Place Attachment pada Interior- Arsitektur Masjid Walisongo

Wahyudie, Prasetyo and Prof. Ir. Antariksa, M. Eng, Ph.D and Dr. Ir. Lisa Dwi Wulandari, ST., MT. CIQnR., CIQaR, CIMMR and Dr. Eng. Ir. Herry Santosa, ST., MT., IPM (2022) Place Attachment pada Interior- Arsitektur Masjid Walisongo. Doktor thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Hingga saat ini, kajian tentang hubungan manusia dengan lingkungan binaan masih menjadi kajian yang menarik untuk diteliti, salah satunya adalah dalam rangka mendukung pelestarian arsitektur di Indonesia, khususnya dalam memahami arsitektur masjid pada masa Walisongo. Berbagai penelitian telah banyak dilakukan, namun hanya sedikit penelitian yang membahas dari sisi hubungan pengguna dengan lingkungan binaan, khususnya lingkungan binaan berupa interior-arsitektur masjid Walisongo yang diyakini didalamnya juga mengandung unsur budaya. Place attachment merupakan teori yang sering digunakan sebagai rujukan dalam mengkaji hubungan manusia dengan lingkungan binaan yang salah satunya berupa arsitektur bangunan bersejarah. Teori ini terus berkembang, namun perkembangan teori ini masih jarang dalam ranah arsitektur bangunan bersejarah, terutama yang bersifat religious. Harapan dari disertasi ini adalah mengembangkan teori place attachment pada religious place melalui elemen interior-arsitektur masjid walisongo. Penelitian ini juga mengenalkan cara pandang baru dalam mengkaji arsitektur bersejarah melalui semua unsur dari place attachment agar didapatkan hasil yang lebih optimal. Lebih jauh lagi, didapatkan urutan dari unsur place attachment yang paling berpengaruh hingga kurang berpengaruh pada interior-arsitektur religious places.

English Abstract

Nowadays, the study of human relations with the built environment still become one of the interesting research topics. One of the main issues is to support the preservation of the architecture in Indonesia, mainly comprehending the architecture of the mosque during the Walisongo period. Even though many studies have been done about this topic, only a few researchers paying attention to the relationship between people who used it and the built environment, particularly the interior-architecture built environment of the Walisongo mosque, which is believed comprise the cultural elements. Place attachment is a theory that is often used as a reference in studying the relationship between the human and built environment, one of which is the historical architecture building. Even though this theory is developed well, only a few researchers are concern about the historical architecture building, especially the religious building. Furthermore, Rapoport said that this theory could not be separated from the cultural aspects. The goal of this dissertation research is to develop the theory of place attachment through the element in interior-architecture of Walisongo mosque. This research also introduces a new perspective in studying historical architecture using all the elements of place attachment in order to obtain the best result. Furthermore, it is found that the order of the place attachment elements is the most influential to the least influential on the interior-architecture of religious places.

Item Type: Thesis (Doktor)
Identification Number: 0622070006
Uncontrolled Keywords: Place Attachment, pelestarian, religious place, interior-arsitektur masjid Walisongo .- Place attachment, preservation, religious place, interior-architecture of Walisongo mosque
Subjects: 700 The Arts > 720 Architecture
Divisions: S2/S3 > Doktor Teknik Sipil, Fakultas Teknik
Depositing User: Endang Susworini
Date Deposited: 11 Apr 2023 06:45
Last Modified: 11 Apr 2023 06:45
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