Analisis Kelayakan Usaha Dan Analisis SWOT Hasil Olahan Ikan Lele di UD. Berkah Adi Putra Desa Jeblog Kecamatan Talun Kabupaten Blitar Provinsi Jawa Timur

Putri, Veronika Devita Ayu Tira and Dr. Ir. Anthon Efani, MP (2022) Analisis Kelayakan Usaha Dan Analisis SWOT Hasil Olahan Ikan Lele di UD. Berkah Adi Putra Desa Jeblog Kecamatan Talun Kabupaten Blitar Provinsi Jawa Timur. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Perikanan merupakan salah satu industri andalan Indonesia. Potensi sektor perikanan khususnya perikanan darat di Kabupaten Blitar sangat menjanjikan, diantaranya ikan lele. Budidaya dan produksi ikan lele cukup melimpah dan memiliki banyak potensi dalam meningkatkan perekonomian masyarakat. Potensi tersebut didominasi oleh usaha mikro kecil dan menengah. Pada UMKM juga perlu dilakukan analisis kelayakan usaha untuk mengetahui tingkat kelayakan usaha tersebut. Aspek penilaian kelayan usaha meliputi aspek teknis, aspek manajemen, aspek hukum, aspek pemasaran, aspek sosial lingkungan, dan aspek finansial. Perlu juga dilakukan analisis SWOT untuk mengetahui strategi yang perlu dilakukan di masa mendatang. Penelitian dilakukan selama satu bulan mulai tanggal 31 Maret – 21 April 2022. Lokasi penelitian bertempat di Dusun Pundensari RT 3 RW 2, Desa Jeblog, Kecamatan Talun, Kabupaten Blitar, Provinsi Jawa Timur. Tujuan dilakukan penelitian untuk menganalisis kelayakan usaha (aspek non finansial dan aspek finansial, sensitivitas usaha) dan analisis SWOT. Metode penelitian menggunakan jenis penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Terdapat 2 jenis data dalam penelitian ini, yaitu data primer dan data sekunder. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik obervasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik tidak acak secara purposive sampling. Hasil analisis kelayakan usaha aspek non finansial pada UD. Berkah Adi Putra, ditinjau dari segala aspek sudah cukup baik dan layak untuk dijalankan, namun perlu dikembangkan lagi pada aspek pemasaran agar usaha dapat maju dan berkembang di masa mendatang. Hasil aspek finansial UD. Berkah Adi Putra dikatakan layak dan menguntungkan dengan total modal Rp611.772.106, biaya produksi Rp599.706.773/tahun, penerimaan Rp1.828.800.0000/tahun, keuntungan Rp1.229.093.227/tahun, R/C rasio 3,05% artinya layak karena lebih dari 1, BEP (titik impas) dicapai dengan memproduksi (BEP Unit) sebanyak 4109 produk/tahun dengan nilai jual (BEP Sales) Rp54.225.068/tahun, rentabilitas 205% (untung), nilai NPV Rp6.929.947.648/tahun, nilai Net B/C 475,59, IRR 8417%, serta PP sebesar 0,01 tahun. Hasil tingkat sensitivitas UD. Berkah Adi Putra dilakukan 3 (tiga) asumsi, asumsi biaya naik 96%, asumsi benefit turun 50%, asumsi biaya naik 65% dan benefit turun 45%. Disimpulkan pada uji asumsi sensitivitas semua hasil tetap mengalami keuntungan dan usaha masih layak untuk dijalankan. Hasil matriks IFAS dan EFAS didapatkan hasil bahwa posisi internal dan eksternal (IE) usaha berada pada posisi kuadran IV. Hasil analisis pada matriks dan diagram SWOT UD. Berkah Adi Putra menempati kuadran I, dimana menggunakan strategi SO (Strength and Opportunity).

English Abstract

Fisheries is one of Indonesia's mainstay industries. The potential of the fisheries sector, especially inland fisheries in Blitar Regency, is very promising, including catfish. Catfish cultivation and production are quite abundant and have a lot of potential in improving the community's economy. This potential is dominated by micro, small and medium enterprises. In UMKMs, it is also necessary to analyze the feasibility of the business to determine the level of serviceability of the business. Aspects of business feasibility assessment include technical aspects, management aspects, legal aspects, marketing aspects, social and environmental aspects, and financial aspects. It is also necessary to conduct a SWOT analysis to determine the strategies that need to be carried out in the future. The research was conducted for one month from March 31 to April 21, 2022. The research location is in Pundensari Hamlet RT 3 RW 2, Jeblog Village, Talun District, Blitar Regency, East Java Province. The purpose of the research was to analyze business feasibility (non-financial and financial aspects, business sensitivity) and SWOT analysis. The research method uses descriptive research with a quantitative approach. There are 2 types of data in this study, namely primary data and secondary data. The data collection technique uses observation, interview, and documentation techniques. The sampling technique uses non-random techniques by purposive sampling. The results of the analysis of non-financial aspects of business feasibility at UD. Berkah Adi Putra, in terms of all aspects, is quite good and feasible to run, but needs to be developed again in the marketing aspect so that the business can progress and develop in the future. The results of the financial aspect of UD. Berkah Adi Putra is said to be feasible and profitable with a total capital of IDR 611,772,106, production costs of IDR 599,706,773/year, revenue of IDR 1,828,800,0000/year, profit of IDR 1,229,093. 227/year, R/C ratio of 3.05% means that it is feasible because it is more than 1, BEP (break-even point) is achieved by producing (BEP Unit) as many as 4109 products/year with a selling value (BEP Sales) of IDR 54,225,068/year, profitability of 205% (profit), NPV value of IDR 6,929,947,648/year, Net B/C value of 475.59, IRR 8417%, and PP of 0.01 years. The results of the sensitivity level of UD. Berkah Adi Putra carried out 3 (three) assumptions, assuming costs rose 96%, assuming benefits fell 50%, assuming costs rose 65% and benefits fell 45%. It is concluded that in the sensitivity assumption test all results continue to experience profits and the business is still feasible to run. The IFAS and EFAS matrix results show that the internal and external position (IE) of the business is in quadrant IV. The results of the analysis on the matrix and SWOT diagram UD. Berkah Adi Putra occupies quadrant I, which uses the SO (Strength and Opportunity) strategy.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 0522080338
Subjects: 300 Social sciences > 338 Production > 338.3 Other extractive industries > 338.37 Products > 338.372 Products of fishing, whaling, hunting, trapping > 338.372 7 Products of fishing, whaling, hunting, trapping (Fishing)
Divisions: Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan > Agrobisnis Perikanan
Depositing User: Sugeng Moelyono
Date Deposited: 13 Apr 2023 03:00
Last Modified: 13 Apr 2023 03:00
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