Keragaman 10 Genotip Selada (Lactuca sativa L.)

Ganeswara, Nadira Genta and Dr. Noer Rahmi Ardiarini,, SP., M.Si. (2022) Keragaman 10 Genotip Selada (Lactuca sativa L.). Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Selada (Lactuca sativa L.) merupakan salah satu tanaman hortikultura yang banyak digemari oleh masyarakat karena memiliki tekstur daun yang lunak dan bermanfaat bagi tubuh. Namun, petani umumnya hanya membudidayakan beberapa varietas selada untuk konsumsi. Hal ini disebabkan karena kurangnya kualitas pada varietas tanaman selada. Upaya dalam mendapatkan varietas unggul dapat dilakukan dengan melalui program pemuliaan. Keragaman genetik merupakan modal dasar dalam pemuliaan tanaman. Kegiatan ini diperlukan informasi terkait nilai keragaman serta apakah terdapat variasi keragaman pada setiap genotip. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan pengamatan di dalam genotip menggunakan metode seleksi individu. Tujuan dilakukan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui keragaman pada 10 genotip selada. Sedangkan hipotesis yang diajukan adalah terdapat keragaman pada 10 genotip selada. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Maret – Juni 2020 di Kebun Percobaan BPTP (Balai Pengkajian Teknologi Pertanian) Kecamatan Karangploso, km 4 Malang, Jawa Timur. Alat dan bahan yang digunakan cangkul, timbangan analitik, penggaris, tabel pengamatan, busur, alfaboard, meteran, gembor, pH meter, kertas label, tray, kamera, alat tulis, plastik, buku panduan UPOV dan bahan tanam berupa 10 benih galur selada, pupuk kandang dan NPK. Metode penelitian menggunakan metode seleksi individual. Variabel yang diamati meliputi karakter kualitatif dan karakter kuantitatif. Variabel pengamatan kualitatif meliputi warna daun, posisi daun, bentuk daun fase vegetatif, bentuk daun fase generatif, bentuk ujung daun fase vegetatif, bentuk ujung daun fase generatif, antosianin fase vegetatif, antosianin fase generatif, warna antosianin, area antosianin, permukaan daun, jumlah divisi daun, kilat permukaan daun, daun melepuh, gelombang pada garis tepi, tipe irisan garis tepi, kedalaman irisan garis tepi, dan venasi daun. Sedangkan pengamatan kuantitatif meliputi, tinggi tanaman, lebar tajuk, jumlah daun, luas daun, panjang akar, dan bobot segar. Hasil pengamatan karakter kualitatif disajikan dengan menggunakan metode deskripsi. Data yang diperoleh dari hasil kuantitatif dianalisis dengan menghitung kisaran rerata, ragam, standar deviasi, dan koefisien variasi (KV). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada variasi keragaman di dalam genotip pada 10 genotip tanaman selada yang diamati pada karakter kualitatif. Terdapat 2 variasi keragaman pada karakter kuantitatif, yaitu keragaman rendah dan keragaman sedang. Nilai KV pada genotip P1 dan P2 menunjukkan rendah pada karakter tinggi tanaman, lebar tajuk, jumlah daun dan luas daun. Sedangkan KV sedang pada karakter panjang akar dan berat segar. Nilai KV pada genotip P3, P4, P7 dan P10 memiliki nilai rendah pada karakter tinggi tanaman, lebar tajuk, jumlah daun dan panjang akar. Adapun nilai KV sedang pada karakter luas daun dan berat segar. Berbeda halnya dengan genotip P5 dan P6, semua karakter kuantitatif menunjukkan nilai KV rendah. Genotip P8 dan P10 menghasilkan nilai KV rendah pada karakter tinggi tanaman, lebar tajuk, jumlah daun. Karakter luas daun, panjang akar dan berat segar menunjukkan nilai KV sedang.

English Abstract

Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) is one of the horticultural plants that is much loved by the public because it has a soft leaf texture and is beneficial for the body. However, farmers generally cultivate only a few varieties of lettuce for consumption. This is due to the lack of quality in the varieties of lettuce plants. Efforts in obtaining high-yielding varieties can be made through breeding programs. Genetic diversity is the basic capital in plant breeding. This activity requires information related to the value of diversity and whether there are variations in diversity in each genotype. In this study, observations were made in the genotype using the individual selection method. The purpose of the study was to determine the diversity of the 10 lettuce genotypes. Meanwhile, the hypothesis proposed is that there is diversity in the 10 lettuce genotypes. The research was conducted in March – June 2020 at the BPTP Experimental Garden (Center for the Study of Agricultural Technology) Karangploso District, km 4 Malang, East Java. The tools and materials used are hoes, analytical scales, ruler, observation tables, arc, alphaboards, meters, watering can, pH meters, label paper, tray, cameras, stationery, plastic, UPOV guidebook and planting materials in the form of 10 lettuce genotypes seeds, manure and NPK. The research used selection individuals method. The observed variables include qualitative character and quantitative character. Qualitative observation variables include leaf color, leaf position, leaf shape on young leave, leaf shape on adult leave, shape of apex on young leave, shape of apex on adult leave, anthocyanin on young leave, anthocyanin on adult leave, hue of anthocyanin, area covered by anthocyanin, leaf surface, number of leaf divisions, glossiness on the upper side, blistered leave, undulation of margin, type of incisions of margin, depth of incisions of margin and venation of the leave. While quantitative observations include, plant height, header width, number of leaves, leaf area, root length, and fresh weight. The results of observations of qualitative characters are presented using the method of description. The data obtained from the quantitative results are analyzed by calculating the mean range, variance, standard deviation, and coefficient of variation (CV). The results showed that there was no variation in diversity within the genotypes in the 10 lettuce plant genotypes observed in the qualitative character. There are 2 variations of diversity in quantitative characters, namely low diversity and medium diversity. CV values in genotypes P1 and P2 indicate low in the character of plant height, header width, number of leaves and leaf area. While the CV is on the character of long roots and fresh weight. CV values in genotypes P3, P4, P7 and P10 have low values on the character of plant height, header width, number of leaves and length of roots. As for the cv value is medium on the broad character of the leaves and fresh weight. Unlike the case with the P5 and P6 genotypes, all quantitative characters show low CV values. Genotypes P8 and P10 produce low CV values on the character of plant height, heading width, number of leaves. The broad character of the leaves, the length of the roots and the fresh weight indicates a moderate CV value.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 0522010127
Subjects: 300 Social sciences > 340 Law
Divisions: Fakultas Hukum > Ilmu Hukum
Depositing User: Nur Cholis
Date Deposited: 10 May 2023 06:54
Last Modified: 10 May 2023 06:54
Restricted to Registered users only until 31 December 2024.

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