Arrifah, Mey Izza Zannuba and Dr. Ir. Hardoko,, MS. (2022) Pengaruh Lama Perendaman Daging Ikan Tuna (Thunnus maccoyii.) Dalam Larutan Daun Jati (Tectona Grandis) Terhadap Karakteristik Fisikokimia Se’i Ikan Tuna. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Se’i merupakan makanan khas daerah Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT), se’i berupa olahan daging ternak seperti sapi dan babi yang diolah menggunakan metode pengasapan, se’i berbentuk memanjang dan berwarna merah khas yang ditimbulkan dari daun kosambi yang digunakan pada proses pengasapan daging. Saat ini mulai berkembang se’i yang terbuat dengan bahan dasar ikan seperti ikan tuna (Thunnus sp.). Ikan tuna merupakan ikan ekonomis yang memiliki kandungan gizi tinggi, di Indonesia ikan tuna memiliki angka produksi yang tinggi sehingga ikan tuna mudah untuk didapatkan, maka dari itu ikan tuna dapat dimanfaatkan dan diolah menjadi se’i ikan tuna. Namun terdapat kekurangan yang terdapat pada se’i yang berbahan dasar ikan tuna, daging ikan tuna memiliki karakteristik warna putih sehingga se’i yang dihasilkan akan berbeda dengan se’i yang terbuat dari daging ternak yang memiliki karakteriktik daging berwarna merah. Dalam upaya perekayasaan warna digunakan larutan daun jati, daun jati memiliki pigmen warna antosianin yang dapat menghasilkan warna merah. Pada penelitian pengaruh lama perendaman larutan daun jati terhadap karakteristik fisikokimia se’i ikan tuna, diharapkan dapat menghasilkan produk se’i ikan tuna dengan karakteristik dan warna yang sama dengan se’i komersial yang terbuat dari daging ternak yang dapat diterima oleh masyarakat. Perendaman dalam larutan daun jati diharapkan dapat menambah nilai karakteristik fisikokimia dari se’i ikan tuna. Proses pembuatan se’i ikan tuna diawali dengan tahap penyiangan ikan tuna, ikan dibersihkan kemudian di fillet skinless kemdudian dipotong memanjang. Setelah itu proses pembuatan larutan daun jati menggunakan 500 gram daun jati muda yang dihaluskan menggunakan chopper dan ditambahkan aquades dengan perbandingan 1:3, selanjutnya disaring dan direbus hingga mendidih lalu didiamkan selama 24 jam dan diambil endapanya. Larutan daun jati tersebut diambil sebanyak 250 ml dan dicampur menggunakan bumbu yang kemudian digunakan sebagai perendam se’i ikan tuna. Perendaman dilakukan selama 6 jam, 12 jam, 24 jam dan perendaman tanpa larutan daun jati sebagai control. Setelah proses perendaman selesai, se’i ikan tuna diletakan pada rak pengasapan dan diasap menggunakan asap dari batok kelapa dan arang kayu selama ± 1 jam hingga se’i ikan tuna matang. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah metode eksperimen. Rancangan yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 4 perlakuan meliputi 1 kontrol dan 3 perlakuan dengan 3 kali ulangan. Parameter uji pada penelitian ini meliputi analisis organoleptik skoring dan hedonik serta parameter kimia kadar air dan kadar peroksida, selanjutnya sampel terbaik akan dilanjutkan dengan analisis prosksimat meliputi uji karbohidrat, lemak, protein dan kadar abu. Pada hasil analisis data menggunakan aplikasi Minitab versi 19. Parameter kimia kadar air dan peroksida dianalisis menggunakan uji parametrik ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) dan pada parameter organoleptik dianalisis menggunakan uji non parametrik Kruskal- Wallis. Pada hasil analisis data jika nilai sig.>0,05 maka perlakuan tersebut tidak berpengaruh secara nyata atau tidak berbeda nyata. Jika data yang dihasilkan diperoleh nilai sig.<0,05 maka dapat disimpulkan jika perlakuan tersebut berpengaruh nyata atau berbeda nyata. Jika terdapat perbedaan pada perlakuan tersebut maka akan dilakukan uji lanjut Tukey. Selanjutnya dilakukan penentuan rasio formula terbaik dari semua parameter menggunakan metode De Garmo. Hasil penelitian didapatkan lama perendaman dalam larutan daun jati berbeda nyata terhadap parameter kimia kadar air namun tidak berbeda nyata pada parameter kimia kadar peroksida. Hasil analisis organoleptik uji skoring dengan parameter warna didapatkan hasil lama perendaman berbeda nyata pada warna se’i ikan tuna. Pada parameter skoring rasa ikan didapatkan hasil lama perendaman berbeda nyata pada rasa ikan se’i tuna, sedangkan pada parameter skoring rasa asap didapatkan hasil lama perendaman dalam larutan daun jati berbeda nyata pada rasa asap se’i ikan tuna. Perlakuan lama perendaman menunjukan hasil berbeda nyata pada aroma asap se’i ikan tuna. Pada parameter skoring tekstur, lama perendaman berbeda nyata pada tekstur se’i ikan tuna Hasil analisis organoleptik uji hedonik dengan parameter aroma, didapatkan hasil lama perendaman berbeda nyata pada aroma se’i ikan tuna. Pada parameter uji hedonik rasa, didapatkan hasil bahwa lama perendaman berbeda nyata pada rasa se’i ikan tuna. Hasil analisis uji hedonik dengan parameter tekstur didapatkan hasil lama perendaman berbeda nyata pada tekstur se’i ikan tuna. Sedangkan pada parameter uji hedonik kenampakan dan penerimaan keseluruhan perlakuan lama perendaman mendapatkan hasil berbeda nyata pada hedonik kenampakan dan penerimaan keseluruhan. Selanjutnya penentuan perlakuan terbaik dianalisis menggunakan metode De garmo untuk kemudian dilakukan uji proksimat. Perlakuan terbaik se’i ikan tuna yang direndam dalam larutan daun jati diperoleh pada perlakuan P6 (direndam selama 6 jam) dengan nilai kadar air sebesar 38,67%, kadar peroksida sebesar 0,133 meq/kg. Nilai organoleptik skoring warna sebesar 5,31 (kecoklatan) sehingga dapat diartikan panelis menyukai warna dari sampel se’i ikan tuna daun jati, nilai skoring rasa ikan 5,05 (agak gurih) artinya rasa se’i tuna agak disukai panelis, nilai skoring rasa asap 5,12 (agak terasa asap) artinya rasa asap se’i disukai oleh panelis, nilai skoring aroma asap 5,44 (aroma kuat) artinya aroma asap se’i disukai panelis dan tekstur 3,50 (cukup keras) artinya tekstur se’i tuna kurang disukai panelis. Nilai organoleptik hedonik aroma 6,34 (suka) artinya aroma se’i tuna disukai panelis, nilai hedonik rasa 5,59 (agak suka) artinya rasa se’i tuna agak disukai panelis, nilai hedonik kenampakan 4,70 (netral), skoring tekstur 4,21 (netral) dan penerimaan keseluruhan 4,94 (netral) yang artinya secara overall se’i tuna agak disukai panelis. Dengan komposisi kimia kadar protein sebesar 49,51%, kadar lemak 0,69%, kadar abu 6,86% dan kadar karbohidrat 4,72%. Dari nilai se’i ikan tuna yang direndam dalam larutan daun jati masuk standar SNI 2527.1-2009.
English Abstract
Se'i is a traditional dish from East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), se'i is a processed livestock meat such as cows and pigs which is processed using the smoking method, se'i has an elongated shape with distinctive red caused by komsambi leaves used in the smoking process. Nowadays, se'i is starting to develop which is made with fish-based ingredients such as tuna (Thunnus sp.). Tuna is an high economical fish that has a high nutritional content, in Indonesia tuna has a high production rate so that tuna is easy to get, therefore tuna can be used and processed into many product such as se’i. However, there are shortcomings found in se'i which is made from tuna, tuna fish meat has a white meat characteristics, so se'i produced with tuna will be different from se'i which is made from livestock meat which has a red meat characteristics. In order to manipulate the colour, teak leaf solution is used, teak leaves have anthocyanin pigments that can produce a red colour. In research on the effect of long soaking of teak leaf solution on the physicochemical characteristics of tuna se'i, it is expected to produce tuna se'I with the same characteristics and colors such as commercial se'i made from livestock meat that can be accepted by the public. Immersion in teak leaf solution is expected to add value to the physicochemical characteristics of tuna se'i fish. The process of making tuna se'i begins with cleaning the fish bowels, after the fish cleaned then make it skinless fillets and cut it lengthwise. After that, the process of making teak leaf solution uses 500 grams of young teak leaves mashed using a chopper and add some aquades in a ratio of 1: 3, then filtered the waste and boiled the solution untill boiling, put the solution stand for 24 hours throw the sludge. The teak leaf solution is taken as much as 250 ml and mixed using spices which are used as a marinade for se’i tuna. The length of soaking time is carried out for 6 hours, 12 hours, 24 hours and soaking without teak leaf solution as a control. After the soaking process is complete, the tuna se'i is placed on the smoking rack and smoked using smoke from the coconut shells and wood charcoal for ± 1 hour until the tuna se'i is cooked. The method used in this study is an experimental method. The design used was a Complete Randomized Design (CRD) with 4 treatments including 1 control and 3 treatments with 3 repeats. The test parameters in this study include organoleptic analysis of scoring and hedonics as well as chemical parameters of water content and peroxide content, then the best sample will be followed by prosximate analysis including tests of carbohydrates, fats, proteins and ash content. In the results of data analysis using the Minitab application version 19. Chemical parameters of water and peroxide content were analyzed using the ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) parametric test and on organoleptic parameters were analyzed using the Kruskal-Wallis non-parametric test. In the results of data analysis, if the value of sig.>0.05 then the treatment has no real effect or does not differ markedly. If the resulting data obtained a value of sig.<0.05 then it can be concluded that the treatment has a real or significantly different effect. If there are differences in the treatment, Tukey's further test will be carried out. Furthermore, the determination of the ratio of the best formula of all parameters using the De Garmo method is carried out. The results of the study obtained the length of soaking in teak leaf solution were significantly different from the chemical parameters of water content but did not significantly different in the chemical parameters of peroxide content. The results of the organoleptic analysis of the scoring test with color parameters obtained the results of the length of immersion, which is significantly different in the color of tuna fish se'i. In the fish flavor scoring parameters, the results of soaking are obtained, which is significantly different in the taste of se'i tuna fish, while in the smoked taste scoring parameters, the results of soaking in teak leaf solutions was significantly different in the smoked taste of se’i tuna. The long soaking treatment showed significantly different result on the smell of smoked se'i tuna fish. On the texture scoring parameters, the length of soaking is significantly different on the texture of the tuna fish se'i The results of the organoleptic analysis of the hedonic test with aroma parameters, obtained the results of the length of soaking were significantly different in the aroma of tuna fish se'i. In the hedonic test parameters of the taste, it was found that the length of soaking was significantly different in the taste of tuna fish se'i. The results of the hedonic test analysis with texture parameters obtained the results of the length of soaking were significantly different in the texture of tuna fish se'i. Meanwhile, in the parameters of the hedonic test of appearance and the overall acceptance of the soaking treatment, the results of the hedonic appearance and overall acceptance. Furthermore, the determination of the best treatment was analyzed using the De garmo method and then a proximate test was carried out. The best treatment of tuna se'i fish soaked in teak leaf solution was obtained at P6 treatment (soaked for 6 hours) with a moisture content value of 38.67%, peroxide content of 0.133 meq/ kg. The organoleptic value of the color score is 5.31 (brownish) so that it can be interpreted that the panelist likes the color of the teak leaf tuna se'i sample, the fish taste scoring value is 5.05 (a bit savory) means that the taste of se'i tuna is liked by the panelists, the score value of smoke taste is somewhat liked by the panelists, the smoken aroma scoring value is 5.44 (strong aroma) means that the smell of smoke is liked by the panelists and the texture of 3.50 (quite hard) means that the texture of se'i tuna is less liked by the panelists. The hedonic organoleptic value of aroma 6.34 (likes) means that the aroma of se'i tuna is liked by the panelists, the hedonic value of taste is 5.59 (somewhat like) means that the taste of se'i tuna is somewhat liked by the panelists, the hedonic value of appearance is 4.70 (neutral), the texture scoring is 4.21 (neutral) and the overall reception is 4.94 (neutral) which means that overall se'i tuna is somewhat liked by panelists. With a chemical composition, protein content is 49.51%, fat content is 0.69%, ash content is 6.86% and carbohydrate content is 4.72%. From this value, it can be concluded that tuna se'i fish soaked in teak leaf solution enters the SNI 2527.1-2009 standard.
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Identification Number: | 0522080431 |
Subjects: | 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 639 Hunting, fishing & conservation > 639.2 Commercial fishing, whaling, sealing |
Divisions: | Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan > Teknologi Hasil Perikanan |
Depositing User: | Sugeng Moelyono |
Date Deposited: | 30 May 2023 02:11 |
Last Modified: | 30 May 2023 02:11 |
URI: | |
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