stasiun 1) memiliki nilai yang dibawah bakumutu. Kondisi terumbu karang hidup di stetiap stasiun penelitian di perairan Pantai Pasongsongan dikategorikan rusak, dengan presentase karang hidup stasiun 1 sebesar 7,12%, stasiun 2 sebesar 9,84%, stasiun 3 sebesar 9,16%. Nilai rata-rata Indeks keanekaragaman (H’) sebesar 1,21. Indeks Keseragaman (E) nilai rata-rata sebesar 0,75. Pada Indeks Dominasi (C) memiliki nilai rata-rata sebesar 0,3. Uji statistik parameter perairan dan % biotik didapatkan (DO) memiliki korelasi kuat dengan persen (%) biotik sebesar 0,98 dan kecerahan memiliki korelasi kuat dengan persen (%) biotik sebesar 0,98.

English Abstract

Coral reefs are a typical ecosystem of tropical waters which have high diversity, a large number of species, a large biomass, and varied morphological forms. Coral reef ecosystems have important benefits that can create a balance between the ocean and land. This can be seen from the benefits of coral reef ecosystems such as physical, biological and chemical benefits. Coral reefs are very vulnerable to damage caused by both humans and nature, so it is necessary to carry out research activities to determine the condition of the coral reef habitat so that actions can be taken for its sustainability. The research was conducted at 3 stations on Pasongsongan Beach in November 2022. The aims of this study were to determine the quality of the waters (physics and chemistry), to analyze the condition of the corals and to link them with human activities (anthropogenic causes) such as sand mining, the condition of the waste in the waters and the discharge due to shipping and mooring conditions. Besides that, it is necessary to formulate a coral reef management strategy that leads to sustainable management. The research method used is a quantitative descriptive method. The method for determining the location of the research station uses a purposive sampling method. The method of collecting data on the condition of coral reefs uses the Line Intercept Transect (LIT) method and measurements of water quality data (physics and chemistry) are carried out directly in the field (in situ). Data analysis by knowing the percentage of coral cover, knowing the ecological indices including the biodiversity index (H'), uniformity index (E), dominance index (C). The statistical analysis used was by using ANOVA. While the formulation of the strategy used descriptive method based on community participation approach. Based on the results of field measurements, the water quality in Pasongsongan Beach has good values, but for brightness, salinity, and Do (station 1) the values are below the quality standard. The condition of live coral reefs at each research station in Pasongsongan Beach waters was categorized as damaged, with the percentage of live corals at station 1 of 7.12%, station 2 of 9.84%, station 3 of 9.16%. The average value of diversity index (H') is 1.21. Uniformity Index (E) average value of 0.75. The Dominance Index (C) has an average value of 0.3. Statistical tests of water parameters and % biotic obtained (DO) had a strong correlation with percent (%) biotic of 0.98 and brightness had a strong correlation with percent (%) biotic of 0.98.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 0522080529
Subjects: 500 Natural sciences and mathematics > 551 Geology, hydrology, meteorology > 551.4 Geomorphology and hydrosphere > 551.46 Oceanography and submarine geology
Divisions: Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan > Ilmu Kelautan
Depositing User: PKN 03 UB
Date Deposited: 07 Jun 2023 03:20
Last Modified: 07 Jun 2023 03:20
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