Kase, Boi Lopo Maksi and Dr. Mochamad Rozikin,, M.AP and Dr. Moh. Said,, S.Sos., M.AP (2023) Kolaborasi Stakeholder Dalam Sosialisasi Tanggap Darurat Bencana” (Studi Di Kabupaten Timor Tengah Selatan). Magister thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Secara geologis, daerah Kabupaten Timor Tengah Selatan merupakan salah satu wilayah yang rawan terhadap bencana alam. Tanggap darurat bencana adalah suatu tindakan yang melibatkan stakeholder dalam melakukan sosialisasi sehingga dapat mengurangi korban bencana di Kabupaten Timor Tengah Selatan. Dalam upaya sosialisasi tanggap darurat ini, kolaborasi stakeholder lebih tepat jika dibandingkan dengan koordinasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui, mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis proses dan faktor pendukung serta penghambat kolaborasi stakeholder dalam sosialisasi tanggap darurat bencana di Kabupaten Timor Tengah Selatan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif. Data penelitian dikumpulkan dengan cara wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Data dianalisis sesuai dengan teori Miles, Huberman, dan Saldana (2014) yakni pengumpulan data, kondensasi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kekesimpulan/verifikasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Proses Kolaborasi Stakeholder Dalam Sosialisasi Tanggap Darurat Bencana Di Kabupaten Timor Tengah Selatan, terkait dengan indikator, fase dan peran stakeholder dalam kolaborasi untuk sosialisasi tanggap darurat bencana. a). Tahapan Kolaborasi. Indikator yang dicapai dalam kolaborasi sosialisasi tanggap darurat bencana ini meliputi 1) Membangun kepercayaan, menumbuhkan rasa saling percaya antar unsur stakeholder sehingga tujuan kolaborasi akan lebih mudah tercapai; 2) Membangun komitmen, yaitu menciptakan rasa tanggung jawab dan kesetiaan di antara para stakeholder yang terlibat dalam proses kolaborasi dengan tujuan untuk mengembangkan potensi manfaat bersama dan meraih hasil yang diinginkan; 3) Pemahaman bersama, yakni pemahaman atas tupoksi dalam berkolaborasi di antara stakeholder yang terlibat; 4) Hasil sementara, berarti berkaitan dengan keberhasilan awal yang dapat diraih dalam berkolaborasi. 5) Dialog secara tatap muka, yaitu adanya dialog secara langsung dengan semua unsur atau elemen stakeholder untuk memecahkan masalah dalam komunikasi dan perbedaan pandangan dalam berkolaborasi; b) Muatan Sosialisasi Proses kolaborasi dalam sosialisasi tanggap darurat ini berlaku untuk tiga tahap manajemen tanggap bencana yaitu mulai dari fase pra bencana, fase saat bencana, dan fase pasca bencana. Setiap stakeholder yang ikut berkolaborasi mengambil peran dan fungsi mereka masing-masing pada setiap tahap manajemen tanggap bencana di atas. Salah satu peran yang stakeholder lakukan adalah melakukan sosialisasi, mulai dari mitigasi bencana, sosialisasi tentang penyelamatan dan evakuasi, hingga sosialisasi tentang validasi data korban bencana. Faktor pendukung proses kolaborasi stakeholder untuk sosialisasi tanggap darurat bencana di Kabupaten Timor Tengah Selatan yaitu adanya kerjasama dan kesadaran dari semua lembaga baik lembaga pemerintah maupun lembaga swasta serta unsur masyarakat yang sadar akan tugas dan tanggung jawab masing-masing dan perlunya kolaborasi dalam upaya penanggulangan bencana, serta terjalinnya komunikasi yang baik antar masing- masing stakeholder. Selain itu juga adanya pelatihan untuk penanggulangan bencana yang memperkuat kompetensi petugas dalam menangani bencana alam. Sedangan faktor penghambatnya adalah kondisi geografis, anggaran minim, budaya, ketidakseimbangan sumber daya antar stakeholder, dan peralatan yang canggih. BPBD harus lebih meningkatkan komunikasi yang insentif dengan berbagai elemen stakeholder dalam rangka membuat dokumen dan data-data yang lengkap serta valid terkait dengan bencana yang biasa terjadi maupun yang jarang terjadi di Kabupaten Timor Tengah Selatan. BPBD harus lebih proaktif dalam melakukan sosialisasi mitigasi bencana rutin atau secara periodik kepada masyarakat dengan melakukan berbagai macam pendekatan yang dapat menarik masyarakat untuk mengikuti dan mematuhi segala arahan dari BPBD dan para stakeholder. Seluruh pihak harus meningkatkan kesadaran untuk menjalankan tugasnya sesuai dengan tupoksinya membantu sosialisasi tanggap darurat bencana secara konsisten meski dengan segala keterbatasan dan kekurangan terutama dalam anggaran dan sarana prasarana. Seluruh unsur harus terus menjalin komunikasi dengan antar sesama stakeholder maupun dengan pihak luar untuk membantu proses sosialisasi dalam rangka meminimalkan korban bencana.BPBD harus meningkatkan intensitas sosialisasi secara periodik atau secara rutin kepada masyarakat untuk membangun pemahaman yang memadai terkait dengan tanggap bencana. Pemerintah Kabupaten Timor Tengah Selatan harus meningkatkan alokasi anggaran untuk kebencanaan.
English Abstract
Geologically, the South Central Timor Regency is one of the areas prone to natural disasters. Disaster emergency response is an action that involves stakeholders in conducting sosialization so that it can reduce disaster victims in South Central Timor District. To sosialize this emergency response, stakeholder collaboration is more appropriate than coordination. This study aims to identify, describe and analyze the processes and factors supporting and inhibiting stakeholder collaboration in the dissemination of disaster emergency response in South Central Timor District. This research uses a descriptive qualitative method. Research data was collected using interviews, observation, and documentation. Data were analyzed according to the theory of Miles, Huberman, and Saldana (2014), namely data collection, data condensation, data presentation, and conclusion/verification. The results of the study show that the Stakeholder Collaboration Process in Sosializing Disaster Emergency Response in South Central Timor District is related to the indikators, phases, and roles of stakeholders in collaboration for sosializing disaster emergency response. a). Collaboration Stages. The indicators achieved in this disaster emergency response outreach collaboration include 1)Building trust, fostering mutual trust between stakeholder elements so that collaboration goals will be more easily achieved; 2) Building commitment, namely creating a sense of responsibility and loyalty among stakeholders involved in the collaboration process to develop potential mutual benefits and achieve the desired results; 3) Mutual understanding, namely understanding of the main tasks and functions in collaboration between the stakeholders involved; 4) Interim results, meaning related to the initial success that can be achieved in collaborating. 5) Direct dialogue face to face, that dialogue directly with all elements or elements of stakeholders to solve problems in communication and different views in collaboration;b) Dissemination Content This collaboration process in emergency response socialization applies to three stages of disaster response management, starting from the pre-disaster phase, during the disaster phase, and during the post-disaster phase. Each stakeholder who participates in collaborating takes on their respective roles and functions at each stage of disaster response management above. One of the roles that stakeholders carry out is conducting socialization, starting from disaster mitigation, socialization about rescue and evacuation, to socialization about validating disaster victim data. Factors supporting the stakeholder collaboration process for the dissemination of disaster emergency response in South Central Timor District namely there is cooperation and awareness from all institutions, both government agencies, and private institutions as well as elements of society who are aware of their respective duties and responsibilities and the need for collaboration in disaster management efforts, as well as the establishment of good communication between each stakeholder. In addition, there is also training for Geologically, the South Central Timor Regency is one of the areas prone to natural disasters. Disaster emergency response is an action that involves stakeholders in conducting sosialization so that it can reduce disaster victims in South Central Timor District. To sosialize this emergency response, stakeholder collaboration is more appropriate than coordination. This study aims to identify, describe and analyze the processes and factors supporting and inhibiting stakeholder collaboration in the dissemination of disaster emergency response in South Central Timor District. This research uses a descriptive qualitative method. Research data was collected using interviews, observation, and documentation. Data were analyzed according to the theory of Miles, Huberman, and Saldana (2014), namely data collection, data condensation, data presentation, and conclusion/verification. The results of the study show that the Stakeholder Collaboration Process in Sosializing Disaster Emergency Response in South Central Timor District is related to the indikators, phases, and roles of stakeholders in collaboration for sosializing disaster emergency response. a). Collaboration Stages. The indicators achieved in this disaster emergency response outreach collaboration include 1)Building trust, fostering mutual trust between stakeholder elements so that collaboration goals will be more easily achieved; 2) Building commitment, namely creating a sense of responsibility and loyalty among stakeholders involved in the collaboration process to develop potential mutual benefits and achieve the desired results; 3) Mutual understanding, namely understanding of the main tasks and functions in collaboration between the stakeholders involved; 4) Interim results, meaning related to the initial success that can be achieved in collaborating. 5) Direct dialogue face to face, that dialogue directly with all elements or elements of stakeholders to solve problems in communication and different views in collaboration;b) Dissemination Content This collaboration process in emergency response socialization applies to three stages of disaster response management, starting from the pre-disaster phase, during the disaster phase, and during the post-disaster phase. Each stakeholder who participates in collaborating takes on their respective roles and functions at each stage of disaster response management above. One of the roles that stakeholders carry out is conducting socialization, starting from disaster mitigation, socialization about rescue and evacuation, to socialization about validating disaster victim data. Factors supporting the stakeholder collaboration process for the dissemination of disaster emergency response in South Central Timor District namely there is cooperation and awareness from all institutions, both government agencies, and private institutions as well as elements of society who are aware of their respective duties and responsibilities and the need for collaboration in disaster management efforts, as well as the establishment of good communication between each stakeholder. In addition, there is also training for Geologically, the South Central Timor Regency is one of the areas prone to natural disasters. Disaster emergency response is an action that involves stakeholders in conducting sosialization so that it can reduce disaster victims in South Central Timor District. To sosialize this emergency response, stakeholder collaboration is more appropriate than coordination. This study aims to identify, describe and analyze the processes and factors supporting and inhibiting stakeholder collaboration in the dissemination of disaster emergency response in South Central Timor District. This research uses a descriptive qualitative method. Research data was collected using interviews, observation, and documentation. Data were analyzed according to the theory of Miles, Huberman, and Saldana (2014), namely data collection, data condensation, data presentation, and conclusion/verification. The results of the study show that the Stakeholder Collaboration Process in Sosializing Disaster Emergency Response in South Central Timor District is related to the indikators, phases, and roles of stakeholders in collaboration for sosializing disaster emergency response. a). Collaboration Stages. The indicators achieved in this disaster emergency response outreach collaboration include 1)Building trust, fostering mutual trust between stakeholder elements so that collaboration goals will be more easily achieved; 2) Building commitment, namely creating a sense of responsibility and loyalty among stakeholders involved in the collaboration process to develop potential mutual benefits and achieve the desired results; 3) Mutual understanding, namely understanding of the main tasks and functions in collaboration between the stakeholders involved; 4) Interim results, meaning related to the initial success that can be achieved in collaborating. 5) Direct dialogue face to face, that dialogue directly with all elements or elements of stakeholders to solve problems in communication and different views in collaboration;b) Dissemination Content This collaboration process in emergency response socialization applies to three stages of disaster response management, starting from the pre-disaster phase, during the disaster phase, and during the post-disaster phase. Each stakeholder who participates in collaborating takes on their respective roles and functions at each stage of disaster response management above. One of the roles that stakeholders carry out is conducting socialization, starting from disaster mitigation, socialization about rescue and evacuation, to socialization about validating disaster victim data. Factors supporting the stakeholder collaboration process for the dissemination of disaster emergency response in South Central Timor District namely there is cooperation and awareness from all institutions, both government agencies, and private institutions as well as elements of society who are aware of their respective duties and responsibilities and the need for collaboration in disaster management efforts, as well as the establishment of good communication between each stakeholder. In addition, there is also training for disaster management that strengthens the competence of officers in dealing with natural disasters. While the inhibiting factors are the existence of sectoral egos for each regional apparatus and NGOs that focus more on their duties, lack of consistency and commitment among stakeholders in carrying out socialization, low budget support from the Regional Government, and lack of public understanding of disasters. It is hoped that the BPBD will further enhance intensive communication with various stakeholder elements to produce complete and valid documents and data related to disasters that are common and those that rarely occur in South Central Timor District. BPBD is expected to be more proactive in socializing routine or periodic disaster mitigation to the community by carrying out various approaches that can attract the community to follow and comply with all directions from BPBD and stakeholders. All parties are expected to increase awareness to carry out their duties by their duties and functions to help socialize disaster emergency response consistently even with all the limitations and deficiencies, especially in the budget and infrastructure. All elements are expected to continue to establish communication with fellow stakeholders and with outsiders to assist the socialization process to minimize disaster victims. The South Central Timor Regency Government is expected to increase the budget allocation for disasters.
Item Type: | Thesis (Magister) |
Identification Number: | 0423030004 |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Kolaborasi, Stakeholder, Sosialisasi, Tanggap Darurat Bencana .- Collaboration, Stakeholders, Sosialization, Disaster Emergency Response |
Subjects: | 300 Social sciences > 351 Public administration |
Divisions: | S2/S3 > Magister Ilmu Administrasi Publik, Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi |
Depositing User: | Endang Susworini |
Date Deposited: | 24 May 2023 06:26 |
Last Modified: | 24 May 2023 06:26 |
URI: | http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/200215 |
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