Optimasi Proporsi Kopi Tanpa Kupas dan Teh Daun Kopi sebagai Minuman Penyegar Teknik Seduh Syphon

Utomo, Nabila Rahmawati Dewi and STP.M.Phil.Ph.d, Kiki Fibrianto (2022) Optimasi Proporsi Kopi Tanpa Kupas dan Teh Daun Kopi sebagai Minuman Penyegar Teknik Seduh Syphon. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Kopi tanpa kupas memiliki cita rasa yang lebih pahit daripada kopi pada umumnya. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan bahan yang juga termasuk ke dalam kategori minuman penyegar untuk meningkatkan kualitas sensori kopi tanpa kupas. Teh daun kopi dapat membantu memperbaiki cita rasa kopi tanpa kupas karena memiliki cita rasa manis yang intens. Kombinasi kedua bahan mempertimbangkan kandungan kafein yang dihasilkan agar tidak melebih batas aman yaitu 50 mg/sajian. Minuman penyegar kopi tanpa kupas dan teh daun kopi diseduh menggunakan metode seduhan syphon dengan rasio bahan dan air yaitu 1:18. Rasio kopi tanpa kupas dan daun teh kopi didapatkan dari hasil rancangan mixture design Minitab 19. Seduhan tersebut diuji kadar kafeinnya menggunakan metode spektrofotometer dan dilakukan optimasi berdasarkan kadar kafein tertinggi tetapi dalam batas maksimum kafein pada makanan dan minuman yaitu 150 mg per hari atau 50 mg per sajian. Hasil optimasi dilanjutkan dengan uji kimia (kafein, total gula, dan total fenol) serta uji sensoris (manis, asam, pahit, dan kesegaran). Hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu roporsi daun kopi dan kopi tanpa kupas optimal untuk menghasilkan kadar kafein tidak lebih dari batas maksimum kafein yang ada pada minuman (50 mg/sajian) yaitu 12,5 gram daun kopi dan 12,5 gram kopi tanpa kupas. Proporsi hasil optimasi tersebut memiliki karakteristik kimia yaitu kadar kafein sebesar 0,20 mg/ml, total fenol 0,88 mg/ml, dan total gua 1,5%. Berdasarkan uji sensoris intensitas rasa pahit dan kesegaran berbeda nyata dengan kontrol teh daun kopi dan kopi tanpa kupas sedangkan intensitas asam, sepat, dan manis tidak berbeda nyata. Intensitas rasa ini berhubungan dengan karakterisasi kimia. Kafein dan fenol berkontribusi dalam meningkatkan rasa pahit dan total gula dapat memberikan rasa manis pada sampel minuman penyegar. Berdasarkan uji hedonik, kelima atribut yang diuji (pahit, sepat, asam, manis, dan segar) tidak berbeda nyata satu sama lain. Secara keseluruhan panelis cenderung lebih menyukai kontrol, yaitu antara teh daun kopi dan kopi tanpa kupas.

English Abstract

Unpeeled coffee has a more bitter taste than coffee in general. Therefore, a material that is also included in the category of refreshing drink is needed to improve the sensory quality of unpeeled coffee. Coffee leaf tea can help improve the taste of unpeeled coffee because it has an intense sweet taste. The combination of the two ingredients takes into account the resulting caffeine content so as not to exceed the safe limit of 50 mg/serving.. Refreshing coffee drinks of unpeeled coffee and coffee leaf tea are brewed using the syphon brewing method with a ratio of ingredients and water, namely 1:18. The ratio of unpeeled coffee and coffee tea leaves were obtained from the results of the mixture design Minitab 19. The brew was tested for caffeine content using the spectrophotometer method and optimization was carried out based on the highest caffeine content but within the maximum limit of caffeine in food and beverages, namely 150 mg per day or 50 mg per dish. The optimization results were followed by chemical tests (caffeine, total sugar, and total phenol) and sensory tests (sweet, sour, bitter, and freshness). The results of this study are that the proportion of coffee leaves and unpeeled coffee is optimal to produce caffeine levels not more than the maximum limit of caffeine in drinks (50 mg/serving), namely 12.5 grams of coffee leaves and 12.5 grams of unpeeled coffee. The proportion of the optimization results has chemical characteristics, namely caffeine content of 0.20 mg/ml, total phenol 0.88 mg/ml, and total sugar 1,5%. Based on the sensory test, the intensity of bitterness and freshness was significantly different from the controls for coffee leaf tea and unpeeled coffee, while the intensity of sour, astringent and sweet were not significantly different. The intensity of this taste is related to chemical characterization. Caffeine and phenol contribute to increasing the bitter taste and total sugar can give a sweet taste to the sample of the refreshing drink. Based on the hedonic test, the five attributes tested (bitter, astringent, sour, sweet, and fresh) were not significantly different from one another. Overall, the panelists tended to prefer control, which was between leaf coffee and unpeeled coffee.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 0522100494
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 630 Agriculture and related technologies
Divisions: Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian > Keteknikan Pertanian
Depositing User: Sugeng Moelyono
Date Deposited: 19 May 2023 02:47
Last Modified: 19 May 2023 02:47
URI: http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/199885
Restricted to Registered users only until 31 December 2024.

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