Devitasari, Rizky and dr. Herwinda Brahmanti,, M.Sc., Sp.KK(K) and dr. Anggun Putri Y,, Sp.KK (2022) Pengaruh Krim Ekstrak Daun Physalis Angulata 10% terhadap Jumlah Fibroblas Pasca Luka Eksisi pada Kulit Tikus Rattus norvegicus. Magister thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Luka eksisi merupakan proses patologis disebabkan faktor internal maupun eksternal yang mengakibatkan kerusakan struktural dan fungsional. Luka eksisi adalah luka dengan hilangnya sejumlah volume jaringan sehingga terdapat suatu ruangan yang terisi oleh material penyembuhan. Penyembuhan luka merupakan suatu proses regenerasi yang terdiri dari 4 fase tumpang tindih yaitu koagulasi, inflamasi, proliferasi, dan remodeling yang akan dipengaruhi oleh faktor migrasi dan proliferasi fibroblas. Sekitar 70% penduduk di negara Ghana banyak memanfaatkan tanaman obat untuk penyembuhan luka dan infeksi kulit. Indonesia merupakan negara kedua setelah Brazil yang kaya akan tumbuhan tropis, salah satu tumbuhan yang mulai dikembangkan adalah jenis tumbuhan perdu yaitu ciplukan, nama latin Physalis Angulata (PA). Kandungan senyawanya berupa flavonoid, saponin, tanin, dan steroid bermanfaat sebagai anti inflamasi dan menstimulasi perbaikan jaringan. Pengujian efek obat memerlukan hewan coba untuk menilai efektivitas. Penelitian ini bertujuan melihat pengaruh ekstrak daun PA terhadap jumlah fibroblas pada proses penyembuhan luka eksisi menggunakan hewan coba tikus Rattus norvegicus. Tikus dibagi 6 kelompok, yaitu kelompok 1 tanpa terapi topikal, kelompok 2 diberikan krim vehikulum, dan kelompok 3 diberikan krim ekstrak PA10%, ketiga kelompok ini dilakukan penghitungan jumlah fibroblas pada hari ke-5. Tiga kelompok lainnya yaitu kelompok 4 tanpa terapi topikal, kelompok 5 diberikan krim vehikulum, dan kelompok 6 diberikan krim ekstrak PA10%, yang dilakukan penghitungan jumlah fibroblas pada hari ke-7. Keenam kelompok tersebut dilakukan euthanasia, diambil jaringan kulit dengan biopsi eksisi, dilakukan pembuatan preparat histopatologi dengan pengecatan hematoksilin-eosin dilanjutkan pemeriksaan jumlah fibroblas dengan aplikasi Image J. Hasil uji fitokimia ekstrak daun PA dengan etanol 96% dengan uji kualitatif didapatkan kandungan flavonoid, alkaloid dan tanin, sedangkan uji kuantitatif didapatkan hasil flavonoid dan fenol. Perbedaan senyawa ekstrak daun PA dengan penelitian sebelumnya dimungkinkan karena perbedaan asal tanaman, jenis pelarut, masa tanam dan musim. Penelitian ini memiliki hasil jumlah fibroblas tertinggi pada krim ekstrak PA 10% hari ke 5 dengan hasil statistik berbeda signifikan. Jumlah fibroblas dengan krim ekstrak PA 10% hari ke-5 dibanding hari ke-7 menurun, namun dengan hasil statistik berbeda signifikan. Hasil statistik jumlah fibroblas pada semua kelompok terapi hari ke-7 tidak berbeda signifikan. Hal diatas menunjukkan bahwa krim ekstrak PA 10% membantu migrasi serta proliferasi fibroblas dan pada tahap memasuki fase remodeling, krim ekstrak PA 10% berperan membantu kontraksi jaringan.
English Abstract
Excision wound is a pathological process caused by internal and external factors which results in structural and functional damage. An excision wound is a wound with a loss of a certain amount of tissue volume so that there is a space filled with healing material. Wound healing is a regeneration process consisting of 4 overlapping phases, namely coagulation, inflammation, proliferation, and remodeling which will be influenced by migration and fibroblast proliferation factors. About 70% of the population in the country of Ghana uses many medicinal plants for healing wounds and skin infections. Indonesia is the second country after Brazil which is rich in tropical plants. One of the plants that is starting to be developed is a type of shrub, namely ciplukan, the Latin name is Physalis angulata (PA). Its compound content in the form of flavonoids, saponins, tannins, and steroids is useful as an anti-inflammatory and stimulates tissue repair. Testing drug effects requires trials to assess effectiveness. This study aims to see the effect of PA leaf extract on the number of fibroblasts in the excision wound healing process using Rattus norvegicus rats as experimental animals. Rats were divided into 6 groups, namely group 1 without topical therapy, group 2 was given vehicle cream, and group 3 was given PA10% extract cream. These three groups were counted for the number of fibroblasts on day 5. The other three groups, namely group 4 without topical therapy, group 5 were given vehicle cream, and group 6 were given 10% PA extract cream, which counted the number of fibroblasts on the 7th day. The six groups underwent euthanasia, skin tissue was taken by biopsy excision, histopathological preparations were carried out with hematoxylin-eosin staining followed by examination of the number of fibroblasts with the Image J application. The results of the phytochemical test of PA leaf extract with 96% ethanol obtained qualitative tests for the content of flavonoids, alkaloids and tannins, while the quantitative tests obtained the results of flavonoids and phenols. Differences in PA leaf extract compounds with previous studies are possible due to differences in plant origin, type of dissolution, growing period and season. This study had the highest number of fibroblasts in PA 10% extract cream on day 5th with statistically significant differences. The number of fibroblasts with PA 10% extract cream on day 5th compared to day 7th decreased, but with statistically significant differences. The statistical results of the number of fibroblasts in all treatment groups on day 7th were not significantly different. The above shows that PA 10% extract cream helps migration and proliferation of fibroblasts and at the stage of entering the remodeling phase, PA 10% extract cream helps tissue contraction.
Other obstract
Item Type: | Thesis (Magister) |
Identification Number: | 0422060181 |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Luka eksisi, Penyembuhan luka, Jumlah fibroblas, Physalis angulata |
Subjects: | 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 616 Diseases > 616.5 Diseases of integument / Skin--Diseases |
Divisions: | Profesi Kedokteran > Spesialis Dermatologi dan Venereologi, Fakultas Kedokteran |
Depositing User: | Endang Susworini |
Date Deposited: | 09 May 2023 06:28 |
Last Modified: | 09 May 2023 06:28 |
URI: | |
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