Mustofa, Yusuf and Dr. Istislam and Dr. Dewi Cahyandari (2022) Memorandum Of Understanding Sebagai Dasar Pemberian Izin Usaha Pertambangan. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Pada skripsi ini, penulis mengangkat permasalahan tentang legalitas Memorandum Of Understanding Sebagai Dasar Hukum Dalam Izin Usaha Pertambangan. Pilihan tema tersebut dilatar belakangi dengan adanya kesepakatan bersama pada tahun 2018 antara pihak pemerintah Kabupaten Pacitan, pihak perusahaan tambang, dan pihak masyarakat desa Cokrokembang dan Kluweh terkait uji coba pengoperasioan kembali perusahaan tambang. Perlu diketahui bahwasanya pertambangan tersebut telah dihentikan karena terjadi pencemaran lingkungan pada tahun 2012. Tanpa adanya surat pencabutan atas penghentian sementara tersebut, persetujuan RKAB pada tahun 2015 serta kesepakatan bersama dijadikan dasar untuk melakukan kembali operasional tambang yang berjalan sampai saat ini. Berdasarkan hal tersebut diatas, karya tulis ini mengangkat rumusan masalah: (1)Apakah Memorandum of Understanding sah secara hukum sebagai dasar dalam pemberian izin usaha pertambangan mineral dan logam? (2)Bagaimana akibat hukum Memorandum of Understanding sebagai dasar pemberian izin usaha pertambangan mineral dan logam? Penulisan karya tulis ini menggunakan metode yuridis normatif dengan metode pendekatan perundang-undangan (statute approach) dan pendeketan kasus (case approach). Bahan hukum yang diperoleh penulis akan dianalisis dengan menggunakan teknik analisis deskriptif analitis yaitu suatu metode analisis bahan hukum dengan cara melakukan menentukan isi atau makna aturan hukum bahan hukum primer adalah bahan hukum yang memiliki otoritas yang terdiri atas peraturan perundang-undangan, catatan resmi atau risalah dalam pembuatan suatu peraturan perundangundangan, dan putusan hakim. Dari hasil penelitian dengan metode di atas, penulis memperoleh jawaban atas permasalahan yang ada bahwa dalam kesepakatan bersama tentang uji coba operasional pertambangan selama tiga bulan, yang melibatkan pihak perusahaan tambang, masyarakat dan pihak pemerintah kabupaten Pacitan merupakan bagian dari diskresi dan sesuai dengan asas umum pemerintahan yang baik, karena dalam hal ini tidak diatur mengenai tata cara setelah perusahaan tambang diberhentikan sementara, kemudian tanpa ada pencabutan atas surat tersebut permohononan RKAB pada tahun 2015 disetujui. Sehingga dikategorikan sebagai diskresi serta memenuhi persyaratan sahnya suatu diskresi. Memorandum of Understanding atau kesepakatan bersama sebagai dasar dalam pemberian izin usaha pertambangan kembali merupakan suatu tindakan pemerintah yang sah, dianalisa dan ditinjau menurut ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berkaitan dan asas umum pemerintahan yang baik.
English Abstract
In this thesis, the author raises the issue of the legality of the Memorandum of Understanding as the legal basis for mining business permits, The choice of the theme was motivated by a mutual agreement in 2018 between the Pacitan Regency government, the mining company, and the community of Cokrokembang and Kluweh villages related to the trial operation of the mining company again. Please note that the mining has been discontinued due to environmental pollution in 2015. Without a letter of revocation of the temporary suspension, the collective agreement is used as the basis for re-running mining operations that have been running to date. Based on the above, this paper raises the formulation of the problem: (1) Is the Memorandum of Understanding legally valid as the basis for granting mineral and metal mining business permits? (2) What are the legal consequences of the Memorandum of Understanding as the basis for granting mineral and metal mining business permits? The writing of this paper uses a normative juridical method with a statute approach and a case approach. Legal materials obtained by the author will be analyzed using analytical descriptive analysis techniques, namely a method of analyzing legal materials by determining the content or meaning of legal rules Primary legal materials are legal materials that have authority consisting of statutory regulations, official records or minutes in making a statutory regulation, and the judge's decision. From the results of the research using the above method, the authors obtained answers to the existing problems that the joint agreement on a three-month mining operational trial involving the mining company, the community and the Pacitan district government was not in accordance with the laws and regulations. Regarding the position of the Memorandum of Understanding as regulated in the Regional Cooperation Law which states that in relation to cooperation with third parties, namely the private sector, there is no type of cooperation involving mining, especially minerals and coal. In addition, collective agreements are not legally binding. The actions of the Pacitan Regency government through a collective agreement or Memorandum of Understanding regarding PT.GLI's threemonth mining operational trial are not in accordance with the elements of state administrative decisions/government actions, seen from the aspect of authority, procedure, substance and general principles of good governance. A Memorandum of Understanding or collective agreement as the legal basis for granting a mining business permit is an illegal government act, analyzed and reviewed according to the provisions of laws and regulations relating to good governance.The Memorandum of Understanding as the legal basis for granting mining business permits is a government action that is legally illegitimate because it is not in accordance with Article 18 paragraph 3 of Law Number 14 concerning Government Administration and the principle of not abusing authority. So it contains a legal consequence, namely the collective agreement is considered to never exist.
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Identification Number: | 0522010326 |
Subjects: | 300 Social sciences > 340 Law |
Divisions: | Fakultas Hukum > Ilmu Hukum |
Depositing User: | Nur Cholis |
Date Deposited: | 26 May 2023 06:24 |
Last Modified: | 26 May 2023 06:24 |
URI: | |
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