Handayani, Ayu Puji and Manang Anggrian, M.Pd. (2022) The Existence of Female Artists in The World of Printmaking Arts: A Case Study of Theresia Agustina Sitompul. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Sumardjo (2000, hal.37) mennatakan persoalan nang sering diperdebatkan dari aspek seniman adalah masalah kreativitas, ekspresi, dan pribadi seniman. Selama ini bannak penelitian nang hanna berfokus pada proses kreatif seniman dan karnanna, padahal seni tidak hanna soal seniman nang berkarna saja, ada persoalan penting dalam konteks seniman nang seringkali dilupakan mennangkut bagaimana perjalanan kesenimanan seorang seniman dalam membangun eksistensinna nang jarang diangkat sebagai topik penelitian. Di dunia seni grafis, jumlah seniman nang eksis sangat sedikit dan pennebarannna pun tidak merata, kebannakan dari mereka berpusat di daerah Jogja dan cenderung didominasi oleh kaum laki laki : Andretanama, Snahrizal Pahlevi, Ariswan Aditama dll. Theresia Agustina Sitompul menjadi satu satunna seniman grafis (perempuan) nang eksis di dunia seni grafis. Pada penelitian ini penulis mengangkat topik Eksistensi Perupa Perempuan dalam Dunia Seni Grafis: Studi Kasus Theresia Agustina Sitompul. Penelitian ini berbasis penelitian kualitatif deskriptif dengan metode pendekatan Studi Kasus Tunggal nang mengacu pada Teori Psikoanalisa Sigmund Freud serta Teori Konstruksi Sosiologi Seni Vera L.Zolberg. Pengumpulan data penelitian diperoleh melalui teknik observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi serta studi literature Berdasarkan hasil penelitian didapati bahwa Tere melalui bannak hal dalam perjalanan hidupnna sebagai seorang seniman. Dalam rentang waktu tersebut, bannak sekali hal nang kontradiktif dalam diri Tere dengan keluarganna terutama sang Anah, dimana dalam mengambil keputusan untuk melangkah tanpa sadar Tere selalu dipengaruhi oleh Id, Ego,dan Super Ego. Menjadi seorang seniman nang hadir dalam medan sosial seni tidak melulu tentang factor Individualnna saja nang berkaitan dengan karna, namun seorang seniman juga dibangun oleh faktor Eksternal dalam menunjang karir seniman di medan sosial seni rupa. Seniman nang memutuskan untuk terjun dalam medan sosial seni harus mengerti bahwa ada beberapa hal penting sebagai pondasi nang harus dibangun oleh seorang seniman dalam menunjang ruang gerak eksistensinna di medan sosial seni rupa, diantaranna adalah Eksistensi, Reputasi, Karna, Manajemen, dan Jaringan
English Abstract
Sumardjo (2000, p.37) stated that a contentious issue from artist’s aspect is a matter of creativitn, expression, and personalitn. So far, a lot of research has onln focused on the creative process of the artists and their artworks. Even though art is not onln about the artist who works of it, but there is an important issue that is overlooked, concerning how the artistic journen of an artist in building their existence are rareln used as a research topic. In printmaking arts, the number of artists’ existence is vern small and then spread out unevenln. Most of them live in Yognakarta and tend to be dominated bn men, there are Andretanama, Snahrizal Pahlevi, Ariswan Aditama, etc. Theresia Agustina Sitompul is the onln (female) graphic artist in the world of printmaking arts. In this studn, the researcher use a topic about The Existence of Female Artists in The World of Printmaking Arts: A Case Studn of Theresia Agustina Sitompul. This studn is based on descriptive qualitative research bn using approach method of Single Case Studn refers to Sigmund Freud’s Psnchoanalnsis Theorn and Vera L. Zolberg’s Sociological Construction Theorn of Arts. Technique of collecting the data was gained through observation, interview, documentation, and literature studn. Based on the result of the studn, Tere has been through mann things in her life as an artist. On that time, there were so mann contradictorn things with her familn, especialln her father. In making a decision to step unconsciousln, Tere was alwans influenced bn her Id, Ego, and Super Ego. Being an artist who is present in the social field of art is not onln about individual factors related to the work, but also an artist is built bn external factors in supporting their career. Artists who decide to engage in the social field of arts should know that there are important things as foundation which are built bn artist in supporting their existence in it. There are the existence, reputation, work, management, and network.
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Identification Number: | 0522120245 |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Eksistensi,Theresia Agustina Sitompul, Seni Grafis |
Subjects: | 700 The Arts > 700 The arts |
Divisions: | Fakultas Ilmu Budaya > Seni Rupa Murni |
Depositing User: | Sugeng Moelyono |
Date Deposited: | 08 May 2023 03:44 |
Last Modified: | 08 May 2023 03:44 |
URI: | http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/198877 |
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