Novriyanti, Rachma and Prof. Dr. Ir. Ariffin, (2022) Hubungan Unsur-Unsur Iklim Terhadap Produktivitas Tanaman Jagung (Zea Mays L.) Pada Beberapa Ketinggian Tempat Di Kabupaten Bogor, Jawa Barat. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Jagung (Zea mays L.) merupakan salah satu komoditas pertanian yang digunakan sebagai bahan pangan. Salah satu sentra produksi jagung di Provinsi Jawa Barat terdapat di Kabupaten Bogor dimana wilayahnya terletak pada ketinggian antara 50 – 3.000 mdpl. Tercatat produktivitas tanaman jagung di Kabupaten Bogor pada tahun 2018 sebesar 8,034 ton/ha kemudian pada tahun 2019 mengalami peurunan menjadi 4,623 ton/ha dan pada tahun 2020 mengalami kenaikan kembali sebesar 5,632 ton/ha. Salah satu penyebab tidak stabilnya produktivitas jagung di Indonesia disebabkan oleh pengaruh kesesuaian iklim suatu tempat. Unsur iklim yang perlu mendapat perhatian dalam keberhasilan produksi jagung adalah curah hujan, suhu, kelembaban, dan hari hujan. Kabupaten Bogor memiliki berbagai macam dataran, mulai dari dataran rendah, dataran sedang, hingga dataran tinggi. Adanya perbedaan kondisi unsur-unsur iklim antara ketiga dataran tersebut diduga mempunyai pengaruh yang berbeda terhadap produktivitas tanaman jagung. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan mempelajari unsur- unsur iklim terhadap produktivitas tanaman jagung (Zea mays L.) di beberapa ketinggian tempat di Kabupaten Bogor, Jawa Barat. Hipotesis penelitian ini yaitu terdapat hubungan antara unsur iklim terhadap produktivitas tanaman jagung (Zea mays L.) di beberapa ketinggian tempat di Kabupaten Bogor, Jawa Barat. Penelitian telah dilaksanakan pada bulan Maret – Juni 2022 berlokasi di Kabupaten Bogor. Lokasi penelitian difokuskan pada tiga kecamatan yaitu Kecamatan Tendjo, Kecamatan Sukamakmur, dan Kecamatan Cisarua. Alat yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu kuisioner, kamera, aplikasi Microsoft Office Excel, dan IBM SPSS Statistics 25. Bahan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu data sekunder berupa data curah hujan, suhu, kelembaban udara, dan hari hujan tahun 2001-2020 yang didapatkan dari BMKG Kabupaten Bogor, serta data produktivitas tanaman jagung Kabupaten Bogor tahun 2011-2020 didapatkan dari Dinas Tanaman Pangan, Hortikultura, dan Perkebunan Kabupaten Bogor dan data primer berupa hasil wawancara dengan kuisoner kepada 30 responden petani tanaman jagung di 3 kecamatan yaitu Kecamatan Tenjo, Kecamatan Sukamakmur, dan Kecamatan Cisarua. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode survei. Data curah hujan dan produktivitas dianalisis dengan bantuan Microsoft Office Excel. Setelah dianalisis dilakukan pengujian korelasi dan regresi dengan bantuan software IBM SPSS Statistics 25. Uji korelasi digunakan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara unsur iklim dengan produktivitas tanaman jagung. Uji regresi dilakukan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar pengaruh unsur iklim curah hujan, suhu, kelembaban udara, dan hari hujan terhadap produktivitas tanaman jagung. Berdasarkan penelitian yang telah dilaksanakan, hasil analisis korelasi menunjukkan bahwa nilai koefisien di Kecamatan Tenjo menunjukkan adanya hubungan yang nyata antara suhu dan hari hujan terhadap produktivitas tanaman jagung, sedangkan di Kecamatan Sukamakmur dan Kecamatan Cisarua nilai koefisien korelasi tidak menunjukkan adanya hubungan antara variabel unsur iklim dengan produktivitas tanaman jagung. Pengaruh suhu dan hari hujan terhadap ii produktivitas tanaman jagung di Kecamatan Tenjo sebesar 67,3%. Model pendugaan produktivitas tanaman jagung pada Kecamatan Tenjo yaitu Y = -53,122 + 0,82 (suhu) + 0,19 (hari hujan).
English Abstract
Maize (Zea mays L.) is one of the agricultural commodities used as food. One of the centers of maize production in West Java Province is in Bogor Regency where the area is located at an altitude between 50 – 3,000 masl. It was recorded that maize crop productivity in Bogor Regency in 2018 was 8,034 tons/ha then in 2019 it decreased to 4,623 tons/ha and in 2020 it increased again by 5,632 tons/ha. One of the causes of unstable maize productivity in Indonesia is due to the influence of climate suitability of a place. Climatic elements that need attention in the success of maize production are rainfall, temperature, humidity, and rainy days. Bogor Regency has various kinds of plains, ranging from lowlands, middle plains, to highlands. The differences in the conditions of climatic elements between the three plains are thought to have different effects on the productivity of maize plants. This study aims to determine and study climate elements on the productivity of maize (Zea mays L.) at several altitudes in Bogor Regency, West Java. The hypothesis of this research is that there is a relationship between climate elements and the productivity of maize (Zea mays L.) at several altitudes in Bogor Regency, West Java. The research was conducted in March – June 2022 located in Bogor Regency. The research location is focused on three sub-districts, namely Tendjo District, Sukamakmur District, and Cisarua District. The tools used in this study are questionnaires, cameras, Microsoft Office Excel applications, and IBM SPSS Statistics 25. The materials used in this study are secondary data in the form of rainfall, temperature, humidity, and rainy days data in 2001-2020 obtained from BMKG Bogor Regency, as well as maize crop productivity data in Bogor Regency in 2011-2020 obtained from the Department of Food Crops, Horticulture, and Plantations of Bogor Regency and primary data in the form of interviews with questionnaires to 30 respondents of maize plant farmers in 3 sub-districts, namely Tenjo District, District Sukamakmur, and Cisarua District. The research method used is a survey method. Rainfall and productivity data were analyzed with the help of Microsoft Office Excel. After being analyzed, correlation and regression tests were conducted with the help of IBM SPSS Statistics 25 software. Correlation test was used to determine the relationship between climate elements and maize crop productivity. Regression tests were carried out to determine how much influence the climatic elements of rainfall, temperature, air humidity, and rainy days had on the productivity of maize crops. Based on the research that has been carried out, the results of the correlation analysis show that the coefficient value in Tenjo District shows a significant relationship between temperature and rainy days on maize crop productivity, while in Sukamakmur District and Cisarua District the correlation coefficient value does not indicate a relationship between climate element variables and maize productivity. The effect of temperature and rainy days on maize productivity in Tenjo District is 67.3%. The model for predicting the productivity of maize in Tenjo District is Y = -53.122 + 0.82 (temperature) + 0.19 (rainy day)
Other obstract
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Identification Number: | 0522040483 |
Subjects: | 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 630 Agriculture and related technologies |
Divisions: | Fakultas Pertanian > Budidaya Pertanian |
Depositing User: | Nur Cholis |
Date Deposited: | 12 Apr 2023 02:37 |
Last Modified: | 12 Apr 2023 02:37 |
URI: | |
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