Pratama, Raditya Yogas (2017) Perancangan Manajemen Strategi PT. Baja Pamungkas Sebagai Panduan dan Tolok Ukur Strategic Management System. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Visi dan misi merupakan pasak utama dari suatu lembaga, organisasi, perusahaan, dan institusi lainnya. Dalam memberikan arah gerak organisasi dan manajemen, suatu perusahaan perlu menentukan visi dan misi yang sesuai dengan harapan sebuah perusahaan tersebut dibentuk. Hal tersebut seharusnya berlaku pula pada PT. Baja Pamungkas. PT. Baja Pamungkas merupakan perusahaan kontraktor yang bergerak dalam bidang jasa maintenance. Sebagai arah gerak PT. Baja Pamungkas telah menentukan visi dan misi perusahaan, namun dalam penyusunannya tidak mempertimbangkan rencana strategis, key performance indicator, program inisiatif dan aktivitas inisiatif sesuai dengan Strategy Planning Hierarcy. Dengan demikian PT. Baja Pamungkas perlu mengetahui strategistrategi apa yang sesuai dengan kondisi perusahaan, dapat melakukan tolok ukur atas kinerja perusahaan, dan PT. Baja Pamungkas perlu menenetapkan program inisiatif beserta aktivitas-aktivitas apa yang dapat dikerjakan oleh PT. Baja Pamungkas sehingga bisa mencapai misi dan mewujudkan visi dari PT. Baja Pamungkas. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu merancang strategi, membentuk tolak ukur kinerja, dan menyusun program inisiatif dan aktivitas inisiatif pada PT. Baja Pamungkas. Perancangan strategi dibagi menjadi tiga tahap yaitu input stage untuk merumuskan strategi dengan melakukan analisa Internal Factor Evaluation (IFE) dan External Factor Evaluation (EFE) serta memberikan skor critical success factor (CSF) pada IFE dan EFE dengan melakukan pairwise comparison, matching stage dengan menggunakan Internal- External Matrix (IE Matriks) dan Strength Weakness Opportunity Threats Matrix (SWOT Matriks), dan terakhir decision stage dengan menggunakan Quantitive Strategic Planning Matrix (QSPM). Setelah didapatkan strategi yang sesuai dapat dilakukan perancangan tolok ukur kinerja dengan menyusun program inisiatif dan aktivitas inisiatif yang berdasar dari KPI pada perspektif-perspektif Balance Scorecard (BSC). Hasil penelitian pada PT. Baja Pamungkas didapatkan bahwa perusahaan perlu menyesuaikan visi dan misi terhadap harapan shareholder agar sesuai dengan tujuan awal PT. Baja Pamungkas didirikan. Selanjutnya hasil dari analisa IFE didapatkan skor 2.89 dan EFE didapatkan skor 3.04. Skor didapatkan dari hasil Analytical Hierarchy Planning (AHP) dengan membandingkan pada setiap faktor IFE dan EFE dan didapatkan bobot, rating serta score CSF. Skor pada IFE dan EFE dimasukkan pada kuadran IE Matriks dengan hasil pada sel II yaitu PT. Baja Pamungkas berada pada posisi Grow and Build dengan strategi alternatif market development, market penetration, dan process development. Selanjutnya, ditentukan strategi SO, WO, ST, dan WT, yang didapat dari analisa SWOT. Terakhir direlasikan IE Matriks dengan SWOT dan dilakukan analisa QSPM sehingga didapatkan strategi yang paling sesuai dengan kondisi perusahaan yaitu market penetration dengan nilai skor sebesar 2. Setelah strategi tersusun maka dapat dirancang tujuan strategik, key performance indicator, target, program inisiatif, dan aktivitas inisiatif sebagai tolok ukur kinerja pada PT. Baja Pamungkas.
English Abstract
Company’s vision and mission is the main pillar for a foundation, organization, company and any other institution. When giving direction for organization and management movement, companies needs to set their vision and mission that is suitable with the company’s future expectation. This concept must be applied for all companies, including PT. Baja Pamungkas. PT. Baja Pamungkas is a construction company that is provide maintenance services for other companies and factories. As applied this concept for company’s main direction, PT. Baja Pamungkas has set their vision and mission. However, in the making of the company’s vision and mission, they did not consider their strategic planning, key performance indicator, initiative program and initiative activity that is suitable with The Strategy Planning Hierarchy. As the result of applying the model, PT. Baja Pamungkas will know the suitable strategies for company’s condition. Moreover, PT. Baja Pamungkas also could measure their work performance and they could specify their initiative program and activities that they could do for accomplished their mission and actualize their vision. The objective from this research is to plan the strategy, measure work performance and arrange initiative program and activity for PT. Baja Pamungkas The Strategic Planning is divided into three stage. The first stage is the input stage which is to formulate the strategy by analyze Internal Factor Evaluation (IFE) and External Factor Evaluation (EFE) and scoring the Critical Success Factor (CSF) by making the Pairwise Comparison. The second stage is the matching stage. In this stage, The Internal-External Matrix (IE Matrix) and Strength Weakness Opportunity Threat Matrix (SWOT Matrix) must been analyzed. The last stage is decision stage. In this stage, the analysis cold be done by Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix (QSPM). After pass these stage, the suitable strategies could be gotten. After that, the work performance measurement could be done by arrange the initiative programs and activities which is based on KPI in Balance Scorecard (BSC) perspectives. The research result in PT. Baja Pamungkas is the company has to adapt their vision and mission with their shareholder expectation so that it will be suitable with PT. Baja Pamungkas’ initial objectives. The score of IFE analysis is 2.89 and score of EFE analysis is 3.04. These score is gotten from the result of Analytical Hierarchy Planning (AHP) by comparing every IFE and EFE factors. Based on the comparison, the weight, rating and the CSF score will be gotten. Next step is IFE and EFE Score is entered to IE Matrix quadrant with the result in cell II, PT. Baja Pamungkas is in the Grow and Build position with alternative strategy: market development, market penetration, and process development. After that, the SO, WO, ST, and WT could be determined that is got from SWOT analysis. The last, IE matrix and SWOT are being connected and QSPM analysis could be done so that the most suitable strategy with company’s condition could be get, the market penetration which score is 2. After the strategy is arranged, the objective of the strategic, key performance indicator, target, initiative program and activities could be planned as the work performance measurement in PT. Baja Pamungkas.
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Identification Number: | SKR/FT/2017/368/051704302 |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Manajemen Strategi, Pengukuran Kinerja, Key Performanace Indicator (KPI), Strength Weakness Opportunity Threats (SWOT), Strategy Hierarchy Planning |
Subjects: | 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 658 General management > 658.4 Executive management > 658.401 Planning, policy making, control, quality management |
Divisions: | Fakultas Teknik > Teknik Industri |
Depositing User: | Budi Wahyono Wahyono |
Date Deposited: | 04 Sep 2017 02:17 |
Last Modified: | 25 Oct 2024 08:21 |
URI: | |
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