Efektifitas Tanaman Kayu Apu (Pistia Stratiotes) untuk Fitoremediasi Kadar BOD, COD dan Fosfat pada Limbah Industri Laundry

Erintika, Dista and Dr. Ir. Umi Zakiyah,, M. Si. (2023) Efektifitas Tanaman Kayu Apu (Pistia Stratiotes) untuk Fitoremediasi Kadar BOD, COD dan Fosfat pada Limbah Industri Laundry. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Limbah laundry akan menyebabkan berkurangnya kandungan oksigen terlarut perairan, sehingga akan berdampak pada rusaknya ekosistem perairan. Oleh karenanya, dilakukan penelitian fitoremediasi menggunakan Kayu Apu (Pistia stratiotes). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis perbedaan kadar bahan organik BOD (Biological Oxygen Demand), COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand) dan fosfat pada limbah industri laundry yang menggunakan deterjen dengan bahan penyusun berbeda, menganalisis kemampuan kayu apu serta menganalisis lama waktu kontak dalam menurunkan kadar BOD, COD dan fosfat. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Mei hingga Juni 2022 dengan metode eksperimental menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (4 perlakuan dan 2 ulangan). Penelitian menggunakan bak plastik dengan volume 18 L. Perlakuan K= perlakuan kontrol tanpa air limbah laundry, perlakuan A= perlakuan limbah dari deterjen dengan surfaktan 5,4%, pengental 0,75%, aditif 0,18%, perlakuan B= perlakuan limbah dari deterjen dengan surfaktan 24%, aditif 1,4%, dan perlakuan C= perlakuan limbah dari deterjen dengan surfaktan 21%, softening agent 0,75%, antibacterial 0,12%. Volume air yang digunakan adalah 15 L dengan konsentrasi limbah laundry sebesar 20%nya, serta tanaman kayu apu (Pistia stratiotes) sebagai agen fitoremediasinya sebanyak 150 g setiap bak. Kadar BOD, COD dan fosfat diamati setiap 3 hari sekali dimana untuk BOD menggunakan metode winkler sedangkan COD dan fosfat menggunakan metode spektofotometri. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa kadar BOD dan COD tertinggi pada perlakuan surfaktan 24%, aditif 1,4% (B) berturut-turut sebesar 8,75 mg/L dan 313 mg/L diduga akibat kandungan bahan aktif deterjen tinggi, kadar fosfat tertinggi pada perlakuan surfaktan 5,4%, pengental 0,75%, aditif 0,18% (A) sebesar 3,04 mg/L, sedangkan kadar BOD, COD dan fosfat terendah terdapat pada perlakuan surfaktan 21%, softening agent 0,75%, antibacterial 0,12% (C) berturut-turut sebesar 6,21 mg/L, 6,238 mg/L dan 1,48 mg/L. Penurunan kadar BOD terbaik terjadi pada perlakuan B (perlakuan surfaktan 24%, aditif 1,4%) sebesar 4,085 mg/L, sedangkan penurunan kadar COD dan fosfat terbaik terjadi pada perlakuan A (perlakuan surfaktan 5,4%, pengental 0,75%, aditif 0,18%) berturut-turut sebesar 64,5 mg/L dan 1,68 mg/L, diduga karena tanaman kayu apu yang digunakan cukup besar serta akar lebat. Nilai suhu selama penelitian berkisar 23,2 – 25,45oC, pH 6,49-7,25, oksigen terlarut 0,85-6,35 mg/L, dan TSS 15-37,5 mg/L, masih cukup optimal bagi pertumbuhan kayu apu untuk melakukan proses fitoremediasi. Tanaman kayu apu (Pistia stratiotes) di setiap bak perlakuan mampu menurunkan kadar BOD, COD dan fosfat pada limbah dengan lama waktu kontak penurunan terbaik terjadi pada hari ke-6. Perlu adanya pengolahan limbah laundry dengan tanaman kayu apu guna mengurangi beban pencemaran bahan organik dan fosfat di perairan.

English Abstract

Laundry waste will cause a reduction in the dissolved oxygen content of waters, so that it will have an impact on the destruction of the broadcasting ecosystem. Therefore, a phytoremediation study was conducted using Apu Wood (Pistia stratiotes). This study aims to analyze the differences in levels of organic matter BOD (Biological Oxygen Demand), COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand) and phosphate in laundry industry waste that uses detergents with different constituents, analyze the ability of apu wood and analyze the length of contact time in reducing BOD, COD and phosphate levels. The research was conducted from May to June 2022 with an experimental method using a completely randomized design (4 treatments and 2 replicates). The study used a plastic tub with a volume of 18 L. Treatment K = control treatment without laundry wastewater, treatment A = treatment of waste from detergent with 5.4% surfactant, 0.75% thickener, 0.18% additive, treatment B = treatment of waste from detergent with 24% surfactant, 1.4% additive, and treatment C = treatment of waste from detergent with 21% surfactant, 0.75% softening agent, 0.12% antibacterial. The volume of water used was 15 L with a concentration of laundry waste of 20%, and apu wood plants (Pistia stratiotes) as a phytoremediation agent of 150 g per tub. BOD, COD and phosphate levels were observed every 3 days where for BOD using the winkler method while COD and phosphate using the spectrophotometric method. The results showed that the highest BOD and COD levels in the treatment of 24% surfactant, 1.4% additive (B) were 8.75 mg/L and 313 mg/L, respectively, presumably due to the high content of detergent active ingredients, the highest phosphate levels in the treatment of 5, 4%, 0.75% thickener, 0.18% additive (A) at 3.04 mg/L, while the lowest BOD, COD and phosphate levels were found in the treatment of 21% surfactant, 0.75% softening agent, 0.12% antibacterial (C) at 6.21 mg/L, 6.238 mg/L and 1.48 mg/L, respectively. The best decrease in BOD levels occurred in treatment B (24% surfactant treatment, 1.4% additive) at 4.085 mg/L, while the best decrease in COD and phosphate levels occurred in treatment A (5.4% surfactant treatment, 0.75% thickener, 0.18% additive) at 64.5 mg/L and 1.68 mg/L respectively, presumably because the apu wood plants (Pistia stratiotes) used were quite large and had dense roots. Temperature values during the study ranged from 23.2-25.45oC, pH 6.49-7.25, dissolved oxygen 0.85-6.35 mg/L, and TSS 15-37.5 mg/L, still quite optimal for the growth of apu wood to carry out the phytoremediation process. Apu wood plants in each treatment basin are able to reduce BOD, COD and phosphate levels in waste with the best contact time decreasing on day 6. It is necessary to treat laundry waste with apu wood plants to reduce the burden of organic matter and phosphate pollution in waters.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 0523080012
Subjects: 300 Social sciences > 333 Economics of land and energy > 333.9 Other natural resources > 333.95 Biological resources > 333.956 Fishes
Divisions: Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan > Manajemen Sumberdaya Perairan
Depositing User: soegeng sugeng
Date Deposited: 26 May 2023 06:12
Last Modified: 26 May 2023 06:12
URI: http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/200448
Restricted to Registered users only until 31 December 2025.

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