Performan Reproduksi Dan Produksi Sapi Madura Di Wilayah Sumber Bibit Kabupaten Pamekasan

Aryani, Indyah and Prof. Dr. Sc. Agr. Ir. Suyadi, MS., IPU., ASEAN. Eng. and Prof. Dr. Ir. Hartutik, MP., IPM., ASEAN Eng and Dr. Ir. Kuswati, MS., IPM., ASEAN, Eng. (2023) Performan Reproduksi Dan Produksi Sapi Madura Di Wilayah Sumber Bibit Kabupaten Pamekasan. Doktor thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Indonesia merupakan negara dengan kekayaan sumber daya genetik yang tinggi, termasuk didalamnya adalah sapi asli dan lokal. Sapi Madura sebagian besar berada di wilayah Indonesia bagian timur terutama pulau Madura. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis performa reproduksi dan produksi sapi Madura di wilayah sumber bibit. Metode yang digunakan adalah purposive sampling. Lokasi dipilih berdasar Keputusan Menteri Pertanian nomor 150/Kpts/PK.020/2/2017 tentang wilayah sumber bibit sapi Madura Pakong, Pasean, Batumarmar dan Waru. Parameter yang diteliti meliputi perfomans reproduksi dan produksi sapi Madura. Pengambilan data primer dilakukan dengan pengukuran performan, wawancara serta data sekunder dari Dinas Peternakan provinsi Jawa Timur. Sifat pertumbuhan dan sifat reproduksi dianalisis menggunakan program SPSS. Hasilnya menunjukkan NRR1, S/C, CI, calf crop dan natural increase tertinggi di Kecamatan Waru masing-masing 88,24%, 1,2 kali, 375 hari, 66,92% dan 66,93%. Kesimpulan yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini adalah performan reproduksi dan produksi terbaik di Kecamatan Waru, sapi Madura memiliki tujuh karakter spesifik dan yang memenuhi standar SNI nomor 7651-2:2020 masing-masing pada PI0 100% dan PI2 85,4%.

English Abstract

Indonesia are well-known as huge diversity either native and local cattle‘s. Madura cattle's were contributing of national protein demand in Indonesia. Madura cattle predominantly founded in Eastern part of Indonesia including Madura island. The aim of this research were to determined production traits and reproductive of Madura cattle based on its origin. The method was purposive sampling as a primary data taken from a specific site. The specific site chosen based on the ministry of agriculture number 150/Kpts/PK.020/2/2017 with Pakong, Pasean, Batumarmar dan Waru area as its origin. The parameters observed was growth traits, and reproductive traits of Madura cattle. Where areas, the growth traits and reproductive traits were analysed using SPSS software. The result revealed NRR1, S/C, and CI presented greater at Waru sub-district 88.24%, 1.2 times, 375 days, respectively. Furthermore, the result on calf crop and natural increase better at Waru sub-district 66.92% and 66.93%, respectively. To sum up, as consequences of this result the best reproductive and productive traits at Waru sub-District, Madura cattle has seven spesific phenotipe traits and the Madura cattle were complying the SNI standard number 7651-2:2020 at the PI0 100% and PI2 85.4%, respectively.

Item Type: Thesis (Doktor)
Identification Number: 0623050003
Uncontrolled Keywords: Sapi Madura, performan, reproduksi, produksi .- Madura cattle, performance, reproductiion, production
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 636 Animal husbandry
Divisions: S2/S3 > Doktor Ilmu Ternak, Fakultas Peternakan
Depositing User: Endang Susworini
Date Deposited: 15 May 2023 06:06
Last Modified: 15 May 2023 06:06
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