Witasya, Putri Aulia and Prof. Dr. Ir. Diana Arfiati,, MS (2023) Struktur Komunitas Perifiton Pada Media Polyethylene Di Tambak Udang Vaname Sistem Semi-Flok. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Perifiton merupakan organisme yang menempel pada suatu benda dapat berupa tumbuhan (fitoplankton) maupun hewan (zooplankton). Telah dilakukan penelitian mengenai struktur komunitas perifiton pada substrat plastik (polyethylene) di tambak semi-flok menggunakan metode survei. Plastik sebagai media penangkap perifiton di gantung pada rak ± 25-50 cm dibawah permukaan air tambak dan di ulang 3 kali. Tambak yang diamati perifitonnya ada tiga stasiun (DKP1, DKP2 dan tandon DKP). Plastik yang sudah ditempeli perifiton (sampel) diambil setiap 7 hari, kemudian sampel tersebut dimasukkan kedalam botol (60 ml) dan di tambahkan lugol 0,6 ml, formalin 2,4 ml dan aquades sampai penuh, selanjutnya botol sampel tersebut dibawa ke laboratorium untuk di amati. Selain itu juga di amati fisika kimia air tambak meliputi suhu, kecerahan, pH, salinitias, Oksigen terlarut (DO), CO2, Nitrat, Fosfat, Bahan Organik (TOM) dan Amonia. Kelompok Fitoplankton yang ditemukan pada semua stasiun ialah Chlorophyta, Bacillariophyta, Cyanophyta, Charophyta, Dinoflagellata, Rhodophyta, Xantophyta dan Marchantyophyta dengan kelimpahan berkisar antara 130.191 – 489.822 sel/cm2. Zooplankton diperoleh 4 filum yaitu Rotifera, Nematoda, Chiliophora dan Platyhelminthes dengan kelimpahan berkisar antara 357-1.070 ind/cm2. Kelimpahan fitoplankton tertinggi terdapat pada taksa Cyanophyta (Tambak DKP 2 sebesar 22.661 sel/cm2) dan Chlorophyta (Tambak DKP 1 sebanyak 21.362 sel/cm2). Tingginya Cyanophyta di tambak DKP2 diduga karena tingginya kadar nitrat (1,150 mg/l). Divisi Chlorophyta ditemukan di tambak DKP 1 diduga karena tingginya kecerahan. Struktur komunitas fitoplankton dalam kondisi stabil tidak ada yang dominan (indeks dominasi 0,240-0,280). Indeks keanekaragaman fitoplankton termasuk dalam kategori sedang (H’1,563-1,730). Kelimpahan fitoplankton terendah ada pada tandon DKP dengan total 130.191 sel/cm2 karena kolam tandon selalu dilakukan treatment air. Keanekaragaman fitoplankton tertinggi (0,95) ada di tambak DKP 1 karena kondisi kualitas airnya lebih stabil dibanding stasiun lain. Taksa Chiliophora merupakan Zooplankton yang mendominasi pada minggu ke 5 (tambak DKP1) dan minggu ke 6 (Tambak DKP2) dengan indeks dominansi 0,328-1. Indeks keseragaman fitoplankton dan zooplankton tergolong rendah (Fitoplankton 0,093-0,345 dan zooplankton 0-0,360) yang mengindikasikan bahwa struktur komunitas dalam keadaan labil atau terjadi tekanan ekologis. Taksa fitoplankton berasosiasi tinggi hingga sedang pada parameter Nitrat, Suhu, pH, DO, Kecerahan dan Salinitas. Sedangkan zooplankton berasosiasi rendah dengan seluruh parameter kualitas air. Struktur komunitas perifiton tidak ada yang mendominasi, keanekaragaman sedang, keseragaman rendah, serta kesamaan komunitas yang relatif tinggi hingga rendah. Seluruh parameter kualitas air yang diamati tergolong optimal bagi kemunculan perifiton. Perlu adanya penanggulangan kualitas air agar tidak terjadi kelimpahan berlebih pada organime tambak selain udang, karena di khawatirkan akan membahayakan kehidupan udang sebagai komoditas Utama pada tambak ini.
English Abstract
Periphyton is an organism that attaches to an object in the form of plants (phytoplankton) or animals (zooplankton). This study uses a survey method to determine the periphyton community structure on a plastic substrate (polyethylene) in semi-biofloc ponds. Plastic as a medium for catching periphyton is hung on a shelf and placed ± 25-50 cm below the pond water surface and repeated 3 times. 3 ponds were observed for periphyton, namely DKP1 ponds, DKP2, and DKP ponds. Plastic attached to periphyton (sample) is taken every 7 days, then the sample is put into a bottle (60 ml) and added with 0.6 ml of lugol, 2.4 ml of formalin and distilled water until full. The sample bottles were taken to the laboratory for observation. In addition, the physics and chemistry of pond water were also observed, including temperature, brightness, pH, salinity, dissolved oxygen (DO), CO2, nitrate, phosphate, organic matter (TOM) and ammonia. Phytoplankton groups found at all stations were Chlorophyta, Bacillariophyta, Cyanophyta, Charophyta, Dinoflagellates, Rhodophyta, Xantophyta and Marchantyophyta with abundances ranging from 130,191 – 489,822 cells/cm2. There were 4 phyla of zooplankton, namely Rotifera, Nematoda, Chiliophora and Platyhelminthes with an abundance ranging from 357-1,070 ind/cm2. The highest abundance of phytoplankton was found in the taxa Cyanophyta (DKP 2 Pond), Chlorophyta (DKP 1 Pond) and Bacillariophyta (DKP 1 Pond). The Cyanophyta division was found mostly in DKP2 ponds (181,287 cells/cm2), presumably due to high nitrate levels, which support cyanophytes' ability to fix nitrogen. Bacillariophyta division was found in as many as 139,331 cells/cm2 in DKP 2 ponds because the temperature and salinity levels were higher than in other stations, this was following the ability of bacillariophyta to adapt to extreme environments. Phytoplankton community structure in stable condition is not dominant (dominance index 0.240-0.280). The Phytoplankton diversity index (H'1,563-1,730) is included in the category of moderate diversity. The lowest abundance of phytoplankton was in the DKP reservoir, with a total of 130,191 cells/cm2 due to the addition of chlorine. The highest phytoplankton diversity is found in DKP 1 ponds because the water quality is more stable than in other stations. Chiliophora taxa are the dominant zooplankton at week 5 (DKP1 ponds), and 6th week (DKP2 ponds) with a dominance index of 0,328-1. The uniformity index of phytoplankton and zooplankton is low (phytoplankton 0.093-0.345 and zooplankton 0-0.360). Phytoplankton taxa have high to moderate association with nitrate, temperature, pH, DO, brightness and salinity parameters. Meanwhile, zooplankton has a low association with all water quality parameters. There is no dominating periphyton community structure, moderate diversity, low uniformity, and relatively high to low community similarity. All observed water quality parameters were considered optimal for periphyton emergence. It is necessary to control water quality so that there is no excessive abundance of organisms that endanger the life of shrimp.
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Identification Number: | 0523080035 |
Subjects: | 300 Social sciences > 333 Economics of land and energy > 333.9 Other natural resources > 333.95 Biological resources > 333.956 Fishes |
Divisions: | Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan > Manajemen Sumberdaya Perairan |
Depositing User: | soegeng sugeng |
Date Deposited: | 06 Jun 2023 03:00 |
Last Modified: | 06 Jun 2023 03:00 |
URI: | http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/200828 |
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