Nurrahman, Rafif Aziz and iSTP. M.App.Life.Sc. Ph.D, Prof. Ir. Yusuf Hendrawan and STP, M.Sc., Dina Wahyu Indriani (2023) Pengaruh Suhu dan Ketebalan Irisan Terhadap Sifat Fisik Pada Proses Pengeringan Ubi Jalar Cilembu (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam) Menggunakan Mesin Tray Dryer. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Ubi JaIar CiIembu (lpomoea batatas (L.) Lam) adaIah saIah isatu iumbi - iumbian iyang ibanyak itumbuh idikebun isecara iliar idan ibelum ibanyak idibudidayakan idan idikenal ioleh imasyarakat iIndonesia. Ubi Cilembu itumbuh secara alami di iDesa CiIembu, iKecamatan PamuIihan, Kabupateni iSumedang, iJawa iBarat. iUmumnya iproses ipengolahan iubi icilembu isebagai ibahan ipangan ihanya isampai ipada iproses ikonvensional iseperti iperebusan iatau ipengukusan. iSaIah iisatu iipenanganan iipascapanen iiyang iidilakukan iidaIam iipembuatan iitepung iiubi iicilembu iiadaIah iipengeringan. iPengeringan iyaitu imengurangi ikandungan iair ipada ibahan idengan iproses ipemberian ipanas isecara iberkala. iPenelitian iini imempunyai itujuan imenganalisa ikadar iairi, ilaju ipengeringan, irendemen, tingkat kekerasan pada pengeringan ubi cilembu, menganalisa pengaruh ketebalan chips ubi cilembu terhadap kadar air, laju pengeringan, dan rendemen selama proses pengeringan dengan menggunakan tray dryer. Pada penelitian ini menggunakan mesin tray dryerosebagai pengering ubi cilembu. Ovenodigunakan sebagai alat bantu untuk mengukurfkadar air dan juga padatan. Tray dryer merupakan alat pengering dengan sistem bertingkat (pengering tipe rak). Tray dryer memiliki kelebihan dapat mengurangiidimensi Iuas penjemuran untuk pengeringan dan mengefisienkanfkontak udaraipanas terhadapibahan yang akan dikeringkan. Pengeringan ubi cilembu diIakukan seIama 6 jam dengan dicetak dengan diameter 5 cm untuk kemudian dikeringkan dengan menggunakan tray dryer dengan variasi suhu yaitu 45 oC, 50 oC, 60 oC. Kadar air akhir chips ubi Cilembu ketebalan 1 mm sebesar 9,65 – 11,30 %, ketebalan 3 mm sebesar 11,75 – 14,18 %, sedangkan ketebalan 5 mm sebesar 14,28 – 20,29 %, berdasarkan pada hasil analisa terdapat perbedaan nyata pada kadar air terhadap perlakuan suhu dan ketebalan. Laju pengeringan chips ubi Cilembu ketebalan 1 mm sebesar 0,1689 – 0,1749 gr/menit, ketebalan 3 mm sebesar 0,1645 – 0,1739 gr/menit, sedangkan ketebalan 5 mm sebesar 0,1625 – 0,1784 gr/menit, berdasarkan pada hasil analisa terdapat perbedaan tidak signifikan pada laju pengeringan terhadap perlakuan suhu, namun pada perlakuan ketebalan terdapat perbedaan nyata pada ketebalan 1 mm, 3 mm, dan 5 mm. Rendemen chips ubi Cilembu ketebalan 1 mm sebesar 32,16 – 34,24 gr, ketebalan 3 mm sebesar 32,47 – 36,28 gr, sedangkan ketebalan 5 mm sebesar 32,31 – 36,85 gr, berdasarkan pada hasil analisa terdapat perbedaan tidak signifikan pada besaran rendemen terhadap perlakuan suhu dan ketebalan. Hasil uji kekerasan chips ubi Cilembu pada ketebalan 1 mm sebesar 0,24 kg/cm2 – 0,29 kg/cm2, ketebalan 3 mm sebesar 0,44 – 0,55 kg/cm2, sedangkan ketebalan 5 mm sebesar 1,22 – 1,40 kg/cm2, berdasarkan pada hasil analisa terdapat perbedaan sangat nyata pada perlakuan ketebalan, dimana semakin tebal chips ubi cilembu, maka tingkat kekerasan akan semakin besar. Pengeringan chip ubi Cilembu lebih baik menggunakan ketebalan irisan 1 mm dengan perlakuan pada suhu 60 oC dibandingkan ketebalan irisan 3 mm dan 5 mm terdapat perbedaan nyata terhadap kadar air yang lebih rendah, rendemen lebih tinggi dan tingkat kekerasan yang lebih rendah. iHasil ikadar iair itersebut isesuai idengan istandar ikadar iair ichip iyaitu ikurang idari i12 %.
Other obstract
Ubi Jalar Cilembu (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam) is one of the root crops that grows wild and is not widely cultivated and known by the Indonesian people. Cilembu sweet potatoes grow naturally in Cilembu Village, Pamulihan District, Sumedang Regency, West Java. Generally, the processing of Cilembu sweet potatoes as food ingredients only goes as far as conventional methods such as boiling or steaming. One postharvest handling done in making Cilembu sweet potato flour is drying. Drying is a process of reducing the water content in a material by applying heat periodically. The drying process will reduce the risk of material damage caused by fungi or decomposing microorganisms due to the low water content in the material. This research aims to analyze the moisture content, drying rate, and yield in drying Cilembu sweet potatoes, to analyze the effect of the thickness of Cilembu sweet potato chips on moisture content, drying rate, and yield during the drying process using a tray dryer. This research used a tray dryer machine as a dryer for Cilembu sweet potatoes. The oven is used as a tool to measure moisture content and solids. Tray dryer is a multi-level drying equipment (rack type dryer). One of the advantages of a tray dryer is that it can reduce the drying area dimension and make the hot air contact with the material to be dried more efficient. Drying Cilembu sweet potatoes is done for 6 hours by cutting them into 5 cm diameter, then dried using a tray dryer with temperature variations of 45 oC, 50 oC, 60 oC. The final moisture content of Cilembu sweet potato chips with a thickness of 1 mm is 9.65-11.30%, 3 mm is 11.75-14.18%, and 5 mm is 14.28-20.29%, based on the results of the analysis, there is a significant difference in moisture content with respect to temperature treatment and thickness. The drying rate of Cilembu sweet potato chips with a thickness of 1 mm was 0.1689-0.1749 gr/min, with a thickness of 3 mm was 0.1645-0.1739 gr/min, and with a thickness of 5 mm was 0.1625-0.1784 gr/min, based on the results of the analysis, there is no significant difference in drying rate with respect to the temperature treatment, but there is a significant difference in thickness with respect to 1 mm, 3 mm, and 5 mm. The yield of Cilembu sweet potato chips with a thickness of 1 mm was 32.16-34.24 gr, with a thickness of 3 mm was 32.47-36.28 gr, and with a thickness of 5 mm was 32.31- 36.85 gr, based on the results of the analysis, there is no significant difference in the yield with respect to temperature treatment and thickness. The result of the hardness test for Cilembu sweet potato chips with a thickness of 1 mm is 0.24 kg/cm2 to 0.29 kg/cm2, with a thickness of 3 mm is 0.44 to 0.55 kg/cm2, and with a thickness of 5 mm is 1.22 to 1.40 kg/cm2. Based on the analysis results, there is a very significant difference in treatment of thickness, where the thicker the Cilembu sweet potato chips, the higher the hardness level will be. Drying of Cilembu sweet potato chips is better when using a thickness of 1 mm with a treatment at 60 oC compared to 3 mm and 5 mm thicknesses, there is a significant difference in terms of lower water content, higher yield, and lower hardness level. The water content result is in accordance with the standard water content of chips, which is less than 12%.
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Identification Number: | 0523100051 |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Cilembu, Pengeringan, Tray Dryer, Cilembu, Drying, Tray Dryer |
Subjects: | 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 630 Agriculture and related technologies |
Divisions: | Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian > Keteknikan Pertanian |
Depositing User: | Sugeng Moelyono |
Date Deposited: | 19 May 2023 07:27 |
Last Modified: | 19 May 2023 07:27 |
URI: | |
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