Korelasi Kadar Liver-Type Fatty Acid Binding Protein (L-FABP) dan Beta Trace Protein (BTP) Serum Pada Pasien Cedera Ginjal Aku

Yuliari, Mona and DR. dr. Hani Susianti,, Sp.PK(K) and dr. Novi Khila Firani, M.Kes, Sp.PK (2022) Korelasi Kadar Liver-Type Fatty Acid Binding Protein (L-FABP) dan Beta Trace Protein (BTP) Serum Pada Pasien Cedera Ginjal Aku. Magister thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Cedera ginjal akut / Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) merupakan salah satu komplikasi serius yang sering muncul pada pasien kritis. AKI adalah salah satu dari kondisi patologis yang mempengaruhi struktur dan fungsi ginjal. AKI berkaitan erat dengan meningkatnya angka mortalitas dan risiko untuk terjadinya chronic kidney disease (CKD). Insiden AKI di dunia didapatkan bahwa 20% pasien yang dirawat di rumah sakit mengalami AKI. Prevalensi AKI pada pasien kritis cukup tinggi yaitu sekitar 50% dan 30% diantaranya membutuhkan renal replacement therapy (RRT). Kematian akibat AKI pada pasien ICU dilaporkan lebih dari 50%. Studi di Asia menunjukkan insiden AKI di Asia Timur sebesar 19,4%; di Asia Selatan sebesar 7,5%; di Asia Tenggara mencapai 31,0%; Asia Tengah 9,0% dan 16,7% di Asia Barat. Sedangkan mortalitas pasien karena AKI sebesar 36,9% di Asia Timur, 13,8% Asia Selatan dan 23,6% di Asia Barat. Salah satu biomarker AKI adalah kreatinin serum, yang mempunyai sensitivitas 52,9% dan spesifisitas 85,7%. Sensitivitas dan spesifisitas kreatinin serum tersebut kurang baik karena kadar kreatinin serum dapat meningkat tanpa ada cedera nyata pada ginjal. Kadar kreatinin serum tidak berubah meski telah terjadi cedera tubulus akut karena adanya kompensasi peningkatan fungsi oleh nefron yang tersisa. Diagnosis AKI saat ini ditegakkan berdasarkan kriteria KDIGO dengan adanya peningkatan kreatinin serum yang kurang sesuai untuk menilai kerusakan ginjal karena peningkatan kreatinin serum baru terdeteksi setelah terjadi kerusakan ginjal. L-FABP (Liver type Fatty Acid Binding Protein) dan BTP (Beta Trace Protein) adalah protein berat molekul rendah yang dikatakan dapat menjadi biomarker yang ditemukan untuk diagnosis dini cedera ginjal akut. Jika didapatkan cedera ginjal akut maka kadar kreatinin serum, L-FABP dan BTP akan meningkat. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui perubahan kadar L-FABP serum dan BTP pada pasien sebelum dan saat terjadinya AKI sehingga L-FABP dan BTP dapat digunakan sebagai penanda terjadinya AKI

English Abstract

Acute Kidney Injury is a serious complication that often occurs in critically ill patients. AKI is one of the pathological conditions that affect the structure and function of the kidney. AKI is closely related to increase mortality and risk for Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD). The incidence of AKI in the world was found that 20% of patients hospitalized had AKI. The prevalence of AKI in critically ill patients is quite high, around 50% and 30% of them require Renal Replacement Therapy (RRT). The mortality of AKI in ICU patients is reported to be more than 50%. Studies in Asia show the incidence in East Asia is 19.4%; in South Asia by 7.5%; in Southeast Asia reached 31%; Central Asia 9.0% and 16.7^ in West Asia. The mortality of patients due to AKI was 13.8% in South Asia and 23.6% in West Asia. Creatinine serum was one of the biomarkers of AKI, it has poor sensitivity and specificity (52,9% and 85,7%) for AKI because its levels can increase without any real injury in kidney. Creatinine serum do not change even though acute tubular injury has occurred due to compensation for increased function by the remaining nephrons. The diagnosis of AKI is currently based on increasing creatinine serum concentration that unreliable and delayed marker of deterioration of kidney function. L-FABP (Liver type Fatty Acid Binding Protein) and BTP (Beta Trace Protein) are discovered biomarkers for diagnosis of acute kidney damage. L-FABP and BTP are low molecular weight proteins that are said to be biomarkers found for the early diagnosis of AKI. Creatinine serum is a functional marker of the kidney, while L-FABP and BTP are structural markers. If acute kidney injury occured, serum creatinine, L-FABP and BTP will increase. This study was conducted to determine the change in L-FABP and BTP serum concentration in patients before and during AKI so that they can be used as markers of AKI.

Item Type: Thesis (Magister)
Identification Number: 042206
Uncontrolled Keywords: L-FABP, BTP, Cedera ginjal akut-L-FABP, BTP, Acute kidney injury
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 616 Diseases > 616.7 Diseases of musculoskeletal system
Divisions: Profesi Kedokteran > Spesialis Patologi Klinik, Fakultas Kedokteran
Depositing User: Sugeng Moelyono
Date Deposited: 06 Jun 2023 08:29
Last Modified: 06 Jun 2023 08:29
URI: http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/200954
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