Sudarmanto, M.Med.Ed., dr. Yohanes and dr. Ahmad Dian Wahyudiono,, Sp.T.H.T.B.K.L. Subsp.Oto.(K), FICS and Prof. Dr. dr. Yuyun Yueniwati,, M. Kes, Sp. Rad (K) (2022) Hubungan Anterior Attic Plate, Septum Koerner dan Derajat Pneumatisasi Mastoid dengan Tipe Otitis Media Supuratif Kronis (Studi Menggunakan High Resolution Computed Tomography Scan Temporal). Magister thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Latar belakang: Otitis media supuratif kronis (OMSK) merupakan penyakit kronis telinga tengah (dan rongga mastoid) dengan karakteristik klinis adanya inflamasi kronis mukosa, perforasi pada membran timpani yang disertai adanya sekret, terus menerus ataupun intermiten, selama lebih dari 2 bulan. Gangguan homeostasis ventilasi dan tekanan telinga tengah merupakan kondisi awal yang mendasari terjadinya OMSK. Kondisi patologis kronis akibat tekanan negatif di telinga tengah dapat tetap terjadi sekalipun fungsi tuba Eustachius dalam keadaan normal. Belum banyak studi yang memberikan penjelasan mengenai hubungan struktur anterior attic plate “Cog”, septum Koerner, dan derajat pneumatisasi mastoid terhadap OMSK tubotimpanik dan atikoantral. Tujuan: Menganalisis hubungan struktur “Cog” anterior attic plate, septum Koerner, dan derajat pneumatisasi mastoid terhadap OMSK tubotimpanik dan atikoantral berdasarkan pemeriksaan HRCT scan temporal. Metode: Penelitian observasional analitik cross-sectional melibatkan pasien OMSK. Tipe cog, keberadaan septum Koerner dan derajat pneumatisai mastoid ditentukan melalui pemeriksaan HRCT scan temporal; penetapan tipe OMSK melalui anamnesis dan pemeriksaan fisik. Hasil: Sebanyak 70 subyek telinga dengan OMSK, terdiri dari 20 kasus (28.6%) tipe atikoantral dan 50 kasus (71.4%) tipe tubotimpanik. Tipe cog dan septum Koerner memiliki hubungan yang lemah dan tidak bermakna dengan tipe OMSK (p>0.05, C=0.159 dan p>0.05, C=0.062). Derajat pneumatisasi mastoid memiliki hubungan yang lemah dan bermakna dengan tipe OMSK (p<0.05, C=0.250, RP=0.375). Cog tipe pyramid dan anterior serta septum Koerner didapatkan mempunyai hubungan yang bermakna dengan temuan jaringan patologis telinga tengah ((p<0.05, C=0.281, RP=4.39), (p<0.05, C=0.511, RP=6.75), (p<0.05, C=0.296, RP=0.544). Kesimpulan: Derajat pneumatisasi mastoid memiliki hubungan dengan tipe OMSK.
English Abstract
Background: Chronic suppurative otitis media (CSOM) is a chronic disease of the middle ear (and mastoid cavity) with clinical characteristics of chronic inflammation, perforation of the tympanic membrane accompanied by secretions, continuous or intermittent, for more than 2 months. Disruption of ventilation homeostasis and middle ear pressure is an early condition for CSOM. Chronic pathological conditions due to negative pressure in the middle ear can persist even when the Eustachian tube function is normal. There are not many studies that provide an explanation of the relationship between the anterior structure of the "Cog" attic plate, Koerner's septum, and the degree of mastoid pneumatization on tubotympanic and atikoantral CSOM. Objectives: To analyze the relationship between the structure of the "Cog" anterior attic plate, Koerner's septum, and the degree of pneumatization of the mastoid to tubotympanic and atioantral CSOM based on a temporal HRCT scan. Methods: A cross-sectional analytic observational study involving CSOM patients. Cog type, presence of Koerner's septum and degree of mastoid pneumatization were determined by temporal HRCT scan; determination of the type of CSOM through history taking and physical examination. Results: A total of 70 ear subjects with CSOM, consisting of 20 cases (28.6%) atticoantral type and 50 cases (71.4%) tubotympanic type. Cog type and Koerner's septum had a weak and not significant relationship with CSOM type (p>0.05, C=0.159 and p>0.05, C=0.062). The degree of mastoid pneumatization had a weak and significant relationship with the type of CSOM (p<0.05, C=0.250, RP=0.375). Pyramid and anterior Cog types and Koerner's septum were found to have a significant relationship with middle ear pathological tissue findings ((p<0.05, C=0.281, RP=4.39), (p<0.05, C=0.511, RP=6.75), (p<0.05, C=0.511, RP=6.75), (p <0.05, C=0.296, RP=0.544). Conclusion: The degree of pneumatization of the mastoid has a relationship with the type of CSOM.
Other obstract
Item Type: | Thesis (Magister) |
Identification Number: | 0422060187 |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Otitis Media Supuratif Kronis, tipe atikoantral, tipe tubotimpanik, tipe Cog, Septum Koerner, derajat pneumatisasi mastoid |
Subjects: | 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 617 Surgery, regional medicine, dentistry, ophthalmology, otology, audiology > 617.5 Regional medicine > 617.51 Head |
Divisions: | Profesi Kedokteran > Spesialis THT Kepala dan Leher, Fakultas Kedokteran |
Depositing User: | Endang Susworini |
Date Deposited: | 10 May 2023 02:39 |
Last Modified: | 10 May 2023 02:39 |
URI: | |
Yohanes Sudarmanto, MMedEd.pdf Restricted to Registered users only until 31 December 2024. Download (3MB) |
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