Analisis Kapabilitas Proses Mesin Flashcooler Line A Terhadap Kualitas Produk Susu Kental Manis Di PT. C

Nuruddinsyah, Bakhtiar and Ph.D., Ahmad Zaki Mubarok (2022) Analisis Kapabilitas Proses Mesin Flashcooler Line A Terhadap Kualitas Produk Susu Kental Manis Di PT. C. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Meningkatnya pertumbuhan penduduk di Indonesia menyebabkan meningkatnya permintaan terhadap produk pangan. PT. C merupakan salah satu industri pangan yang bergerak pada sektor pengolahan susu (dairy industry). Salah satu produk yang diproduksi oleh PT. C adalah susu kental manis. PT. C senantiasa menjaga kualitas mutu dari susu kental manis. Pengendalian mutu dilakukan pada proses mixing dan flashcooling. Ditemukan adanya variasi pada atribut mutu susu kental manis pada proses flashcooling disaat bahan yang digunakan sesuai spesifikasi dan setting pada mesin flashcooler yang digunakan tetap sama untuk semua produk. Dibutuhkan suatu cara untuk mengetahui kesalahan yang terjadi pada proses flashcooling. Oleh karena itu diperlukan analisis mendalam mengenai faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi kualitas dari susu kental manis yang salah satunya yaitu menggunakan analisis kapabilitas proses. Pelaksanaan magang dilaksanakan pada bulan Mei 2021 – Desember 2021 di departemen Sweetened Condensed Milk PT. C. Pelaksanaan magang terdiri dari beberapa tahapan yaitu menentukan topik dan tujuan magang, studi literatur, observasi lapang, pengumpulan dan penyusunan data sekunder, pengolahan dan intrepertasi data, wawancara lapang, dan penyusunan diagram fishbone. Dalam melakukan analisis kapabilitas proses digunakan data sekunder form produksi & quality proses flashcooling susu kental manis parameter total padatan, lemak, protein, sukrosa pada bulan Januari 2021 – September 2021. Terdapat 5 jenis produk yang dianalisa yang mana jumlah datanya juga bervariasi. Oleh karena itu, data disusun per-kuartal (per 3 bulan) agar memenuhi minimal jumlah data yang dapat di analisis. Analisis data dilakukan menggunakan aplikasi Minitab 20 & Microsoft Excel dengan beberapa tahapan yaitu (1) Uji Normalitas Data, (2) Uji Goodness of Fit, (3) Uji Analisis Kapabilitas Proses, (4) Pembuatan Grafik. Hasil analisis kapabilitas dilakukan pada parameter mutu flashcooling susu kental manis didapatkan hasil pada parameter total padatan, lemak, protein, dan sukrosa pada kelima jenis produk tidak ada yang kapabel, dimana hasil yang didapatkan yaitu indeks Pp & Ppk < 1. Hal ini menandakan proses belum mampu secara konsisten memenuhi batas spesifikasi serta keterpusatan data pada rentang spesifikasi. Indeks Pp dan Ppk yang rendah disebabkan karena masih ditemukannya hasil yang diluar batas spesifikasi serta masih menyimpang dari keterpusatan data. Faktor utama yang menyebabkan rendahnya indeks Pp & Ppk adalah permasalahan pada mesin cooling tower, pompa vakum, steam valve, variasi ukuran kristal laktosa, cooling rate, skala produksi, dan hilangnya air dalam proses evaporasi vakum. Faktor lainnya yaitu perhitungan formula diatur supaya sedikit melebihi spesifikasi yang ditentukan.

English Abstract

Population growth in Indonesia has led to increased demand for food products. PT. C is one of the food industries that is engaged in the milk processing sector (dairy industry). One of the products produced by PT. C is sweetened condensed milk. PT. C always maintains the quality of sweetened condensed milk. Quality control is carried out in the mixing and flashcooling processes. It was found that there were variations in the quality attributes of sweetened condensed milk in the flashcooling process when the materials used were according to the specifications and the settings on the flashcooler machine used remained the same for all products. It takes a way to find out the errors that occur in the flashcooling process. Therefore an in-depth analysis is needed regarding the factors that can affect the quality of sweetened condensed milk, one of which is using process capability analysis. The internship was held in May 2021 – December 2021 in the Sweetened Condensed Milk department of PT. C. The implementation of the internship consists of several stages, namely determining the topic and purpose of the internship, literature study, field observations, collecting and compiling secondary data, processing and interpreting data, field interviews, and preparing fishbone diagrams. In conducting the process capability analysis, secondary data used in the form of production & quality of the flashcooling process for sweetened condensed milk parameters of total solids, lemak, protein, sucrose in January 2021 – September 2021. There were 5 types of products analyzed in which the amount of data also varied. Therefore, the data is compiled quarterly (per 3 months) in order to meet the minimum amount of data that can be analyzed. Data analysis was carried out using the Minitab 20 & Microsoft Excel application with several stages, namely (1) Data Normality Test, (2) Goodness of Fit Test, (3) Process Capability Analysis Test, (4) Graphing. The results of the capability analysis carried out on the flashcooling quality parameters of sweetened condensed milk showed that the total solids, lemak, protein, and sucrose parameters on the five types of products were not capable, where the results obtained were Pp & Ppk indexes < 1. This indicates the process has not able to consistently meet specification limits as well as data centering in the specification range. The low Pp and Ppk indices are caused by finding results that are outside the specification limits and still deviate from data center. The main factors causing the low Pp & Ppk index are problems with cooling tower machines, vacuum pumps, steam valves, variations in lactose crystal size, cooling rates, production scale, and loss of water in the vacuum evaporation process. Another factor is that the formula calculation is set so that it slightly exceeds the specified specifications.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 0523100017
Uncontrolled Keywords: Analisis Kapabilitas Proses, Diagram Fishbone, Indeks Pp & Ppk, Susu Kental Manis, Flashcooling, Process Capability Analysis, Fishbone Diagram, Pp & Ppk Index, Sweetened Condensed Milk, Flashcooling
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 630 Agriculture and related technologies
Divisions: Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian > Keteknikan Pertanian
Depositing User: soegeng sugeng
Date Deposited: 16 May 2023 02:46
Last Modified: 16 May 2023 02:46
Restricted to Registered users only until 31 December 2025.

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