Redesain Kursi Kereta Api Ekonomi Penataran Menggunakan Metode TRIZ untuk Meningkatkan Kenyamanan Pengguna

Amalia, Annisa Virani and Ir. Dewi Hardiningtyas,, ST., MT., M.BA. (2023) Redesain Kursi Kereta Api Ekonomi Penataran Menggunakan Metode TRIZ untuk Meningkatkan Kenyamanan Pengguna. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Kereta api merupakan salah satu transportasi umum massal yang ada di Indonesia. Kereta api dengan 8 rangkaian mampu membawa penumpang sebanyak 584 orang, yang setara dengan 15 bus berkapasitas 30 penumpang. Meskipun banyak alat transportasi lain di Indonesia, kereta api masih menjadi transportasi massal yang paling banyak dipilih oleh masyarakat. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan jumlah penumpang kereta api di Indonesia yang melebihi 15 juta orang pada bulan November 2021 lalu. Survei awal penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebanyak 55% penumpang merasa kurang nyaman dengan kursi kereta api ekonomi Penataran, 50% penumpang merasa terganggu oleh getaran yang dihasilkan kereta api, serta 100% penumpang merasa membutuhkan perubahan pada kursi kereta api saat ini. Hasil penelitian existing menunjukkan bahwa redaman getaran kursi kereta api ekonomi Penataran yang ditunjukkan oleh hasil skor %SEAT masih kurang baik. Namun perbaikan kursi yang telah dilakukan pada penelitian sebelumnya mengurangi kapasitas kereta api cukup banyak, yaitu sebanyak 34 kursi. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode Theory of Inventing Problem Solving (TRIZ). Langkah pertama yang dilakukan adalah menentukan parameter kontradiktif, lalu menentukan prinsip inventif, dan menemukan rekomendasi solusi. Setelah dilakukan penemuan produk inovatif menggunakan metode TRIZ, selanjutnya dilakukan pengembangan produk baru, yaitu yang pertama adalah melakukan pengembangan konsep, pemilihan konsep, pembuatan arsitektur produk berupa BOM Tree, dan yang terakhir adalah finalisasi. Desain kursi kereta api baru memiliki dimensi yang tetap menyesuaikan ukuran tubuh manusia karena mengacu pada Antropometri, serta mengimplementasikan solusi-solusi yang didapatkan dengan metode TRIZ. Selain itu, desain kursi baru merubah susunan kursi yang semula berhadapan menjadi searah. Pengurangan kapasitas ker

English Abstract

Train is one of the mass public transportation in Indonesia. Trains with 8 series are capable of carrying as many as 584 passengers, which is equivalent to 15 buses with a capacity of 30 passengers. Even though there are many other means of transportation in Indonesia, the train is still the mass transportation that most people choose. This is evidenced by the number of train passengers in Indonesia which exceeded 15 million people in November 2021. The initial research survey showed that as many as 55% of passengers felt uncomfortable with the Penataran economy class seats, 50% of passengers felt disturbed by the vibrations generated by the train, and 100% of passengers felt they needed a change in the current train seats. The results of the existing research show that the vibration damping of the seats of the Penataran economy trains as indicated by the %SEAT score results is still not good. However, the seat improvements that have been made in previous studies have reduced the train capacity quite a lot, namely as many as 34 seats. This research was conducted using the Theory of Inventing Problem Solving (TRIZ) method. The first step is to determine the contradictory parameters, then determine the inventive principle, and find a solution recommendation. After discovering innovative products using the TRIZ method, new product development is then carried out, namely the first is concept development, concept selection, product architecture creation in the form of a BOM Tree, and the last is finalization. The new train seat design has dimensions that are fixed according to the size of the human body because it refers to Anthropometry, and implements the solutions obtained with the TRIZ method. In addition, the new seat design changes the arrangement of seats that were originally facing each other to be in the same direction. The reduction in train capacity can be reduced, which was originally reduced by 34 seats, to be reduced by 18 seats.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 0523070010
Uncontrolled Keywords: Kereta Api; Ergonomi; Perancangan Produk; TRIZ; Redesain; Antropometri. .- Train; Ergonomics; Product Design; TRIZ; Redesign; Anthropometry.
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 670 Manufacturing
Divisions: Fakultas Teknik > Teknik Industri
Depositing User: Endang Susworini
Date Deposited: 05 Jun 2023 07:36
Last Modified: 05 Jun 2023 07:36
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