Penubrukan Kri Tjiptadi Oleh Coast Guard Vietnam Menurut Hukum Laut Internasional

Fachrurozzi, Muhammad Firdhaus and Dhiana Puspitawati, S.H., LL.M., and Nurdin, S.H., M.Hum (2022) Penubrukan Kri Tjiptadi Oleh Coast Guard Vietnam Menurut Hukum Laut Internasional. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Kapal patroli milik TNI AL KRI Tjiptadi-381 tiba-tiba ditabrak oleh dua kapal pengawas milik pemerintah Vietnam di perairan Natuna, Kepulauan Riau. Peristiwa tersebut terjadi saat KRI Tjiptadi-381 sedang menggiring kapal nelayan berbendera Vietnam, yang kepergok melakukan pencurian ikan di zona perairan Indonesia. Insiden tersebut terjadi dimana sebagian wilayah utara Pulau Natuna masih terdapat batas ZEE yang belum disepakati antara Indonesia dan Vietnam di wilayah Laut Natuna Utara. Kasus antara Indonesia dan Vietnam di atas, muncul beberapa permasalahan hukum yaitu tindakan yang dilakukan oleh Coast Guard Vietnam dengan melakukan penabrakan terhadap kapal KRI TJIPTADI-381 merupakan suatu tindakan provokasi dan ancaman terhadap kemanan dan kedamaian internasional ataukah tidak. Berdasarkan hal tersebut diatas, skripsi ini mengangkat rumusan masalah: apa kewenangan Negara Pantai dan Negara Pengguna diwilayah ZEE dan bagaimana tanggung jawab kapal Coast Guard Vietnam terhadap Penubrukan kapal KRI Tjiptadi di perairan Natuna. Jenis penelitian yang dipilih adalah penelitian yuridis normatif. Beberapa metode pendekatan yang dapat digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan konvensi dan pendekatan konseptual. Teknik penelusuran bahan hukum yang dilakukan peneliti dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan cara yaitu studi dokumentasi (document research) serta dengan studi kepustakaan (library research) dan penelusuran bahan dari situs di internet. Teknik analisis bahan hukum menggunakan Interpretasi Sistematis dan interpretasi gramatikal. Dari hasil penelitian dengan metode diatas, penulis memperoleh hasil bahwa kewenangan Negara pantai dan Negara pengguna didalam wilayah zona ekonomi eksklusif yakni berdasarkan konvensi/hukum laut internasional menegaskan bahwa zona ekonomi eksklusif sebagai daerah perairan laut yang terletak di luar dan berdampingan dengan laut teritorial, tunduk pada rezim hukum khusus. Yang ditetapkan berdasarkan mana hak-hak dan yuridiksi negara pantai. Hak-hak, serta kebebasan-kebebasan negara lain, yang diatur oleh ketentuan-ketentuan yang relevan dari konvensi ini. Berdasarkan bunyi pasal tersebut Negara Vietnam telah melakukan pelanggaran yang diawali pihak nelayan Vietnam yang melakukan penangkapan ikan diwilayah perairan Indonesia kemudian sampai terjadi insiden penabrakan terhadap kapal Negara Indonesia yang sedang berpatroli, walaupun diwilayah tersebut masih terdapat zona ekonomi eksklusif yang belum disepakati oleh Negara Indonesia dan Negara Vietnam, sehingga Negara Vietnam harus tetap memenuhi tanggungjawabnya atas kerugian yang dialami Negara Indonesia dan bertanggungjawab atas tuntutan ganti rugi atas insiden tersebut.

English Abstract

The patrol boat belonging to the Indonesian Navy, KRI Tjiptadi-381, was suddenly hit by two surveillance vessels belonging to the Vietnamese government in Natuna waters, Riau Islands. The incident occurred when KRI Tjiptadi-381 was herding a Vietnamese-flagged fishing boat, which was caught stealing fish in the Indonesian waters zone. The incident occurred where parts of the northern part of Natuna Island still have EEZ boundaries that have not been agreed between Indonesia and Vietnam in the North Natuna Sea area. In the case between Indonesia and Vietnam above, several legal issues emerged, namely the action taken by the Vietnamese Coast Guard by colliding the KRI TJIPTADI-381 ship was an act of provocation and a threat to international security and peace or not. Based on the above, this thesis raises the formulation of the problem: what is the authority of the Coastal State and the User State in the EEZ area and what is the responsibility of the Vietnamese Coast Guard ship against the KRI Tjiptadi ship collision in Natuna waters. The type of research chosen is normative juridical research. Several approach methods that can be used in this research are the conventional approach and the conceptual approach. The technique of tracing legal materials carried out by researchers in this study is by means of documentation studies (document research) as well as library research and browsing materials from sites on the internet. The technique of analyzing legal materials uses systematic interpretation and grammatical interpretation. From the results of the research using the above method, the authors obtain the results that the authority of the coastal State and the user State within the exclusive economic zone area, namely based on international sea conventions/laws, confirms that the exclusive economic zone is an area of marine waters located outside and adjacent to the territorial sea, subject to special legal regime. Which is determined based on which the rights and jurisdiction of the coastal state. The rights, as well as the freedoms of other States, are governed by the relevant provisions of this Convention. In addition, in the KRI crash incident by the Vietnamese Coast Guard ship based on the International Law of the Sea, it is wrong or not justified, this has been confirmed in Article 31 of UNCLOS 1982 which explains that the flag State or the user State bears international responsibility for any loss or damage caused suffered by the coastal State as a result of non-compliance by a warship or other government ship operated for non-commercial purposes, the laws and regulations of the coastal State regarding passage through the territorial sea or the provisions of this Convention or other international law regulations. Based on the article, the State of Vietnam has committed a violation that began with Vietnamese fishermen who were catching fish in Indonesian waters, then there was a collision incident with an Indonesian ship on patrol, even though in that area there is still an exclusive economic zone that has not been agreed upon by the State of Indonesia and the State. Vietnam, so that the State of Vietnam must continue to fulfill its responsibility for the losses suffered by the State of Indonesia and be responsible for the claim for compensation for the incident.

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 0522010114
Subjects: 300 Social sciences > 340 Law
Divisions: Fakultas Hukum > Ilmu Hukum
Depositing User: Nur Cholis
Date Deposited: 10 May 2023 01:55
Last Modified: 10 May 2023 01:55
Restricted to Registered users only until 31 December 2024.

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