Indonesian-English-Korean Code Switching and Code Mixing in “Pengalaman Kerja Sama Blackpink” Youtube Channel by Michelle Hendra.

Purwandari, Agustina and Isti Purwaningtyas,, S.Pd.,M.Pd (2020) Indonesian-English-Korean Code Switching and Code Mixing in “Pengalaman Kerja Sama Blackpink” Youtube Channel by Michelle Hendra. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Media social adalah teknologi yang memfasilitasi pertukaran ide, pemikiran, dan informasi melalui pembangunan jaringan dan komunitas virtual. Sesuai dengan perkembangan social, terutama Youtube, Michelle Hendra sebagai seorang Youtuber menciptakan akun untuk vlog hariannya. Michimomo adalah akun resmidari Michelle Hendra yang ditangani sendiri. Berdasarkan teori alih kode dan pencampuran kode, akun ini diharapkan menggunakan berbagai macam variasi dalam susunan formasinya. Oleh karenaitu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis jenis Bahasa yang digunakan dalam michimomo sebagai akun resmi Michelle Hendra berdasarkan bahasa yang terlibat dan untuk mengetahui alas an motivasi fungsi bahasa yang digunakan Michelle Hendra untuk menggunakan alih kode dan pencampuran kode pada saluran akunYoutube-nya. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif untuk memecah jenis formasi. Penelitian deskriptif ini digunakan untuk menggambarkan dan menafsirkan naskah. Sumber data penelitian ini adalah naskah dari akun Youtube Michelle Hendra yang berjudul Pengalaman Kerja Sama Blackpink. Dalam menganalisis data, peneliti menggunakan teori Code Switching dan Code Mixing dari Suwito (1996) dan teori fungsi dari Hockett (1958). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dari 67 kalimat, yang kemudian dibagi menjadi 64 data dengan 3 data yang sama, 26 data (10 data kata benda, 5 data kata kerja, 6 data kata sifat, 2 data keterangan, dan 3 data kata penghubung), 13 data hibrida, 1 data reduplikasi data, 10 data (3 data frasa kata benda, 2 data frasapreposisi, dan 5 data frasa kata sifat), 13 data klausa. Alasan lain untuk fungsi lebih banyak daripada motif mengisi dan prestise karena Michelle Hendra ingin mencocokkan bahasanya dengan situasi, dan menunjukkan kebiasaan pribadinya sebagai influencer yang sering bekerja sama dengan Boy/Girlband Korea sebagai penerjemah. Peneliti selanjutnya dapat mengeksplorasi lebih lanjut tentang alih kode dan pencampuran kode untuk penelitian selanjutnya yang terkait dengan topic. Ini juga menjadi sudut pandang lain dalam melakukan penelitian sosiolinguistik, ada begitu banyak rentang studi dibidang sosiolinguistik.

English Abstract

Social media is technology which facilitates the sharing of ideas, thoughts, and information through the building of virtual networks and communities. In accordance to the development of social media, mainly Youtube, Michelle Hendra as a Youtuber creates an account for her daily vlog. Michimomo is an official account of Michelle Hendra which handled by herself. Based on the theory of Code switching and Code mixing, this account is expected to use variety. By that, this research aims to analyze the types language that is used in michimomo as official account of Michelle Hendra based on the language involves and to find out the motivational function reason of Michelle Hendra for using code switching and code mixing on her Youtube account channel. This research used qualitative approach to break down the types. Descriptive research was used to describe and interpret the script. The data sources of this research were the script of Michelle Hendra Youtube account entitled Pengalaman Kerja Sama Blackpink. In analyzing data, the researcher used the theory of Code Switching and Code Mixing from Suwito (1996) and theory of function from Hockett (1958) The results showed that from 67 script, which was then divided into 64utterances, with 3 same types, 26 data (10 data noun word, 5 data verb word, 6 data adjective word, 2 data adverb word, and 3 conjuction word), 13 data of hybrid, 1 data of word reduplication, 10 data (3 data of noun phrase, 2 data of preposition phrase, and 5 data of adjective phrase), 13 data of clause. The other reason for function was rather than filling and prestige filling motive because Michelle Hendra wants to match her language with Social media is technology which facilitates the sharing of ideas, thoughts, and information through the building of virtual networks and communities. In accordance to the development of social media, mainly Youtube, Michelle Hendra as a Youtuber creates an account for her daily vlog. Michimomo is an official account of Michelle Hendra which handled by herself. Based on the theory of Code switching and Code mixing, this account is expected to use variety. By that, this research aims to analyze the types language that is used in michimomo as official account of Michelle Hendra based on the language involves and to find out the motivational function reason of Michelle Hendra for using code switching and code mixing on her Youtube account channel. This research used qualitative approach to break down the types. Descriptive research was used to describe and interpret the script. The data sources of this research were the script of Michelle Hendra Youtube account entitled Pengalaman Kerja Sama Blackpink. In analyzing data, the researcher used the theory of Code Switching and Code Mixing from Suwito (1996) and theory of function from Hockett (1958) The results showed that from 67 script, which was then divided into 64utterances, with 3 same types, 26 data (10 data noun word, 5 data verb word, 6 data adjective word, 2 data adverb word, and 3 conjuction word), 13 data of hybrid, 1 data of word reduplication, 10 data (3 data of noun phrase, 2 data of preposition phrase, and 5 data of adjective phrase), 13 data of clause. The other reason for function was rather than filling and prestige filling motive because Michelle Hendra wants to match her language with vii the situation, and shows her personal habbit as an influencer which often work together with Korean Boy/Girlband as a translator. The next researcher could explore more about code switching and code mixing for the next research related to the topic. It also become another point of views in doing sociolinguistic research, there is so many range of study in the field of sociolinguistics.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 0520120151
Subjects: 400 Language > 420 English and Old English (Anglo-Saxon)
Divisions: Fakultas Ilmu Budaya > Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris
Depositing User: Sugeng Moelyono
Date Deposited: 04 May 2023 02:36
Last Modified: 08 Oct 2024 07:37
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