Prananda, Nico Rizki and I Kadek Yudi Astawan, S. Sn., M. Sn. (2022) Representasi Gaya Hidup Konsumtif. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Manusia hadir dengan pemikiran untuk maju, bertahan hidup dan memperbarui sesuatu. Hakekatnya manusia mencari kebahagiaan untuk mengisi kehidupannya. Kebahagiaan dapat diperoleh dari berbagai macam cara, seperti saling berbagi, bersyukur, dan hidup berdampingan dengan damai. Namun pada era modern seperti sekarang, sebagian orang mencari kebahagian melalui barang atau produk, di mana barang atau benda tersebut diperoleh dari hasil keputusan membeli berdasarkan keinginan semata. Pemenuhan keinginan tersebut berjalan terus-menerus sehingga menjadi pola pikir atau tindakan bergaya hidup konsumtif. Gaya hidup konsumtif adalah pola pikir atau tindakan seseorang yang menjadikan sebuah benda atau barang sebagai tolak ukur kebahagiaan ataupun Penulis menggunakan pendekatan metodologi yang dikemukakan oleh SP. Gustami. Terdiri dari beberapa tahap, yaitu tahap eksplorasi, tahap perancangan, dan tahap perwujudan. Penulis melakukan proses pencarian ide dan konsep karya dengan cara melihat langsung fenomena yang terjadi di tempat perbelanjaan, buku-buku seputar gaya hidup konsumtif serta kegiatan konsumtif yang berasal dari diri penulis sendiri. Visual karya banyak terinfluens dari image-image iklan penawaran di internet, media sosial, sampai iklan di public space serupa billboard, dan semacamnya. Dalam proses eksplorasi gagasan, penulis juga terpengaruh oleh karya-karya seniman terdahulu sebagai acuan dalam berkarya seni. Proses kreatif penulis menghasilkan 7 buah karya dengan judul antara lain Kekean, Special Item, Let’s go, so heavy, Diskon, Debat dan Kamuflase. Tema yang diusung seputar gaya hidup konsumtif sudah menjadi hal lumrah dalam kehidupan masyarakat. Penulis berharap penciptaan karya seni ini dapat memberikan inspirasi bagi masyarakat, serta sebagai otokritik terhadap diri penulis sendiri, dan refleksi bagi masyarakat umum untuk lebih bijak lagi melihat di antara kebutuhan dan keinginan.
English Abstract
Humans exist with the thought of advancing, surviving and renewal. In essence, humans tend to look for happiness to fulfill their life. Happiness can be obtained in various ways, such as sharing, giving thanks, and living side by side in harmony. But in the modern era like now, some people are looking for happiness through goods or products, where the goods or objects are obtained from the result of buying decisions based on desire alone. Fulfillment of these desires runs continuously so that it becomes a consumptive mindset or lifestyle action. The consumptive lifestyle is a pattern of thought or action of a person who makes an object or item as a measure of happiness or social status. In fact, these thoughts and actions automatically lead to wastefulness and mental illness that can affect anyone without realizing it. Thus, the author reasons to point out the bad impact of consumptive lifestyle which has a bad impact, using artistic means. The author uses the methodological approach proposed by SP. Gustami. Consists of several stages, namely the exploration stage, the design stage, and the embodiment stage. The author conducts the process of finding ideas and concept of work by directly seeing the phenomena that occur in shopping centers, books about the consumptive lifestyle and consumptive activities that come from the author himself. Visual works are widely influenced by offering images on the internet, social media, to advertisements in public spaces like billboards, and the like. In the process of exploring ideas, the writer is also influenced by the works of previous artists as a reference in making art. The author's creative process resulted in 7 works with titles including Kekean, Special Item, Let's go, so heavy, Diskon, Debat and Camuflase. The theme that is carried throughout the consumptive lifestyle has become commonplace in people's lives. The author hopes that the creation of this work of art can provide inspiration for the community, as well as a self-criticism of the author himself, and a reflection for the general public to be wiser between needs and wants.
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Identification Number: | 0520120221 |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Gaya Hidup, Konsumtif, Seni Grafis Cetak Tinggi, Lifestyle, Consumptive, Relief Print |
Subjects: | 700 The Arts > 700 The arts |
Divisions: | Fakultas Ilmu Budaya > Seni Rupa Murni |
Depositing User: | soegeng sugeng |
Date Deposited: | 17 May 2023 01:49 |
Last Modified: | 17 May 2023 01:49 |
URI: | |
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