The Issue of Feminism in the Characterization of Manic Pixie Dream Girl Female Lead in Anime My Dress-Up Darling.

Safira, Hanitya Putri Pradnya and Scarletina Vidyayani, S.S., M.Hum. (2022) The Issue of Feminism in the Characterization of Manic Pixie Dream Girl Female Lead in Anime My Dress-Up Darling. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Representasi perempuan sejak lama mejadi isu di berbagai macam media cerita. Trope karakter Manic Pixie Dream Girl (MPDG) adalah contoh bagaimana seksisme dan ideologi subordinasi/inferioritas perempuan dapat berperan dalam narasi. Berkenaan dengan hal ini, kritik feminis akan digunakan untuk mempelajari hal berikut. Ditulis oleh Shuichi Fukuda, anime Jepang My Dress-Up Darling (2022) merupakan salah satu anime yang menghadirkan MPDG dengan cara yang terkesan progresif. Berbeda dengan MPDG sebelumnya yang minat utamanya hanyalah menyelamatkan protagonis pria, Marin Kitagawa sangat bersemangat dalam cosplay, yang merupakan tema besar dalam serial ini. Namun, ciri baru dalam penggambaran MPDG inilah yang malah dijadikan instrumen untuk mengobjektifikasi karakternya secara seksual. Untuk menganalisis lebih lanjut, teori Male Gaze oleh Laura Mulvey akan digunakan. Teori ini digunakan karena dapat menelaah isu objektifikasi perempuan, ketimpangan gender dan penulisan perempuan berdasarkan hasrat laki-laki heteroseksual, yang berguna untuk mengidentifikasi seksisme yang tersirat dalam trope MPDG pada objeck material. Untuk menyusun analisis, kerangka karakterisasi oleh Petrie dan Boggs (2018) dan tipe shot oleh Thompson dan Bowen (2009) akan digunakan. Temuan menunjukkan bahwa sebagai MPDG, penokohan Marin mengilustrasikan penulisan karakter perempuan untuk melayani fantasi laki-laki heteroseksual, baik dari segi penyajian visual (yang dapat diidentifikasi melalui frame shot) maupun tujuan naratif/dramatis (yang dapat diidentifikasi melalui aspek penokohan). Dari perspektif feminisme, beberapa isu terdeteksi dalam penokohan Marin, seperti: 1) fokus dangkal pada keanehan eksternalnya yang membuat karakternya sangat ditentukan oleh hal sepele seperti gaya pakaian dan penampilan; 2) objektifikasi, karakternya menjadi objek hasrat belaka, 3) penggambaran gender yang tidak seimbang, di mana wanita hanya dapat digambarkan dalam kaitannya dengan lakilaki. Namun, sebagai MPDG kontemporer, karakterisasi Marin dibuat seakan-akan eksploitasi terhadap dirinya ini dilakukan atas pilihannya sendiri. Untuk penelitian lebih lanjut, mungkin sama menariknya untuk meneliti objek material dari perspektif protagonis pria Wakana Gojo berkenaan dengan faktor mengapa dia – dan protagonis laki-laki lainnya dalam seri serupa – membutuhkan sosok MPDG yang dapat membantu dia dalam proses pengembangan dirinya.

English Abstract

Female representation has been a longstanding issue in various forms of storytelling media. The Manic Pixie Dream Girl (MPDG) character trope is a concrete example of how sexism and belief in female subordination/inferiority may play out in narratives. In light of this, feminist literary criticism will be employed to study the trope. Written by Shuichi Fukuda, Japanese anime My Dress-Up Darling (2022) is one of the anime which presents MPDG in a seemingly progressive fashion. Unlike the former MPDGs whose sole interests were to rescue the male protagonist, Marin Kitagawa is ardently passionate in cosplay, which is a large theme in the series. However, this new characteristic in the depiction of MPDG is latter proven to be an instrument to sexually objectify her character. To analyse this further, the Male Gaze theory by Laura Mulvey will be incorporated. I used this theory because it harbours the issue of female objectification, gender imbalance and the writing of women based on heterosexual male desire, which are useful for identifying the imbued sexism of the trope presentation in the material object. To structure the analysis, the frameworks of characterization by Petrie and Boggs (2018) and shot types by Thompson and Bowen (2009) will be used. The findings shows that as an MPDG, the characterization of Marin illustrates the writing of female characters in service of heterosexual male fantasy, both in terms of visual presentation (as identifiable through frame shots) and narrative/dramatic purpose (as identifiable through characterization aspect). From the perspective of feminism, some issues were detected in the characterization of Marin, such as: 1) the shallow focus on her external quirkiness which made her character largely defined by superficial personality markers such as clothing styles and appearances; 2) objectification, in which her character is rendered into a mere object of desire, and never as a person with desire 3) imbalanced gender portrayal, where female characters can only be described in relation to her contribution to the male protagonist’s life. As a contemporary MPDG, however, her characterization made it so that these exploitation of her was done by her own choice. For further research, it may be equally intriguing to scrutinize the material object from the perspective of the male protagonist of the series Wakana Gojo in terms of why in the first place he – and other male protagonists in similar series – needs an MPDG figure to help him in his self-improvement journey.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 0522120293
Uncontrolled Keywords: manic pixie dream girl, Japanese anime, character trope, sexism, male gaze, feminist criticism, manic pixie dream girl, anime jepang, character trope, sexism, kritik feminis
Subjects: 400 Language > 420 English and Old English (Anglo-Saxon)
Divisions: Fakultas Ilmu Budaya > Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris
Depositing User: Sugeng Moelyono
Date Deposited: 11 May 2023 06:46
Last Modified: 11 May 2023 06:46
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