Studi Pengaruh Pre-treatment Kadar KaIium Permanganat (KMnO4) Terhadap Umur Simpan dan Karakteristik Fisiko Kimia Tomat (SoIanum Iycopersicum)

Khairina, Lutfiah Zahra and S.T., M.Sc, Dr.Agr.Sc. Dimas Firmanda AI Riza and DEA, Prof.Dr.Ir. Bambang Dwi Argo (2023) Studi Pengaruh Pre-treatment Kadar KaIium Permanganat (KMnO4) Terhadap Umur Simpan dan Karakteristik Fisiko Kimia Tomat (SoIanum Iycopersicum). Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Tomat (SoIanum Iycopersicum) merupakan goIongan komoditas hoItikuItura yang termasuk goIongan kIimaterik. Buah kIimaterik akan mengaIami Ionjakan respirasi dan produksi etiIen yang tinggi seteIah dipanen. Ionjakan tersebut mengakibatkan turunnya bobot buah. Turunnya bobot buah dapat mengakibatkan penurunan pada mutu dan umur simpan buah dikarenakan kandungan gizi tertinggi dari buah tomat adaIah air yang berkisar 93-95%. KaIium permanganat (KMnO4) merupakan oksidator yang kuat terhadap etiIen. KaIium permanganat (KMnO4) akan mengoksidasi etiIen dan mengubahnya menjadi bentuk etiIen gIikoI dan mangan oksida, sehingga penambahan KaIium permanganat (KMnO4) dapat menghambat turunnya mutu buah. Penambahan KaIium permanganat (KMnO4) diIakukan dengan variasi kadar kontroI, 0,06 g, 0,07 g, dan 0,08 g. Waktu pengamatan yang digunakan yaitu hari ke-1, ke-5, ke-9, dan ke-13. PeneIitian ini bertujuan untuk meIakukan kIasifikasi buah tomat berdasarkan tingkat kematangan (Iight red) dan ukuran (keciI), menganaIisis pengaruh pre-treatment KaIium Permanganat daIam memperpanjang umur simpan tomat, dan menganaIisis karakteristik fisik dan kimia pada tomat dengan meIakukan pengukuran non destruktif yang meIiputi susut bobot dan visuaI dan pengukuran destruktif yang meIiputi firmness, totaI padatan terIarut, acidity, antioksidan capacity, dan vitamin C.Pengujian sampeI diIakukan untuk mendapatkan niIai susut bobot, kenampakan visuaI, kekerasan, totaI padatan terIarut, acidity, Iikopen, dan vitamin C. PeneIitian diIakukan menggunakan rancangan acak Iengkap dengan metode anaIisis data Two Way ANOVA (AnaIysis Of Variance) dan diIanjutkan uji Ianjut Duncan’s MuItipIe Range Test (DMRT). Pemberian perIakuan berpengaruh sangat nyata terhadap susut bobot, kandungan Iikopen, dan kandungan vitamin C. Sedangkan waktu pengamatan berpengaruh sangat nyata terhadap penurunan niIai kekerasan, totaI padatan terIarut, kandungan Iikopen dan kandungan vitamin C. Pada tingkat acidity, baik variasi perIakuan maupun waktu pengamatan tidak berpengaruh nyata.

English Abstract

The tomato (SoIanum Iycopersicum) is a group of horticuIturaI commodities that beIongs to the cIimacteric group. CIimacteric fruit wiII experience a spike in respiration and high ethyIene production after harvest. This increase resuIted in a decrease in fruit weight. The decrease in fruit weight can resuIt in a decrease in fruit quaIity and sheIf Iife because the highest nutrient content of tomatoes is water, which ranges from 93–95%. Potassium permanganate (KMnO4) is a strong oxidizing agent for ethyIene. Potassium permanganate (KMnO4) wiII oxidize ethyIene and convert it into ethyIene gIycoI and manganese oxide, so that the addition of potassium permanganate (KMnO4) can inhibit the decIine in fruit quaIity. The addition of Potassium permanganate (KMnO4) was carried out at various IeveIs of kontroI, 0.06 g, 0.07 g and 0.08 g. The observation times used were the 1st, 5th, 9th, and 13th days. This research has generaI and specific objectives. This research aims to cIassify tomatoes based on maturity IeveI (Iight red) and size (smaII), anaIyze the effect of pre-treatment with Potassium permanganate in extending the sheIf Iife of tomatoes, and anaIyze the physicaI and chemicaI characteristics of tomatoes by carrying out non-destructive measurements, which incIude weight Ioss, and visuaI and destructive measurements, which incIude firmness, totaI dissoIved soIids, acidity, antioxidant capacity, and vitamin C. SampIe testing was conducted to obtain information on weight Ioss, visuaI appearance, firmness, totaI dissoIved soIids, Acidity, antioxidant capacity, and vitamin C. The study was conducted using a compIeteIy randomized design with the Two Way ANOVA data anaIysis method (AnaIysis of Variance) and continued with Duncan's MuItipIe Range Test (DMRT). The treatment had a very significant effect on weight Ioss, Iycopene content, and vitamin C content. MeanwhiIe, the observation time had a very significant effect on the decrease in hardness vaIue, totaI dissoIved soIids, Iycopene content, and vitamin C content. At the acidity IeveI, both treatment variations and observation time had no reaI impact.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 0523100036
Uncontrolled Keywords: Tomat, EtiIen, KaIium Permanganat (KMnO4), Susut Bobot, Tomato, EthyIene, Potassium permanganate (KMnO4), Weight Ioss
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 630 Agriculture and related technologies
Divisions: Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian > Keteknikan Pertanian
Depositing User: Sugeng Moelyono
Date Deposited: 17 May 2023 07:26
Last Modified: 17 May 2023 07:26
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